The Switch

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You had gone off to the shop. Whatever Vi did to let the Enforcers and the Wardens your location, it worked. Sooner or later, someone would enter that door and take her away.
"Vi. We can still go back. Even if the Wardens or the Enforcers don't find anyone here, we can come up with a plan.", You tried to negotiate with her and bargain with her. But she just sat on the chair and smiled.
"Nah. This is my choice. You should get into the basement. They'll be here any minute."
You simply passed her and opened the door.
"I'm going to miss you, Vi.", You spoke sadly.
"I'll miss you too, Y/N. Tell Powder and the guys I love them."
With that you closed the door.
Thoughts raced through your head. Was this really the best you could do? You could let them take you. You could run. But this was what Vi wanted. So what? She's only human. She can't possibly know a solution to everything.
As you thought of possible ways out, you heard the shop door open. But you didn't hear Wardens. You heard Vander.
You opened the door and looked in.
"Vander?", You asked.
"There's no time. Keep Vi here. I'm counting on you, Y/N!"
"But! What about you?!", You asked.
He just pushed Vi into you and closed the door.
As the door locked, Vi got up and started smashing her fists against it.
"Vi. The door is too strong. You're not getting out that way.", You daid solemnly, mentally punching yourself in the face over and over again.
"They can't take Vander! Vander!!", She yelled.
We heard mumbling through the door. And then the footsteps outward.
You shifted to the window to hear gunshots.
Vi moved up next to you.
"What's happening?", She asked with a concerned voice.
"I don't know. I can't see."
As you said this, blood splattered across the window.
"No!", You and Vi yelled.
You watched as Silco arrived on scene, with what can be only described as a purple zombie brute.
It ran up and killed Benzo, then knocked out Vander as you and Vi screamed your lungs out.
You attempted to smash the window, pry it open until your fingers bled, but it wouldn't budge.
You just looked as Vander was carried away.
Vi slumped onto the ground in tears as you simply stood in the darkness of the basement.
"It's your fault. You could have stopped this", you heard in your mind. You simply stumbled backwards in the basement against the other wall as tears streamed down your cheek and you punched the back of your own head multiple times.

The door opened after some times. A saddened and shocked Ekko stood within the doorframe.
"They killed Benzo.", He stammered. Vi hugged him, but you on the other hand simply pushed yourself up against the dark wall as you stumbled out.
"Where did they take Vander?"
"They took him to one of the storerooms of Silco."

A wicked smile appeared on your face.
"Then let's pay him a little visit. What say you, Vi?"
She simply nodded as you made your way back to the Last Drop.

Mylo and Claggor packed their stuff as Vi explained the plan quickly. You grabbed two of the knnives you inherited from your parents. You sheathed them on the back of your hips when you heard Vi address Powder.

"I need you to sit this one out."
They started to discuss and argue. Until Vi let her know she was the only thing she could still lose. After this, Vi, Mylo and Claggor left.
Powder looked at you sadly.
"You know. I have to agree with her. I think you could be of a lot of help. But the idea of you getting hurt in this one...", You exclaimed sadly.
She looked at you hopefully.
"When I'm back, i'll work on your bombs with you. Promise.", You said quickly as you left.

Upon the warehouse, all four of you crawled in, making your way to the top floor.
Vi saw Vander and ran ahead as everyone followed.
"Weird.", You thought. "No guards whatsoever?"
Vi, Mylo and Claggor got to work on liberating Vander.
"There were no guards and... Oh no.", Vi exclaimed.
"You need to get out of here!", Said Vander.
And then you heard it. The slow clapping approaching from the other side. Silco.
Vi attached Vander's cast Iron fists to hers.
"Get him outta there!", She spoke. As she turned to attack. You unsheathed your knives and followed her out.
"Get to safety!", She barked.
"And leave you alone again? Nah, thanks! We're both needed by a little girl, remember?"
She simply nodded as she stood in front of the big guy approaching. Another of the thugs made their way slowly around, creeping closer to Vander's cell.
"Remember Vi. The bigger they are.", You daid with a smile.
With that, both of you took off fighting. The guy circling around was taken off gurad when you leapt onto the wall, did two steps and fell on top of him, gouging your eyes out.
"So nice to SEE you here. Hahaha!", You laughed. You hadn't used these knives before. But somehow this felt...gratifying. satisfying even. Two more thugs leapt down. You used your speed once more to your advantage as you slid between them, cutting ones leg up as you stopped behind them and stabbed the second in the back. As he fell, you turned and stabbed the other through the back of his head.
"Three down... A fucking coward of a crimeboss to go.", You snickered.
You ran off, setting off against one of the columns, giving you a boost to the walkway up.
You slashed at Silco, but instead the woman named Savica who you knew wanted war with Piltover took the blow on her arm and punched you back. You went flying, back onto the xalkway, where Vi just finished smashing someone's skull in.
"She's got a hell of a lefty there.", You laughed.
With that the purple zombie brute appeared once more, grabbing you as Vi lunged at him. Alas, she also got grabbed and you were both thrown to the cell.
Vi got up and pulled you in as she slammed the door shut.
Mylo was almost done with the locks as Claggor was smashing a pipe into the wall to create a means of escaping.
"The door is not gonna hold.", You said to Vi.
She just scoffed at you.
Just at that moment, an explosion happened. You were thrown backwards, almost in slow motion. You saw Claggor get hit in the face, his eyes turning white as you flew by. You saw Mylo get his chest impaled with the pipe, just as debris fell on top of him, crushing him. Then you flew out the opening Claggor had just made, all the way over the docks. Then, your back hit the cold water of the river under the bridge. And all you could see before fainting was the fires above. You tried swimming up, but your fatigue was too great. Your muscles didn't respond. The light ahead slowly faded as your eyes closed.

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now