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Chan was sitting on the doorstep with a cigarette in his hand, only showing his back to Felix. Felix turned around before he could even think anything about the sight and walked back to the living room. But then he remembered he was going to the restroom, so his feet turned again. As he was about to take a step forward, he bumped into someone. Felix let out a small squeak before looking up to who he walked into. And of course it was none other than Chan.

"Sorry" Felix mumbled while looking down again, as he quickly walked past him. Chan stood there with his hands in his pockets confused at what happened and followed the boy with his eyes. While Felix opened the restroom door, he couldn't help but look back only to see Chan staring at him. He rushed into the restroom and locked it before letting out a sigh. Why did he have to look back? Chan just shrugged and walked back to the living room.

After what felt like an hour, Felix had the courage to go back. But as he stepped inside the living room he noticed Chan and Hyunjin were gone. "Where did they go?" Felix asked confused as he sat back down. "Who knows?" Minho shrugged but soon started laughing. "Probably fucking somewhere upstairs"

"Minho! He's still innocent" Jisung lightly slapped Minho's chest. Felix just awkwardly laughed along. Sometimes he wished he could just punch his best friend in the face.

A weekend full of Minho talk passed and Felix sat in the back of math class, next to Jisung, as usual. Tapping his pencil against the table, Felix tried his best to concentrate on the lesson, but a certain person kept drawing his attention. He mind slapped himself as his eyes wandered to Chan again. Something about him made Felix feel a certain way he wasn't quite sure of. He shifted the pencil from his table to his mouth, biting on the back of it.

Chan suddenly threw his head back sighing deeply. He closed his eyes as his head slowly turned towards Felix, opening his eyes again. He let out a small smirk as the sound of a pencil falling, filled the classroom.

While Chan focused on the lesson again, Felix turned bright red searching for his pencil on the ground. When he came out from under the table, holding himself in place with one hand, his head bumped against Jisung's chair, causing him to let out a small "fuck" as he dropped the pencil once again.

"You wanna go shopping after school?" Jisung asked Felix as they searched for a table that was free outside. "Absolutely, I need some new jeans" Felix answered as he lightly pushed someone out of the way. "Why is it so crowded, god damn" The two boys made their way towards a table in the corner that was still free. Until a freshman kid ran for it, throwing his bag on the table. "Bitch, get off" Jisung put his lunch down next to the bag and put his hands on his hips. The kid looked up to Jisung before quickly picking up his bag to leave. "Ji, you didn't have to scare the poor kid." Felix chuckled. "Those kids are getting on my nerves, they're literally everywhere. And there's no way I'm eating on the ground" Jisung huffed as he removed a hair lock out of his face.

"Does this look nice?" Felix looked in the mirror as he questioned the jeans he found in the store. "Yeah, your ass looks nice in it" Jisung watched him from a chair. "Ji!" Felix covered his butt as he looked around to see if anyone heard Jisung. He decided to buy them, not because his ass looked good, because he liked the color of course. As he was about to go back into the fitting room, his name was being called. Confused, Felix looked into the direction the sound came from.

"Feeelix!" Hyunjin came jogging towards him with his arms full of shopping bags. "Hyunjin, hi!" Felix smiled at him before asking "Are you here alone?"

"Yes, I needed some new clothes" Hyunjin snickered as he turned around to say hello to Jisung.

The three of them wandered around the shopping center for a while, going in and out of stores as they talked about school and such. Hyunjin and Minho went to a different school than Jisung and Felix. That made Felix wonder why Chan went to their school when he was friends with Minho and Hyunjin, but he was too afraid to ask. Hyunjin still hasn't got a clue about what happened at the party and Felix wanted to keep it that way, however he felt guilty about it. Especially when Hyunjin was such a nice and friendly person.

The three boys decided to meet again soon to do something fun, before they parted ways. Felix walked the first bit with Jisung until he had to turn right. He said bye and made his way to his house, stopping for a second to get a better grip on his shopping bags.

That night he spent his time texting with Hyunjin, feeling happy Hyunjin liked him enough to give him his number. Felix never had a friend other than Jisung so he was afraid of messing up, but seeing how much of a bright and bubbly person Hyunjin was, his hope was stronger than his fear.

Today was friday. Normally a relaxing day, but today it was friday march 30th. That meant sports day for Felix's school. Felix hated sports day more than anything; he wasn't good at running, he wasn't good at javelin throw, he wasn't good at football and the list keeps getting longer. Although he tried his best to participate like everyone else, his body just wasn't made for sports. And he was okay with that, because his best friend wasn't good at sports either. Most of the time Felix and Jisung would sit in the grass, watching the other kids slowly die trying to be first place.

Today Felix expected to do the exact same thing, but his teacher had other plans. "Everyone gather around, we're making groups"

Groups, also a thing Felix hated. He hated talking to other people and working together with them. Felix was often excluded from the group, even though he tried to share his ideas, nobody would listen. Although, if Jisung was included in his group, it would all be better. But that was a rare case.

"Group 4. Chan, Felix" Fuck me I'm so screwed, Felix thought as he nervously nibbled on his finger. "And lastly, Jisung" Fuck yes, I'm so lucky, Felix smiled to himself before he remembered Chan was on his team.


Fun fact: Felix's personality is mostly based on my own personality 👍

Too bad I don't have a Chan in my life

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