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Time passed on peacefully for a few days. The firelights got more comfortable with Jinx being around, especially since you were always spending time with her in the workshop.
She definitely scored some points with the people once she upped some of the efficiency on a couple of hoverboards.
And you enjoyed all of it.

Seeing her smile, seeing her get to know the Firelights, her spending time with Nedda, asking things about the wall.

One day, you were walking around the place when suddenly the doors opened and Vi came in. You were standing near the tree as she trudged towards you, a seemingly frightened expression on her face.
Your felt a twinge of pain in your back, a reminder about the fight you had with her. Instinctively, you stood in front of Jinx.

"What are you doing here, Vi?"
"Looking for my sister."
Jinx just peeked out from behind you.
"Powder. You gotta come with me. Jayce is on a warpath. He's coming to the lanes to find you and Y/N."
"My name is Jinx.", She said a bit annoyed.
"If Jayce is on a warpath, let him. He won't find us.", You intervened.
"Y/N. He's going to kill innocents to get to her."
You clenched your teeth.
"Then maybe you stop him. Can't little cupcake help you with that?", You snarled.
"Y/N. Don't make me do this..."
"Do what? Fight me?"
Just as you asked that you heard noise within the sewers.
"She's this way", it echoed.
Your eyes widened. That voice was Caitlynn's.
You looked at Vi, holding a device, where a red light was now blinking.
"I'm sorry...", She said, remorse in her voice.
"Jinx, run! Go find Nedda. Get the family to safety!", You yelled.
Jinx seemed to want to follow you but you tackled Vi, as the two of you started to clobber one another.
"How could you?! This is your family! Me and Jinx! Did that mean nothing to you?!"

The sun above hid behind dark clouds as rain poured and thunder roared. But you two kept fighting.
The family made their way through emergency exits.
Nedda hobbled along with Jinx as Ekko appeared from behind them.
"Y/N!", He yelled.
When you looked at him, he threw your old knives your way.
Chaos ensued, as Caitlynn and whatever troops they had got closer. You looked Vi straight in they eye, growling.
"You betrayed us."
Vi put on these mechanical oversized gauntlets.
"You made me.", She said.

The rain poured on both of you as the skies wept upon a broken family.
"I sat with you within that shelter when they took Vander. I followed you to the hiding place. Why, Vi?"
You said accusingly.
"Because you are fugitives.", She said coldly.
She rushed you, fists high, but luckily, you retained some of your old agility, dodging past her easily.
"Fugitives? They were going to kill Jinx!"
"Her name is Powder!", She growled as she rushed towards you again, narrowly missing you as you dodged to the side.
"Her name is Jinx! And she needs us as a family! Not us fighting!"
Thunder roared above as you and her were stuck in a dance of Vi attacking and you dodging.
You were tentative on striking her. You still saw her as your sister after all.
"Vi...don't make me do this. Don't make me fight you. Just stop Caitlynn and the wardens. Please. People here have it rough as it is. Just like we did. You, Mylo, Claggor, Powder and me. They did nothing wrong.", You pleaded.
"They harbored a fugitive, Y/N. I'm sorry. It's out of my hands now.", She replied.
You looked at your feet.
"Fine. I see how it is."
You rushed at her, feinting an attack as she lifted her gauntlets.
You vaulted over her, jamming your knives into two cillinders, one on each gauntlet, as they shorted and Vi's arms slumped to the ground with them.

"Shit!", She yelled as she desperately tried to heave them up again.
"You were my sister, Vi!", You yelled, your anger starting to get the better of you.
"How could you?! She was about to die. And now that I've saved her, you just guide the Wardens to us? Why?! We may be fugitives to them, but you know she didn't deserve that!"
You ran up to her and socked her in the jaw, the pure force launching her backward as her hands let go of the guantlets.
"Years and years of grief! For you! For her! Because I thought you were all dead! That I was alone! And now, you decide to break our family?! For a fake sense of justice?!"

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang