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You stand amidst a void. Your mind feels...empty.
But it soon gets filled with...voices. Muffled. Hard to understand. One seems recognizable. Feminine. Soft. Sweet, even.
Another seems feminine too. But rougher and tougher.
Another yet seems more silent. More old. Manly, even though it is getting hard to discern.
"Leave me be. Let me die in peace.", You say absent mindedly.
You are reminded of your last moments. Vi betraying you, fighting you. The burning mural. The tree. Caitlyn pulling Vi away. Jayce ordering the burning of the tree Jinx calling out to you. Jinx. She'll be alone without you. Were you able in such a place, you'd shed a tear. But the void seems emotionless. Empty. Jinx. Powder. She, who you'd protect until the end of time, left without protection from Jayce, Vi and Caitlyn.
"It's not fair.", You mutter.
"Couldn't agree more..", A response comes.
You see within the void a figure. A pink purplish silhouette, the energy almost dripping upwards from it's figure.
"That's why I'm here!", It's raspy, high pitched voice assaults your ears. Do you even have ears here?
"I will bring you back to the one you love. Give you strength beyond your comprehension. Speed you have not seen before. I will make you...better."
"Why?", You ponder out loud.
"They injected me into you. All you have to do is accept their plea. Their wish to bring you back."
"Y/N! Don't leave me!", A voice echoes throughout the void, almost sounding as if you find yourself withing a fishbowl.
"Jinx?", You look around.
"She wants you back, Y/N. I can make sure you can. Your body will be healed. Your senses heightened. You will be bloody amazing!!", It cackles.
"What are you?"
"Up there. They call me...Shimmer."
"And what would you have in return?"
"That I already have. I am coursing through your veins as we speak."
You think it through.
"So I can go back and protect Jinx?"
"Better than ever before."
If it meant protecting her. Being with her. And seeing how this thing was already coursing through your veins. What was there left to lose?
"I agree."
It reaches its hand out towards you.
You go and reach to shake its hand. As you do it yanks you forward swiftly towards you.
"Oh, also!! This is going to hurt!", It laughs and cackles as you feel your muscles expand and contract as the void and Shimmer start to blink in and out of existence in front of your very eyes.

Your bones feel like they could snap at any moment and your guts feel like you are about to vomit up acid. You scream in pain and shake against what seem to be restraints.
Your vision fades in and out into what seems to be a laboratory of some kind. You scream out of pain as your body convulges entirely against your will.
"He's awake!! Y/N! Y/N, it's okay! It's me!"
You see someone run up to you. You look at her. Blue hair. Slim figure. Dressed in a most colorful attire. Jinx...
You feel yourself be tilted upright and your restraints loosened as you drop to your knees and double over. Your body still hurts and seems to change, your muscles rubbing up on your nerves and bones as you growl and groan and scream.
You feel your scalp start to tingle and stretch. The feeling of your hair growing quickly feels painful. You open your eyes as you see colors flash before you. Blue, yellow, orange, pink, red until finally it settles on purple. You then feel a sudden sting in your eyes as you close them again and scream out in pain one last time.

It is finally gone. The pain. The pressure. Jinx pulls you up, making you sit upright.
You open your eyes. It's her. Her tear stained face, her body marked with dirt stains from the rubble.
She lunges forward and hugs you. Her smell and touch overflows your senses as all you can do is let tears flow as the realisation of your near death hits you.
"I though I was gonna lose you.", She sobs.
"Never.", You reply.
You immediately realise the courseness in your throat, especially since your voice sounded different.
Jinx sits back, looking at you surprised.
"Well...your hair is longer and...spikier. Your irises are...purple. How are you feeling?", She says as she hands you a cup of water.
You drink it in one go and your throat instantly feels better.
"I feel...strange. But I'm alive. That counts for something right?", You grin.
"So. Where are we?", You ask as you start to look around.
"Wellllll....about that."
As she says this the door behind you opens.
"Jinx, is everything-"
You turn to see the figure to be Silco himself.
A second turns into an eternity. Your heartbeat quickens. You remember all of it. Mylo. Claggor. Vi. Vander. The factory.
He is the reason everything went wrong. He is why you lost everyone for so long. He is the reason Lyse died.
You got up and rushed towards him, faster than you expected. But your fist connected with a metal arm. A large woman with a bionical arm had jumped in front of Silco, protecting him. You felt your anger fly through your veins.
"Hey. Sweetcheeks. You might wanna get out of the way.", You groan under the pressure.
"And why would I do that?", She says with a smirk.
Your anger suddenly fueled your movements. And you felt only rage.
"Here's why!", You scream as you use her pressure to pick her up and throw her to the other side of the room, denting the wall.
You return your gaze to Silco.
"You!! You destroyed everything! You took Vander!! You destroyed my family!!", You yell, your voice growing heavier with each passing sentence. "You caused all of this. But, at long last, you will fall by my hand. And no one else will have to suffer you!"

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now