You know what's not on this list? Being shot. Yes, I'm alive. Not saying much. I mean what is there to say? I'm in Marc's base watching him wait in silence for Kyng to hopefully arrive. He should've killed me, I got out of these ties a long time ago. I'm in an extreme amount of pain, but I'm not disabled.

I keep my breaths short and slow, all while avoiding looking down at my lazily wrapped wound. I assume he didn't want me to die just yet, maybe not at all, because then Kyng wouldn't keep up the deal if there was no chance of saving me. Terrible logic, Kyng is going to kill him whether I live or not. However, he wasn't wrong. I'm bleeding out, but not as much as I could've been. He didn't shoot me anywhere vital and the bullet was small. It's no different than being stabbed with a small pink self defense pocket knife. Big enough to injure, small enough not to kill.

"Wow. Seems like Campbell didn't care about you like you thought he did. He's surely taking his time, isn't he?" Marc spoke up as I stared at him with low eyes, my jaw subconsciously clenched. I remained silent. He took my silence as an insult, turning his head towards me with an expression of disrespect as if I had spat in his face all by saying nothing. He stood to his feet quickly and stomped over to me, slamming his hand onto my chin, his fingers digging into the sides of my face as he squished it. He mimicked Kyng's actions from when we first encountered each other in his home, turning my face as if he were trying to get a better look at me. Ultimately, he chuckled coldly, pronouncing each "ha" with intent to mock me.

"It's a damn shame I didn't find you first... You would've been in much better hands." His mouth curved into a crooked smile as his fingertips slapped across my face slightly, grazing my lips which made me feel sick to my stomach. As a reflex, or not, I sunk my teeth into his hand hard causing him to pull back, the indent being left there. "Stupid bitch!" He cursed as he rubbed his thumb over where I bit him. Still, he looked back at me with that crooked smile again.

"What is there to smile about right now?" I spoke up as loud as I possibly could with a bullet in my side.

He chuckled slightly, stepping closer to me again. "So you speak? Answer my question then. You're obviously Kyng's whore, one of them perhaps. How often does he play with you? Is it whenever he wants or is it whenever you want? I just wanna know if when this is all said and done and Kyng is dead, if I should keep you for myself or not."

I laughed sharply almost to insult him, trying to keep it short for it hurt. "If you have to depend on another man just to get your dick wet then you have your priorities out of order. If I were you, I'd kill myself for even stooping as low as being willing to stick my dick in the same pussy that I think that Kyng Campbell had his share in."

"Oh, now you've got a mouth on you?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"I've got more than a mouth. Untie me and find out." I hissed, my sentence slightly staggered as I still focused on my breathing.

His eyes squinted before he took a rough hand and rubbed my shoulder, dragging his dry knuckles across the smooth skin of my biceps before his fingertips lifted one of my breasts slightly. My skin burnt, or perhaps it was my blood, feeling this sorry excuse of a boy touch me in any way. I couldn't focus on that for long, however, for I was interrupted by the own howling of pain emitted from my mouth as he stuck one of his fingers in the bullet hole. My teeth grind together as my nails dug into my palm, wanting to scratch, bite, kick, decapitate, anything I could do to stop him.

He didn't push too deep before removing a bloody finger, examining it closely. "I'll have fun spilling more of this." He nodded his head as he wiped it off on his shirt. Before I could say anything else, not like I was planning to either, one of his protégées entered the room in a hurry. "Sir, Campbell has arrived."

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