26. Ransom

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Time: 19:23

Sleep drowses over me, very slowly, nearly unnoticeably, and it shields me from the grief from all the events today as I drift into slumber, unknowing of what the next day will bring me.


I take a deep breath in; the familiar putrid rotten meat smell coming to my nose, and look at the sky. It's the blue moon. This is our last chance. We won't get another one.

I push the gate open, and we run.


"Seokjin? Seokjin! Are you OK? Wake up!"

Someone shakes my shoulders, pulling me from my dream.

I don't know what that dream was, but my heart is beating so fast right now. I had a rush of adrenaline when I opened that gate, but I have no idea why.

They pull me up, and I sit face to face with Ryujin who's staring at me in concern. It's bright in the room, and nearly everyone is staring at me, wide awake.

"Are you ok?" She asks, her voice high with fear.

Through my involuntary pants, I manage to get some words out,

"Wha- what? Why? Why- why am I panting? What ha- happened?"

She looks at me, shocked.

"Wha- what? You don't know? Do you not know that you were screaming?"

What? I was screaming? Since when?

"What? Si- since when was I screaming?" I ask, my panting slowing down.

"In your sleep, Seokjin. You were screaming. That's why everyone's awake."

I look at Ryujin, confused at her answer. All I remember was that I opened a gate in my dream, nothing else. I did feel like screaming, but I don't recall ever doing so.

I wait for my heart to calm down, and say, "I don't think I did that. I might've done it by accident."

Ryujin contemplates for a second.

"Did you have a dream? Was that what made you scream?" She says, releasing her hands from my shoulders.

"Maybe... I don't know. But I'm fine, it's not that big of a deal." I reply, trying to sooth the situation.

I stretch my back, who would've guessed how much it really hurts to sleep on a hard, rough concrete floor. Also, sleeping without a blanket isn't quite enjoyable either; I'm literally shivering in this t-shirt. I guess that the guy and his amigos didn't care to give any of their captured some heating.

The room seems dim still. It's probably still sunrise. I'm also starving. Nobody's eaten or drank for days. Hopefully we can find some sort of drinking source soon. I'm already feeling the side effects of dehydration; my lips are chapped, my throat is dryer than usual, and I feel a bit nauseous.

I don't think I'm the only one who's suffering though.

Jihyo looks dizzy while trying to sit up, Ni-ki looks really pale and I've also noticed that Ryujin also has very chapped lips.

Nearly everyone is suffering the side effects of being deprived from food and drink.

"I hope that they'll give us some breakfast." I say, changing the subject quickly.

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