The Last Drop

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You ran through the streets. Just like you did so many years ago. The rooftops were your allies, any elevation on boxes, shop signs, was yours and you used it to the fullest. You almost glided through the streets until you started to see it.
The lights of The Last Drop.
You needed to see Jinx. You had to. Your body and heart screamed out for her, ever since you came to the realisation of what this whole situation meant.
You ran, nearing the door.


The door slammed open as you were catching your breath, looking around the bar.
People looked back at you, but you only had eyes for one person. She sat at the bar, sipping from a drink as the straw fell out of her mouth into her drink.
You qtarted to stumble through the bar, straight towards her.
"Jinx. I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I've been living on my own with the weight of the dead on my shoulders for so long that I forgot. I forgot you had to do the same thing. And that us being together isn't an instant solution."
The bar was quiet and you had drawn all attention. But you didn't care. Jinx looked into your eyes, baffled.
"I just didn't wanna lose you. But I'm selfish. Losing so many has made me a selfish bastard. Because I don't wanna give anything away anymore. Not you. Not anyone."
You grabbed her hands in yours and huddked closer.
"But if this is how you want to do this. And you truly believe that it will help. Then I'll be there with you. Every step of the way. No matter the cost, no matter the pain, if it means your peace at the very end, then so be it. Just please. Let me stand with you?"
Jinx just looked around the bar and her smile started to reappear as she threw herself on top of you.
"Thank you.", She whispered.

The bar filled itself with noise again as you and Jinx took a seat in a booth.
"Did you run all the way here?", She asked.
"No. I ran, jumped, slid, crawled and climbed my way here."
She giggled.
"We gotta get out of here. Silco might catch us.", She muttered.
You just nodded at her.
You ran out with her, holding her hand as she followed.

Later, upon a rooftop

You both looked out over the Lanes. Both of you were quiet for now but your hands were still intertwined.
"Fate draws us together...", You muttered.
Jinx heard something as she looked at you questioningly.
"Something I heard somewhere as a kid. I never truly gave it thought but... Fate did bring us together."
"Wow. You going all phylosophical on me, Y/N?", She teased.
"Hey. Shouldn't you be happy you have a sophisticated boyfriend?", You laughed.
She bumped her shoulder into yours as you retorted by pulling her back towards you and tickling her sides.
You both ended up cuddling and looking to the skies.
"When is the trial?"
"I have to go there tomorrow. Little missy enforcer says they'll try and shorten my sentence.", She says softly.
You buried your head in her shoulder.
"Life never is fair, is it?", You mumbled.
"Don't worry. I've got you, I've got Vi, I have Ekko. I have my family around me. And that is all I need.", She says with a smile.

The day after, at the trial

The walk over the bridge was silent. Jinx, Vi, Caitlynn and you mad your way over to Piltover.  The further you walked, the more you saw the people look at you with disdain. You started to clench your teeth until you felt a small hand grab ahold of yours. You turned to see Jinx' sweet smile. You smiled back, feeling that sense of anger slowly but surely ebb away.

The four of you made your way over to the large building, where the trial would take place. The guards performed a search on you and, after all was in order, guided you to the councillors. The round room at the end of the long hallway housed the most powerful people of Piltover. At least, in rank.
Upon entering you saw Jinx get nervous. Her hands started shaking and her breath grew more erratic.

"We can still get out, you know. Give me a minute and we'll be right back in the lanes.", You reassured her. But she smiled through it.
"No. I have to do this."

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum