End of the Line

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You and Vi were pacing to and fro outside of the building.

"What was that? What the actual fuck was that?!", You yelled at Caitlynn, keeping up the pacing around.

"I-I don't know. This wasn't what they told us when we came here with Vi and Ekko."
She seemed just as astonished as you were but you couldn't care less.
"Execution...they're going to kill her off.", You said as you grew desperate.
"Look, I know it's bad, but we gotta think of something.", Vi said as she got in front of you.
"Good idea. I'm going back in there and murder that whole damn council!!", You said as you tried to rush past Vi, who just pushed you back.
"Not that. We still don't want to just start a war!"
"Aren't we?! I'll burn Piltover to the ground to get her back! Get out of my way!"
Your anger was getting the better of you. Your mind kept thinking about Jinx. About the desperate look on her face. How she called your name when you were pulled away.
"That's not gonna help! We need to find where they're keeping her. We'll get her out that way."
You just turned to Caitlynn.
"And you think little miss tin can is gonna let us do that?! You knew, didn't you? That they were going to execute her?!"

You pointed towards Caitlynn. You yelled every word.
"N-no. I didn't. They told us they'd shorten her sentence. But...you can't break her out."
You walked right up to her face.
Vi tried pulling you back but you wouldn't budge.
"Watch me, missy. Jinx will be free again. If she doesn't, then a war with the Lanes will be the least of their worries."
And with that you stormed off. Vi stayed with Caitlynn, but you didn't need them. You didn't need anyone.
You were gonna get her out. One way or another.

A little while later, in the base of the firelights

The workshop was empty, except for one workbench where you were working, thinking, planning, scheming.
Anything the firelights has ok the prison, you had all pulled up on the board in front of you.
There were pictures of entrances, written reports of people who had been in, even some guard names. But none of it was enough.
You sighed heavily, letting your head hang in the low lantern lit room, looking at Lyse's hoverboard in front of you. You'd modified it enough so it would still fly if you'd carry someone. But even with this, you had no idea, what you were getting into.

You had to get her out. One way or another. They were going to kill her. And you couldn't save her.

"Fuck!", You yelled shoving things to the ground in anger, as papers and tools flew off.
At that point, the door opened. Ekko, Vi and Caitlynn walked in.
"Unless you have a plan to get her out, I don't wanna hear it.", You said in anger as you turned to the workbench.
"Y/N. The only way you can get out is if an official can pull them out. That's how cupcake here got me out."
"Really? And can 'cupcake' not pull this stunt a second time?"
"You don't get it, Y/N. When Vi got locked up, it was without the council's notice. This was the council's verdict. The amount of red tape alone keeping us back-"
Your response came abruptly, catching the three of them off guard.
"Y/N, we are looking for a way to get her out. But so far, we're drawing a blank."
Vi walked up to you.
"She's my sister. I know it hurts. But we're getting her out."
"And how exactly are you planning on doing this, Vi?"
The silence in the room was eardeafeningly clear to you.
"As I said. If you don't have a plan or have ways of contributing to one. Out."
You turned with spite in your voice.
"That's you. 'cupcake'."
Woth that Caitlynn stepped out. Vi just looked at you shocked.
"You've changed man. Really changed."
"I'm not giving up anyone else, Vi. I won't survive that. Rules and laws be damned. Now, are you helping or not?"
"I'm gonna look for Caitlynn.", She said as she stepped away.
"Fine. We all know she's more important than your own sister."
In a moment, tension filled the room. Vi stopped dead in her tracks.
"What did you just say?"
"You abandoned her years ago. You were ready to give up on your promise when we walked over the bridge back to the Lanes. We all know Caitlynn's more important to you than Jinx is!"
"Her name is Powder!"
"No, it isn't!! Haven"t you seen it?! The fear in her eyes, the uncertainty of her every movement, the way she tries, ever so desperately to hold on to what remains of our family?! She's changed just as much as any of us! And you can barely give her a glance."
Vi rushed up to you and pushed you up against the wall.
"I care about her, just as much as you do!"
"Vi...", Ekko spoke up, slowly moving closer.
"Then why am I seeing so very little of that?", You said calmly.
Vi went and threw you over her. You landed on your back and groaned in pain. You turned, ready to get up, but were met with Vi's fist, turning you away from her.
"Guys, stop!"
"Leave her, Ekko!", You shouted at him.
"Come on, Vi! Get it out! It won't change a damn thing, believe me!"
She rushed up and punched you in the gut, following with a right on your face, throwing you around.
"All this anger and power and yet, you won't save her! What a sister you are!"
She ran up to you and punched you in the face multiple times, knocking you down.
You started coughing up blood and got up slowly but surely.
"Come on, now. You surely can't be mad? It's your fault, after all."
She grabbed you by the shoulders and headbutted you, leaving you sitting at the wall. She walked over you, pulling her fist back.
As you looked her in the eye, she hesitated. Realizing what she just did, she let go.
"Got it all out, did you?", You said, your face bloodied and bruised.
"Y/N, why?"
"Because I wanted to see your fighting spirit again. Not this wet noodle thing you're doing around 'cupcake'", you said, as you pushed yourself up.
"I've grown tired of losing. Losing fights, losing people. So I'm getting her out. Wheter you guys agree or not. Just make sure little cupcake stays put of my path."
"You're acting like you're going to war, Y/N. That's not necessary. We can come up with something. But by pushing people away, you're not getting her back. I'm going to look for Caitlynn. Then we'll think of something."
With that Vi stepped out.
Ekko handed you a cloth to wipe the blood away.
"Lyse wouldn't have wanted this, Y/N. You going to war, I mean."
"I know.", You replied calmly.
"Then, why are you doing it?", He asked.
"Because I am not losing her. If I lose her then... Then..."
You drooped your head down.
"Then I don't know what I'll do. I've lived in fear and pain for so long. And when Jinx was there, I just felt a little bit alive again. I'm not giving up on that, Ekko. Never again."
"I get where you're coming from. But fighting like that with Vi? Seriously?"
"At least she has some fire left in her. I doubted that for a while.", You replied calmly.
A silence fell between you and your old friend.

"So, what are you gonna do?", He asked.
You just smirked.
"I don't know.", You said to yourself.

A while later, in the prison's meeting area.

"For what it is worth, Jinx, I'm sorry.", Caitlyn said.
Jinx was sat in her orange prison suit, her knees held up towards her. She heard them. Again and again. The voices.
"Have the voices gotten worse again?", Caitlyn asked.
"What do you think?!", Jinx snapped, smashing her hand on the table.
"My life is over! Because of your council. I did things to try and do right, for once!"
Vi just arrived, walking towards the table and setting Jinx back down.
"Powder, we're here to see you. We're not looking to fight."
"My name is Jinx!"
Vi just sighed as she sat down at the table.
"Where's Y/N?", Jinx asked.
"He's at his workshop. He's...trying to make a plan to get you out."
Jinx just smirked.
"Typical. Acting like he can carry the world."
"Yeah.", Vi smirked.
"Tell him to come see me. It might be our last time.", Jinx said with sadness in her voice.
The table fell silent. Until you walked in.
You stepped past the guards, hands in your pockets and your face all bruised up. But a smirk on your face.
"Hello, sweetie.", You said, kissing your surprised Jinx as you greeted her.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought this was the right thing to do.", She said, a tear running down her face.
"Don't worry. I won't let them kill you. Not as long as I am alive."
"What do you mean? I can't leave.", She said looking around.
You looked at her and saw a few bruised on her arms.
"What are those?", You asked calmly.
"Oh. The guards tend to play rough. They can't hurt me much more though."
"Pity.", You said out loud.
"And here I was pondering about taking you home without casualties."

Jinx put her hand on your arm.
"Can you two please excuse us?", She asked to Vi and Caitlyn, who got up and left with a nod.
"Y/N. Sit. Please."
You went and took a seat opposite of her.
"I know what you're doing. I know you're trying to act tough. And thinking about whichever way you can get me out of here. But please."
She pulled you closer.
"Don't act tough around me."
You just leant into her, kissing her softly.
"I'm sorry.", You repeated as you crumbled in front of her as she held you into her arms.
"I can't lose you. I will not. I don't care what gets in my way. I will free you. I promise."
"Just know. If you don't, then I don't blame you.", She said weakly.
You pulled back from the hug and looked her in the eyes.
"I know you're trying. And that's more than enough for me.", She said with a smile.
"Not for me. I'll get you out. Whatever it takes."
The ringing signalled the end of the visiting time.
"I love you.", You said with warmth in your chest.
"I love you too.", She said, holding your cheek and kissing you as the guards approached.
You and Jinx were escorted away from each other with pain in your hearts.
As you were led outside, you walked past Vi and Caitlyn.
"Y/N. We need to talk.", Caitlyn started.
"Do we now? And pray tell, what news do you wish to bring to me?"
"Look. I get where you are coming from, I really do. But going against the council is punishably be death. They'll hang you next."
"Eh, there are worse things than death. So, is that it? You wanted to try and reconcile with me?"
"No. There is more. Y/N. For tonight you will be placed under my arrest. Pending the execution of Jinx."
She went ahead and tried to cuff you. You were just stunned as you looked at Vi.
"Cupcake. We didn't agree on this!"
"I'm sorry, Vi. But this is my job." As she turned away from Vi back towards you, she was met with the barrel of a gun.
"Y/N...", Vi spoke up, feeling the tension build up surrounding you.
"If you think I will go ahead and turn myself in to watch her die, then you are gravely mistaken. If it were Vi in there, you would do the same. Now, I'd suggest you step back, or I'm going to be very cross with you. And you won't like me when I'm cross."
You started questionikg yourself. Would you do it? Pull the trigger on an innocent?
Luckily, she stepped back, hands in the air.
"You will not follow me. Understood?"
They both nodded.
And with that, you threw one of Jinx's old smokebombs towards them and made your escape.

Later, at the Firelight hideout
The first early lights started to make their way over the lanes and Piltover. You were just about done gathering your gear.
"You sure about this, Y/N?", Ekko asked.
"With all my being, Ekko. Is the family behind me?"
He opened the door and you saw everyone standing around you whilst you walked out with your hoverboard and gear.
The people seemed to nod at you.
You nodded back to them and looked at Ekko.
"I'm bringing her home."

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now