3. Third Time's A Charm

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Time: 15:00

I start my afternoon waking up to a buzz. I grab my phone off the bedside table to see that I got a text.

I decide that it's probably better not to ghost them, whoever it is, no matter how sleepy I am, so I open the messages app.

I rub my eyes, and blink away the sleep. But when I take my hand away, I let out an involuntary grunt as I see the text:

Please help me...

Whoever gets this text, send help to Busan. It's spreading. Fast. I'm alone and I'm too scared to go anywhere.

Send Hel;ekp noew pklreaasde

It's from a random number. Probably some prankster.

I stare at it in disgust.

Jeez... people now days don't have anything better to do than sending fake emergency texts to people? I'm so annoyed, why can't anything go well today? I was late, Solbin is no longer MC and now I get woken up by a random prankster. How can this day get any worse?

Since I'm now fully awake thanks to the text, I decide to fully wash myself up; I didn't get a chance to do it in the morning since I was in a rush. I go to grab my towel which is under my phone, literally draped over the bedside table when I hear a notification.

This time, it's no from an unknown number, it's from Jungkook.

Hyung, the PD wants you back at the HQ as soon as possible: Safety measures. Come before tomorrow.

What is this? Safety measures??? What does he mean?

Safety measures? For what, Kookie? Are you texting the right number?

Did you not hear what's happening in Busan?

What? What's happening in Busan?

Apparently, there's an outbreak of some kind of deadly virus. Hyung, I'm scared. The infected look like living corpses. Like zombies.

How do you know what they look like? And how do you know that it's true?

I wait for a response. He doesn't give one. I send another text just in case he'll reply:


Still no reply. I grow more worried.

Busan? That rings a bell...

No, could it really? These types of things only happen in movies. Things that'll never come true. I mean, there's NO WAY this is happening.

I grab my phone and flick back to the messages app, and click on the text from the unknown sender.

"Send help to Busan..."

"It's spreading"

No. This can't be happening. It can't be. No, it must be a prank. They've got to be pranking me.

Maybe someone got a new number and they decided to send the fake texts as a prank, or something like that.

But what if it was actually happening? My anxiety builds up, and I'm usually the person with the most "what if"s in my group. So just to check... I should look at the news.

If I don't see anything there, then I'll be sure that it's a prank, which it probably is.

I pray that I'll be able to flick through the news without anything about Busan when I switch on the TV to check.

The first channel booms the words:

"A deadly virus outbreak has started in Busan and is quickly spreading nationally. Everyone in Korea is now advised to stay protected and not to leave their homes starting a week from now. I repeat, everyone has a week to prepare all their needs for as long as they can afford. All public transport will be shut down in exactly a week. Stay at home. The government officials are discussing this now and they promise that action will be done in order to prevent the spread of this disease."

"Witnesses have claimed that the infected are like 'real life zombies' and survivors seeking refuge have told officials that they way the virus spreads is from biting and-"

I turn the TV off and stand there in shock.

Nope. This isn't some joke anymore.

This is really happening.

Some real-life zombie apocalypse.

Author notes: Ooh getting more exciting now, right? The next few chapters will be the fruity parts. I'm planning for this book to be long so don't worry!

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