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And so, Felix was sitting in Chan's room, waiting for him to come back. Chan had told him he had to talk to his brother, who's name was Lucas apparently, to discuss something. Felix looked around the room that looked quite as modern as the rest of the house. A big king size bed stood in the corner of his room with a closet in front of it. In the other corner stood a couch that faced a big flatscreen tv. A few pieces of clothing covered the floor, but it was overall clean. The room smelled like Chan and Felix was sure he could spend the rest of his life in here.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Chan yelled from across the living room. "No, what the fuck is wrong with you Chan?!" "Who is this guy and what is really going on between you two?!" His brother filled a glass with water while he angrily questioned Chan. "What do you mean?!" Chan snapped. His face was a mixture of confusion and anger.

"You know damn well what I mean Chan!" Lucas slammed his glass on the kitchen table. "You can't even look him in the eye properly and started blushing when you saw him!" He walked closer to Chan. "Are you cheating on Hyunjin?" Lucas narrowed his eyes while his voice lowered. "Don't fucking interfere with me and my life, it's none of your goddamn business" Chan's voice was dangerously low, but Lucas didn't seem intimidated by it. "Don't you fucking dare speak to me like that" he spoke the words slowly and his tone was ever lower than Chan's if that was possible.

"He's just a classmate." "Why did you invite him into our house?" Chan crossed his arms, pissed off at this point. "Why not? If he's just a classmate, why not get to know him a little better?" Lucas also crossed his arms and stood up straight across from Chan, making himself look bigger with his wide shoulders. "You fucking bastard" Chan gritted through his teeth before going upstairs.

Felix was waddling through the room, looking at every single decoration, as it took so long for Chan to come back. He felt jealousy rise in his stomach as he was looking at a picture of Chan and Hyunjin kissing in the rain when suddenly the door opened, leaving Felix startled. He looked up to meet eyes with a furious Chan. Felix wondered what he talked about with his brother, but seeing how angry he was it didn't seem like a good idea to ask.

Chan slammed his door closed and walked past Felix to the couch, where he sat down with his head in his hands. Felix just stood there awkwardly, not knowing whether he should go or just keep standing there. "U-uhm, so when is dinner ready?" Felix immediately mind slapped himself for opening his mouth at such a bad timing and even worse, saying such a weird thing at a moment like this. He nervously fidgeted with his fingers as he looked at Chan for a reaction.

Chan slowly looked up from his hands. His face was still layered with a scary intimidating look, one that affected Felix but not Lucas. Felix felt small under his glare and wished he hadn't said a thing. He wanted nothing more than just go home and forget all of this ever happened, but he couldn't leave before eating dinner. Felix silently walked over to the bed to sit down when Chan had placed his head in his hands again.

A small smile appeared on Felix's face when he sank far into the bed. It was the most comfortable bed he had ever sat on. He stroked the fluffy blanket that was laying at the end of the bed while he swung his legs a bit.

A few minutes passed and Felix regretted leaving his phone in his bag downstairs. He didn't know how long it would take for dinner to get ready, but remembering what Lucas said, Chan's mom needed to come home first. And just like the universe could read his thoughts, Felix heard a car door being slammed closed. That had to be his mom right?

"Chan, honey! Lucas, sweetie! I'm home!" A woman's voice came from downstairs. Felix felt like he had to go say hi, but was too afraid to move since he felt like Chan could snap at him any moment. He turned his head to see Chan was, unlike him, smart enough to bring his phone. Felix nibbled on his lips as he didn't know how to act. He didn't even dare to sigh.

Felix looked around the room again, without turning his head too far, to see if there was anything he hadn't seen yet. There wasn't much personal stuff which made Felix think. He still barely knew anything about the boy he was in love with. Ignoring what he had said at the camp, he planned to ask Chan questions to find out who he really was. Soon, not now. Now was not a good time.

For the first time since Chan had entered his bedroom and sat down on the couch, there was movement in his body. The woman, who Felix assumed was his mother, had called him downstairs for dinner. Felix was anxious because she didn't know Felix was eating with them, and Chan probably wasn't really in the mood to tell her anything about him. Chan stood up and strolled to the door without paying attention to Felix.

Felix now had enough. "Chan, what do you want me to do?" "I know you don't want me here, so I can leave, but I don't want to be rude to your family. I have no idea what your brother has said to you to make you this angry, but I'm sure it didn't have anything to do with me, so why are you so angry at me?" Felix stood up from the bed, making Chan turn around. Felix gulped as he watched Chan come closer.

"You shouldn't have come here Felix" Chan was a few inches away from Felix, causing the younger to feel butterflies, despite the rage that laid in Chan's tone. "But you forgot your bag" Unlike Chan's tone, Felix's was soft and quiet. Chan let out a heavy sigh. "I don't care about my fucking bag, and for your information, that conversation with my brother had everything to do with you, now shut up and eat dinner with us." Chan turned around and walked down the stairs. Felix didn't know how to feel. He just watched Chan walk out.

After letting the words sink in Felix followed behind Chan down the stairs to the kitchen. What did Chan mean by that he was the one they talked about? Felix walked into the living room that led towards the kitchen. To his surprise the table was set for four people. Felix remembered Chan's dad left when he was very young as Hyunjin told him, so how did his mom know someone was eating with them? Soon his question was answered.

"Ah, you must be Felix right?" A woman dressed in what looked like expensive clothes, came towards him with her arms forward. She cupped Felix's cheeks. "What a handsome young man" she smiled at him. "Lucas told me we had a guest, so I did my best to prepare something delicious! I hope it tastes to your liking" she gave Felix a sweet smile, and Felix had never felt so welcoming, if he ignored the dead stares he got from Lucas.

"Sit down sweetheart, I'll bring the food after the last finishing touches" Felix was still a little taken aback by her sweetness, considering she had worked a whole day. For a second Felix wondered if Chan and Lucas were really her sons, because they gave off a completely different aura. Felix shyly shuffled towards the chair next to Chan, because he wouldn't dare to sit next to his brother. Felix noticed he hadn't seen him smile since he came here, all he did was stare him up and down and send daggers with his eyes.

Felix nervously played with his fork while they waited for the food. He was scared to make eye contact with anyone so he just looked down at his plate, until someone spoke up. "So Felix, how did you and my little brother meet?" Felix looked up before gulping when Lucas said his name with such irritation. He was about to speak up when Chan suddenly answered the question. "I already told you" Chan was sitting up straight with his arms crossed.

Felix's eyes shifted from Chan's face to the gap in his tank top which revealed a little bit of the side of his upper body. Felix shook his head lightly, because now was not the time to be thinking about such a thing. Instead he watched Chan and Lucas stare at each other with a dead stare.

"I'm pretty sure I asked him  the question," Lucas said. "So what?" Felix looked from Chan to Lucas. He had no idea what was going on, and to be honest he didn't really want to know. "Felix, what are you from Chan?" Felix was beyond confused at where Lucas was getting with his questions. "Well we-" "He's just a classmate" Chan interrupted him once again, but this time Felix was kinda hurt by his answer. 

Was he really just a classmate to him? But then again, what did he expect? They weren't dating or whatsoever and Chan probably didn't even like him like that. But still, why kiss a classmate if you have no feelings for them?


I was thinking about the name for Chan's brother way too long and yet ended up with Lucas. Please just imagine Lucas being older here hahaha or imagine Lucas as another person since the descriptions are also way different, it's just a different person actually

Also, I have never read a story in which Chan has a older brother so here it is I guess

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