8. Gunpoint

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Time: 5:00

"They've closed the transportation."

We sit there in silence. All of Twice have a look of shock plastered on their faces.

"How'd you know?" Nayeon says, tears forming in her eyes

"My members were on the last train. They say the situation is as good there as here. There's no point trying to get over there now. I mean... we may as well try going over to where they are now... they found shelter in a store" I say.

Bang Chan looks at me.

"They found shelter? I mean... It'll help us and them if we go over there, right?"

Several heads nod to Bang Chan's statement.

"So... where is this store?" Hyunjin asks.

"Apparently it's near the west of Gangnam-Gu" I answer.

"We should head there now; we should get there before sundown. Plus, these zombies don't seem to be affected by the sun, so we should be careful and watch each other's backs" Jihyo says.

"We should give the weapons to the people good at fighting" Nayeon says.

The Twice members agree, and the weapons get passed to different people.

The weapons went to:

Bang Chan









"Anyone who has a weapon is responsible for defending the others" I say.

Everyone with a weapon nod in agreement.

"Wait, in the movies, don't all the people with weapons usually have armour? Like, on their arms and legs?" Dahyun asks.

I nod and tell everyone to pad themselves up with anything they can find at the reception, whether that be thick books, magazines, or a Pringles can found in the bin. I find myself a few towels and stuff them inside my padded jacket, protecting my arms and I do the same to my legs.

Once we're all done, we gather up at the front of the door and exit the building. It's still quite dark outside because the sun hasn't fully risen yet.

We look around and walk with caution, not just because of the zombies around but because of the debris all over the street. Pieces of rubble, dirt, blood, junk and bodies litter the street. We all gag as the smell from the rotten bodies fill our noses.

"This place stinks" Hyunjin says.

I feel a vibration in my pocket. I get a text from Jungkook:

Hyung, we've moved to the city central mall. There's a group of survivors who've built a barricade around it to keep the zombies away. Try get here hyung, just be careful, there's more zombies near the centre of the city.

I reply with

Jungkook, I'll make sure to get over there, don't worry I've found a team as well.

Ooh, hyung with who?

I start typing when my phone suddenly dies. Dang it. How am I supposed to communicate now?

I huff as I start to catch up with the front part of the group, leaving Nayeon and Jeongyeon to defend the back.

"Guys, change of plan. We need to get to the central mall. My members said that there's other survivors there too"

Everyone looks back at me.

"Really?!?" Hyunjin exclaims in joy.

I nod happily at him.

We use the road signs to tell us to where we think the central mall is. It looks like it's a bit North from this point, so we start walking there. I try to lighten up the mood by talking to Momo who seemed to have not talked at all during this ordeal.

"Hi... Um... Momo, right?"

"Yes Sunbae? you called?"

"Just call me Seokjin, it's the apocalypse, nobody cares about that anymore"

"Ok. Seokjin?"

"Uhm what do you normally like doing?"

"Eating, dancing and... eating again"

"Ooh same with the eating part. So, what do you like eating?"

"Well... I-"


"Shut up or I'll blow your brains out."

We all whizz around to face the back. What we see makes us all quiver in fear.

Nayeon was being held at gunpoint by a masked man. Not long after, more masked people started to emerge behind him, all holding bats.

"LET HER GO!!!" Hyunjin cried.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH YOUNG MAN!" One of the people holding a bat ordered.

"ALL OF YOU, DROP YOUR WEAPONS! NOW! OR SHE DIES" the masked man said, holding the gun closer to Nayeon who was crying.



We all drop our weapons.

"Good. Now search them for food or anything valuable." The gunman orders, pushing Nayeon to the floor.

The bat holders make everyone kneel with their arms over their heads. All the backpacks, weapons and jackets are taken. We then are allowed to stand up and the gunman says,

"Business is done here folks."

We let out sighs of relief.

"Oh and one more thing."

He points his gun at Nayeon.

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