"How are you feeling?" My head whipped over to him with raised eyebrows. Tim Shepard was asking me how I was feeling, and I felt like I was in the twilight zone or something. Him snapping back, "I'm not going to fucking asking again." Made me school my face into a more neutral look.

Tim and I might have gotten closer recently, but there is no doubt in my mind he wouldn't beat my head in for crossing the line. The downfall is, I never know where that line sits.

"Fine. Ready to move on with my life." The other thing I've come to learn from the oldest Shepard, is that he is good at reading people. While he never says too much, he is constantly studying the people he is around. Probably what makes him so lethal.

"Try again." I shook my head and focused on my toast.

"Dallas made his decision and I've made mine. I'm not going to continue to keep those in my life who don't give a damn about me. We have both seen how short this life is. Why waste it? I'm done being depressed. I'm done not living the way I should be."

Silence was the only thing that followed. Tim didn't know what to say and I was done talking about this. "I'm going to pick up more shifts at Buck's. I need to start saving money." He gave me a short head nod and went back over to the couch.

Before I walked back into Tim's room to change back into my clothes from yesterday, he said called out. "Darrel said for you to stop by his house today."

I closed my eyes and let out a sigh. A talk with Darry always left me feeling like shit. It was like no matter what decision I made, I can never seem to walk away without feeling like a disappointment.

It didn't take long to get ready and leave. Tim didn't say another word as I left, and I took that as he trusted me enough to stay out of trouble. I didn't have the energy to do much today as it is, and I think he knew that. The walk from one house to the other went by quicker than I wanted.

If there was anything the guys in this town was good for, it was making sure I never got too far if I ran. Which is why I knew this conversation with Darry was going to happen whether I liked it or not.

The house was relatively quiet as I walked in. Soda must have been at work and Two-bit causing havoc in a different part of town. But why was Darry home? It took me until now to realize it wasn't the weekend, which meant he should've been at work. Nothing ever kept that man away from his job.

"Darry?" He wasn't in the living room or kitchen, so I didn't know what else to do but call out his name. Another surprise was when he came back from the direction of Pony and Soda's room.

He caught my questioning look and told me Pony was sick. "Two-bit said he was running a fever before the rumble and Pony begged him not to say anything. I think everything caught up to him. He'll be back to normal in no time."

To be quite honest, I didn't care how Pony was doing. The shit he caused this last week was enough to have him on multiple people's hit list. And he sure as hell was at the top of mine. When I didn't respond he motioned to the couch for me to sit. Another sign that this conversation wasn't going to go well. "Soda said you stayed at Shepard's last night?"

I nodded my head, trying to figure out where he was going with this. "Look, I know Dallas being in the hospital makes things complicated right now. But our door is always open to you. I don't want you sleeping on the streets or a place you don't feel comfortable while we figure all this out."

Did he think me staying with Tim would make me uncomfortable? Maybe with Angela dying recently he thought I might not want to stay there. But Tim would have my head if I started pulling some questionable shit. "Thanks, Darry. Honestly, I just want to move forward and start living life again."

That answer seemed to be the right one as I watched him perk up some. "Since you mentioned that, I had to go to the school to pick up Ponyboy's homework and talked to them about you. They agreed that homeschool would be the best option, but they gave me a bundle of things for you to start working on whenever you're up for it."

Throwing myself into school seemed like the best option right now. Between picking up shifts at Buck's and finally finishing my education, there was a really good chance I could actually do something with my life. Something that Angela wanted me to do.

"I can start on it today. I don't work until later." Darry gave me a warm smile, one that didn't come around too often.

"Glad to hear it. If you need help with anything, let me know. Steve might also be able to help too if you don't ask him in front of the gang." Steve Randle was one of the smartest people I knew, but he tried his hardest to never let people see that side of him. Something about keeping up a reputation.

"I hate to ask this, Sage. But I need to know. How have you been holding up this last week?" I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes for a second.

"I'm not going to lie to you, it's been a week from hell. Between the guilt of not saying goodbye to Johnny and the unreal amount of rage I have against my brother, I'm exhausted. I know all of you pity my brother and say that he wasn't thinking but will regret it soon. But I don't fucking care. What he did hurt, and I don't see how I'm supposed to come back from that."

Surprise number two came when he said, "I don't blame you. I'm pissed off too." I opened my eyes to see his usual hardened face back again and his hands clasped tightly together. "He was lucky enough to get his family back. Something a few of us dream of having. I know things between you both have been touch and go, but you are still his little sister and he needed to step up. You lost your best friend, lost another one soon after, and then he tries to leave you too. How does he expect you to cope with that? You deserve better and I'm sorry I can't give that to you."

I let his words sink in and realized in that moment how much things are about to change. Dallas messed up and if he makes it through, he's not going to have many people in his corner anymore.

Darry said I deserved better, but throughout all this shit there has been one constant person there for me even in my lowest moments. Tim Shepard is not the brother figure I wanted but needed. And I couldn't be more thankful for him. Something I never thought I would say.

The front door swung open, and Soda stood there with one of his jaw dropping smile. "Ole' Dally pulled through the surgery, and they said he's going to be okay! He was even asking for you, Sage."

I wish I could share the joy Soda had right now, but the only thing my mind could process was how much I wanted to beat the crap out of him. Knowing I would end up in the cooler for jumping someone in the hospital, I settled for the next best thing.

"You can tell him I have zero interest in anything that has to do with him."

A/N: Wow...so sorry for being MIA. Life decided to get crazy, and I had to put writing to the side for a bit. Not too sure how I feel about this chapter, but I am setting things up for you all to see more of Sage and Tim's relationship. A few exciting things to come before the story ends! Thank you so much for continuing to read this story!! 

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