Redeem yourself

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You yelled out towards Jinx next to you, who had just asked a question you didn't expect.

"Jinx, they'll lock you away! Or worse! Have you forgotten that they were ready to take Vander from us?!"

"Y/N! That's enough!", Vi said as she grabbed onto your shoulder. You shrugged it off.

"Enough?! Have all of you fallen on your head or something?! This is Piltover we are talking about! Remember? The Wardens that killed our parents?! The Wardens who wanted to take Vander? Who took you, Vi?!"

You turned to face Jinx, as she meekly called put your name.

"Jinx, I just... I can't..."
You grabbed her hand and looked down to the floor.
"I can't lose you. Not again. I'll never survive that. I've had to believe your death, come to terms with it, realize you were alive and now I have to let you go to them?"
The word 'them' couldn't have contained more venom.
Jinx put a hand on your cheek.
"I need to do it, though. I've done horrible things, Y/N. Including to you. I killed Lyse. If I don't do this now, what kind of a life are we going to lead?"

"But it should be Silco in there! Not you! Yes, you pulled the trigger, but who gave you the gun? Who gave you the bullet? It all leads back to him, and no one sees it!"
"That's not how it works, Y/N. You know that. I have to do this."

You looked into Jinx's eyes and now saw how much she had grown from the Powder you used to know. But with it came a gripping feeling in your chest. As if someone was squeezing your heart on the inside.
"How long?", You asked as you turned your head to look at Vi, Caitlyn and Ekko.

Ekko was the first up to speak. "The council wants to hold a meeting with Jinx. They're talking about at least a few years."

"A few years?!", You said as you turned, once again your anger flaring up.
You looked around the room. Why where they accepting this so easily?!
"What happened to all of you? Didn't you guys wanna fend off these cronies?! And now you wanna let them imprison her? Am I the only guy here who can see what is wrong with that?"

The silence in the room was deafening. Everyone looked away from you. Even Jinx.
As you looked around, you realized that everyone seemed to have made up their mind.

"Fine. I see how it is.", You scoffed.
You turned and walked back up to the room, slamming the door behind you. You then climbed up through the hole in the roof, taking a seat, watching over the Lanes.

They'll take her.
You'll never see her again.
What a fool.
Come on, is that it?

The voices thrummed on in your head. You grabbed the back of your head as you doubled over, trying to block them out, but without any luck.


"SHUT IT!!", You screamed out. Finally. Some silence. Some quiet.

Jinx's voice rang out meekly from behind you.
"Are you alright?"
"Who? Me? Of course I'm alright! I've lived through death, I've seen the people I care about die and some of them just show up alive. I finally get to be with the person I was in love with for so long, and now the damned tin cans over the bridge wanna put her away for years, and no one seems to bat an eye. I'm just peachy, thank you!"
The silence was eardeafening. You hid your face on your arms.
"Why? Why do I have to let everyone disappear from my life and just be okay with it?", You muttered.
"I'm not gonna disappear.", She said as she took a seat next to you.
"You're going to prison. God knows what hides in there. I just... I don't want you to go."
"And you'd risk a war with Piltover for that?"
You thought about her question for a few seconds.
"Yes. Absolutely. Not a doubt in my mind.", You responded in a shaky voice.
"I won't let anyone take the people I care about away. Not if I can help it."
"Y/'s just not that easy. I wish it was but... I messed up."
"You didn't do a damn thing! You followed a warmonger into his maddened dreams of power and control! He's the reason you did those things! He killed everyone!! He would've killed you, given the chance!"
"He wouldn't!", Jinx spat.
You were taken aback at the sudden burst of anger she pointed towards you.
"I know you think bad of him, but he was there for me! Maybe not in the "right" way, but he was there!"
"Jinx, if I knew you were alive, I would've come find you.", You replied.
"But you didn't know. In the meantime he raised me. So I'm not just throwing that away, just because you're here now!"

Her words surprised you.
"Jinx...he killed Vander. He killed Mylo and Claggor. How van you forgive him?!"
"The same way you forgive me for killing Lyse."
You just kow noticed Jinx crying. It was as if those words jolted you back to reality. It kinda made sense, even though you hated the fact that it did.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. But this is how it has to be. And if you can't live with that then...this can't be."
The words pierced your heart.
"Jinx, I-"
"I need to be alone.", She said as she ran off.

The rain started to drizzle and pour. But you didn't move from the rooftop. You just sat there, a baffled look on your face.
You started to wonder. Could Silco really care this much about her? And...did she mean what she just said? Would she pick prison and Silco over you?

"Hey. Y/N. You there?"
You jolted back to reality. Only now you felt the cold and the wetness.
You looked Vi in the eyes.
She sat kneeled in front of you. Her hood up over her head. How long has she been there, calling your name?
"You.", You spoke, with a deep breath.
"Where's Jinx?"
"She went to the Last Drop. Said she needed time to think."
Your head dropped down upon hearing those words.
"Are you really okay with all this, Vi? Is it just me and my stupid principles?"
You look up in her eyes.
"Am I really that wrong?"

Vi sighs audibly as she pulls you up by your arms and motions you back inside.
"I wanna say you're right. I wanna say that we'll bring Silco to justice and have Powder out and about."

She sits you down in a chair in the old hideout.
"But... The thing is, Powder is very...special. She's trying to do good in a world where there is nearly no good to do. And...the things she's done have all been because she cares about Silco. Like we cared about Vander. It sounds insane, but the fact that she's alive right now is proof of that."
You just looked at the floor, taking each word in, trying to think of your next move. If there were any.
She places her hand on your shoulder, as she gathers your attention.
"I know you care a lot about her. And she knows it too. You just gotta trust her. Crazy as it sounds, trusting someone can really help."
Vi's smile sent a jolt of emotions through your body as your eyes widened.

You knew what to do.

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now