16 Snake

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"Oh my goodness!"

Yurixion Lovar gasped dramatically. He had finally taken the virgin bite into his lunch after fussing around with his phone camera.

"This has got to be the best fish tacos in the whole of Western continent! The mahi-mahi is so fresh I can taste the freshness of the sea with every bite! And the Baja sauce? I'm in cilantro heaven right now, darling."

Placing a hand over his chest, the young man pretended to faint on his boyfriend Garou Livakion. The latter sighed out in exasperation, but he was already used to the theatrical antics of Yuri. He then sat straight up and peered across the table with his dazzling purple eyes.

"You always have the best recommendation, Elliot!"

"Thank you Yuri, but the glory goes to the chef here."

Elliot Charon politely bowed his head in response to the endless praises Yurixion was lavishing upon him. The brown-haired man smiled with satisfaction knowing that the lunch recommendation he had brought his peers to was up to expectation. He nudged his partner who was sitting on his right.

"What about you, Captain? Do you like it?"

Snapping out from his daydreaming, Riftan Calypse nodded at his company half-heartedly. He had been staring out of window in the Tacos restaurant they were in. The roads were emptier today despite being a weekday lunch hour.

"I'll probably need six more of this to be full though."

Riftan commented matter-of-factly as he inhaled a pulled pork taco in one mouth. Wiping his greasy fingers on a napkin, the captain waved for the attention of a young waitress who took his additional order nervously.

"More for the rest of you as well?"

"Yes, please!"

Chortling, the younger men replied in harmony like a boys' choir. The young waitress left with her cheeks beet-red, and a few tables of ladies turned around to study them shyly. For some reason, many of them were adorned with flowers and colourful sashes around their waists.

"Keep your volume down, boys!"

Sergeant Sidinia chided with a dark face. She was obviously displeased with the attention they were getting from her gender. Puffing up her chest, the female detective slid her chair closer to Eliot, who only smiled back with no awareness of her intention.

Since workload was relatively light, the four detectives had some time to travel out for lunch this afternoon. Yurixion was invited along since the influencer was around the area for an event. It had been three months since Riftan had first seen Yuri from the drinks outing, and he had been in the indirect company of the influencer-cum-deejay whenever the team was out now.

Riftan shifted his gaze from one couple to another. Each pair were in their own world, teasing and flirting over the meal. Feeling a lump in his throat, the captain took a large gulp of his soda water and glanced out of the window again.

The city of Anatol was now preparing for spring — pathways were thawing from the snow, trees were sprouting leaves, and city critters were awakening from their hibernations. Riftan felt his shoulder drooping. He would usually be elated when winter ended, but he did not feel a tinge of joy this time round.

[left alone on the hillside...]

Out of the blue, Riftan's ears caught a faint melody. Since the restaurant had no stereo system and no one was reacting to their phones, the music could only be from the streets. Straining his ears, Riftan tried to decipher the song. The melody sounded rather medieval as the vocals were accompanied by a lute and flute. Moreover, while the rhythm was relatively upbeat, it was played in minor keys which gave it a melancholic tune.

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