7. An Alliance Is Formed (2)

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Time: 3:12

We all set off down the stairs.

I repeatedly hear sobs behind me as we're going down the stairs as Felix is still crying. I hear Hyunjin trying to calm him down. I feel bad for Felix. I don't even think I'll be able to forget his cries of absolute pain when they were in the practice room. I sigh and turn behind me to face him.

"Felix... don't worry. I promise there'll be a way to save him..." I say.

"...Sunbae... do you promise...?" Felix whispers.

I chuckle and nod at him. That's when I bump into Chaeyoung who was in front of me and before I can apologise, she covers my mouth with her hand. Everyone freezes. She points directly in front of us, down the corridor.

 She points directly in front of us, down the corridor

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There's a girl. Shes got long black hair and she's quite tall. She faces away from us.

She's got blood dripping down her shoulder. It's a bite wound.

She's infected.

I hear a muffled sob behind me from Felix. It's too loud.

Everyone stood horrified as the zombie slowly turns around and faces us. Her eyes are blood red and her mouth is drooling with the blood of her victim: a girl on the floor.

The zombie lets out an ear-piercing shriek which makes everyone cover their ears.

Suddenly, a door to the right of the zombie bursts open.


Three girls stare at the zombie which faces them. One of them screams, "NOOO!!!"and she runs over to the girl on the floor.

I stare at Twice. None of them moves. I'm too scared to move too. Suddenly, I hear a cry from behind me:


Felix pushes past me and Twice, running straight towards the zombie with nothing to defend himself. The rest of Stray Kids and I are in hot pursuit of him not long after.


It's too late. Felix throws a punch at the zombie which does nothing. She grabs his face and bites deep into his neck. Felix lets out a scream before falling lifeless to the floor, a chunk of his neck in the zombies' mouth.

"NOOOOO!!!!" Hyunjin screams, staring at the blood-soaked corpse of Felix. The corpse of a man who died a fruitless death.

The zombie chews on Felix's neck piece hungrily, like a wild animal. It's only now I recognise her.

The zombie is Shin Yuna.

I look at the girl on the floor.

The dead girl is Lia.

That means that the three girls are-


I look at Nayeon who screams from the other end of the corridor. Knowing that there's a zombie here, the rest of Itzy and Stray Kids dart to the other end of the corridor as fast as they can.

I kick the zombie Yuna, knocking her back so that we have more time to escape. I follow the group down the stairs, skipping about three steps every time until we reach the ground floor. We all look and listen around. No sign of zombies, not even Yuna.

Some of us let out huge sighs of relief. Some of us cry silently as we remember the sight we just witnessed. I cry because I broke a promise. I broke my promise to Felix.

I see all of Stray Kids and Itzy crying, mourning over their lost members, Twice trying to comfort them.

I let out a huge breath.

I should probably see if my members are ok. My phone is still in my pocket and undamaged thanks to the padded jacket. Luckily, JYP still has their Wi-Fi up, so I decide to text Jungkook:

Jungkook, is everyone still safe?

I wait for a reply. My phone buzzes.

Hyung. The PD is dead. We fled the HYBE building and took the last train going across Han River. It isn't safe up there either. Glad to see that you're still alive. We're all fine still. We found a place to stay. It's a shop near the west of Gangnam-Gu. There're enough resources to last as long as we need. We've come for you, hyung.

They've come for me?!? I thought they'd be safe up there! And... they said they took the last train going across Han River... They already shut down transportation?

"Guys... bad news...." I say.

At that, lots of heads turn towards me and some stray "what"s pop up here and there.

"We can't cross the Han River. They've closed the transportation."

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