11: Anaxes - Part 3

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19 BBY | Month 1, Day 8-9
Anaxes rescue aftermath - present time

The Marauder touches down a few minutes ago. In the cockpit, only Tech and Kendall remain. Noble hasn't slept a wink since Echo and Flash came on board, preoccupied by their well-being.

Kendall rises from her seat and notices Tech. His troubled expression and deep contemplation don't go unnoticed.

"Something bothering you?" she inquires, arching an eyebrow in concern. Tech lets out a heavy sigh, "I... I'm not accustomed to this current situation."

"Current situation?" Kendall questions.

Tech shifts his gaze toward the rear of the ship. "Noble," he explains. "I'm not sure how to deal with it. It's unsettling, Echo monopolizing so much of her time since we rescued the two from Skako."

Kendall assures him, "Don't worry about it. They'll be in the medbay as soon as we disembark."

It's apparent that Tech feels a bit left out. Noble typically spends her time listening to his wealth of information and queries. Now, she's not.

Leda and Flash descend the ramp first, with Kendall following suit. Tech glances at the back of the ship and mutters, "Come on, Echo." Noble gently carries Echo as Tech exhales and approaches the two.

"Noble?" Tech's voice quivers. "Can we talk?" Tech requests as she begins moving with Echo.

"Certainly. Let me get these two to the medbay," Noble replies with a smile, glancing back at the cockpit. As Tech is left alone, he exhales heavily. "What has become of me..."

Hours before - Skako Minor

"Sir, the attack force has failed to recover your experiments," the lead vulture droid reports.

Wat Tambor turns to face the droid, his metallic hand interlocking with the other. "The loss of the clones is a significant blow to the Techno Union's profit margin." He steps forward as the droid continues, "Should we inform the Separatists of our loss?"

Wat Tambor ponders for a moment. "All in good time," he replies. "We must devise a strategy to recoup our investment."

He gazes out at Skako's atmospheric surroundings, silently contemplating his next move.

"Maybe we could reach out to Lina once more..." the Skakoan in purple shades suggests, raising Wat Tambor's mechanical eyebrows. "Yes, yes, we should arrange that, especially since she was released several months ago."

"We will contact Madam Ru without delay," the droid confirms, spreading its wings. "Bring Lina to us... We will soon have EC-99."

Present time - Anaxes Republic Base

Hunter's muffled voice questions from beneath his helmet, the tension evident in the air as the operation looms. "Tech, is everything set?"

Tech, positioned near the Marauder's ramp, takes a moment to assess the preparations, his thoughtful gaze hidden behind goggles. "Yup, Sarge, we're all set," Tech responds, his nod towards Hunter a sign of readiness. Despite the assurance, his brow furrows in contemplation. Echo and Flash's daring rescue mission is one thing; successfully infiltrating the enemy's vessel is another puzzle entirely.

As Rex, the stalwart leader of their squad, extends his arm and briefly rests his gloved hand on Tech's shoulder, his presence offers a sense of reassurance. "Don't fret," Rex advises, his voice carrying a tone of confidence. "Echo has a plan."

Tech's skepticism remains apparent. He mutters under his breath, a slender finger tracing his chin as he ponders their uncertain situation. The countless hours Echo spent with Noble, sharing his insights and strategizing, have left Tech with mixed emotions. The scientist in him craves data, answers, and predictability. Trusting a comrade whose mind was previously shackled by the Separatists is an entirely different matter.

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