The lost one

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The door opened in front of you as Ekko talked to the Enforcer. A young lady, apparently named Caitlyn.

You passed by Ekko after Vi's snazzy 'my hero' remark.
You looked her up and down.
"Vi. Who's this?"
You hunched down in front of her looking into her eyes.
"Hmmmm. You're supposed to be an enforcer?", you said, your voice almost growling.
"I AM an Enforcer, thank you very much. I'm a great shot with a rifle."
"Ah. You stick in the back. Gotcha.", You smirked.
"So. You might wanna tell me why you're bent on helping Vi out here."
"Because she's the only path to the orb my brother and the council are looking for. And because we'll be able to convince them to go after Silco.", She spat.
Your eyes widened at the mention of his name.
"Just a pass on the bridge, right?", You turned to Ekko. He simply nodded in response.
"Cool. I don't mind a bit of stretching.", You said with a smirk.
"Y/N...I can't let you go with us.", Ekko said.
"Oh, sorry, Little Man. I wasn't clear. I'm not asking.", You said as you prepared the board and a small backpack.
"You'll be in danger!", He yelled.
"And you think that matters to me? Part of my family is still alive. I'm getting them back. With or without you, Little man."
You walked out, making your way over to your room. You packed what you could, prioritising traveling light. You picked up your parents knives and sheathed them on the back of your hips again.
As you did, it felt just like that day where you would go to Silco's hideout to save Vander.
You shook of the feeling and made you way down, passing by the wall at a distance.
"I'll see you guys later.", You whispered.
As you turned, you saw a bloody and bruised Lyse, a Mylo with a pipe throgh his chist, a Claggor with a hole through his head and a battered and bloodied Vander approach in front of you.
"See you guys later, too.", You smirked as you simply walked through them.

You stood at the sewer entrance, as Ekko, Vi and Caitlyn arrived.
"Y/n... You don't have to go. We can take care of it ourselves.", Ekko tried to plead. You just smirked and waved it off.
"Welp. Time to go.", You said, leading the way through the sewer.
'Powder. I'm coming to find you.', you thought.

Timeskip to walking over the bridge

You walked over with Vi, Ekko and Caitlyn. Each and every step treading closer to Piltover.

As you were walking you had this nagging feeling someone was watching you.
Looking over your shoulder you tried to find the source.

"Getting cold feet?", Ekko asked with a smile.
"Someone else have that feeling of eyes trailing them?", You asked.

The group stopped for a second to analyse the situation. They were in the open, uncomfortably so.

"I gotta go back.", Vi spoke up.
The group discussed as Vi stood by her decision.

"Powder needs me. I've abandoned her before. I won't do so again.", She said, looking to the ground sadly.

You thought it over for a second, your hood still covering your face.

"I'll come with. I wanna make sure I get to see Powder again. And besides... I still gotta pass by the old hideout.", You smirked.

Everybody said their goodbyes.

You and Ekko fistbumped, while Vi and Caitlyn hugged.
"Firelights forever?", He asked.
"Hell yeah. No one could ever beat the firelights.", You smiled.

On your back over the bridge, you and Vi did some idle chatter.
"I know why you wanna find Powder. Lover boy.", She smirked.
"Oh no, how dare I wanna go back for the only other half of the family I still have left? It's not like I grieved for years for them or anything.", You said, venow in your words.
"Chill out. I'm only joking. I just thought you still loved her like you used to."

You just looked back at her.
"I never stopped.", You said softly.

Without warning you heard a gunshot behind you.
"Caitlyn!", Vi yelled as she ran off.
"Vi! Wait, we-! Oh, for the love of everything, there goes the promise she just made.", You said, hopping on your board and following after.

As both of you made your way, you saw a few of the firelights bots fly ahead. Then more. Then a lot more.
"What the hell?", You asked out loud.
For a sexond you noticed a crude drawing upon of the wings and the sudden ticking sound you heard within their machinations.

"Vi!", You yelled. You turned and grabbed her, flying the opposite direction.

"Y/n, what are you-!", Was allshe could yell before the explosions took place, wiping you both of off the board.

You were in a daze when you woke up. Vi ran forward, to where Ekko and Caitlyn had been.
'I can't keep losing! Not anymore!", Your own voice echoed in your mind. You syumbled forward in a daze as you saw the many dead enforcers and Ekko trying to help Caitlyn up.

"What was that?", You asked, getting Ekko up.
"I've got a bit of an idea,.", He said, looking behind you.

The footsteps came closer and closer. You tried to squint to see through the dust still settling.

You stood on the bridge between Piltover and The Lanes. You simply stood there in front of Ekko, Vi and Caitlyn. You look to the other side hearing the footsteps. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw her approach. The blue hair and her eyes gave it away immediately.

"So. It is true. You are still alive."
Your beath almost taken away.
Your eyes were wide.

You looked to her tattoos. To the guns she carried.

"Powder. I...I've missed you. I thought you were dead..."

You walked forward, towards her. The little girl who you once saved. The girl you once loved more than anything else. The girl you knew would be an inventor someday.

She raised her gun at you, stopping you dead in het tracks, her face visibly angry.

"!", She said, clearly unable to get the roght words out. You had raised your arms in defense. To anyone else, this would look like a hostage situation. But you knew better. This was a defense mechanism kicking in. After all, you would know after such a long time of grieving and believing you were going mad.

"Yeah, Pow-pow. It's me.", You said as you took off your hood.
As soon as her eyes connected to yours, you saw a glimmer. Something so tiny in her eyes, that only you cloud see.
You just smirked.
"You gonna shoot me? You sure you wanna do that after such a long time? You know you'll miss."
She sttained her arm, cocking the gun, as you could see she was almost getting close to tears.

"You didn't come find me... You left me.", She softly sniffled.
"Not by choice. If I had known you were alive, I would've come find you. You think I'd let my favourite girl go through life in the Lanes alone?"
"You always used to call me that.", She said softly.
"But it's not Powder. Not anymore. I've changed. It's Jinx."
"Okay. Jinx it is. But I recognize you. Whether you like it or not. I don't care what name you carry.", You smirked.

You heard Caitlyn shift, attempting to grab her gun.
"You take that gun, I'll have a knife through your throat before you could even pull the bolt back!", You yelled.

Caitlyn seemed to weigh her odds. Vi on the other hand pulled her closer.
"I don't like her.", Jinx now said softly.
"She's not my favorite person either. But she's not as bad as you may think."

The situation kept feeling tense, you looking through the barrel of Jinx's pistol.

"Shut up!", She suddenly yelled, pointing her gun to the side.
"It wasn't his choice!"

You looked at what happened in front of you. You recognized it nearly immediately.

"You can hear them, can't you? See them, even.", You said as she pointed her pistol back at you.
"Mylo and Claggor. Right? Except they're not like they used to be. They look mangled. Distorted almost. Shades of what we remember them to be.", You tried to explain.
"You. They speak to you too?", You could see she was on the verge of crying.
"I saw them. Vander. Vi. You."
'Lyse.', it echoed in your head.
You shook the thought off.
"I always felt guilty. Not being able to save you guys. But especially you. I let you down, Jinx. I'm sorry. But I want to make things right."

"How? How would you fix all those years? I thought you died. I thought you'd hate me.", She asked.

You just smirked. Unbeknownst to Jinx, you slowly but surely had shuffled ever so much closer. Right withing range.

You used your speed to your advantage to rush towards her and stop right in front of her, putting your arms around her.

"Because I got you!", You laughed out loud.

Into madness of it all: Arcane Jinx x male readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя