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Felix woke up from a sharp pain in his ass when he rolled on his back. His eyes shot open and a gasp left his mouth when he felt it again. Just then he noticed he was wearing his pajamas. Did Chan dress him after their intimate moment last night?

Felix turned his body towards the boy laying next to him, careful to prevent not feeling the pain in his ass again. A part of Chan's face was lit by the morning sunlight which made him look only more ethereal. Felix could get used to waking up next to him each morning. His thoughts stopped when Chan shifted and slowly started to open his eyes. Suddenly Felix got a glimpse of the older's bare chest which he hadn't noticed before. He looked away when he felt his cheeks start to burn at the sight he just witnessed, even though he had seen him completely naked last night.

"Good morning kitten"

Felix's eyes widened at the sudden raspy voice next to his ear. Butterflies entered his stomach when his mind processed the nickname and they started flattering when he felt Chan moving closer.

"M-my ass hurts" Felix mind slapped himself when he realized what he just said. A chuckle escaped Chan's mouth before he hovered over the small frame next to him. "That means I did a good job" He placed his lips on the younger's and held the kiss for a few seconds before he got up. The bed immediately felt cold but Felix's body didn't when he watched the muscular male walk out his room.

The blonde wondered how much time Chan needed to get over his break up as it seemed like he was already over it, but you couldn't judge from the outside of course. Felix had to admit he was happy with how things were right now.

"LIX!" "LI-" Jisung stopped running totally in shock when he saw his best friend limping with a painful face. "OH MY GOD LIX!" He gasped loudly before slapping a hand to his mouth even though he already caught everyone's attention. Felix was stupid for thinking the squirrel like boy might not notice the limp as Jisung had a special eye for certain things.

"Did you fuck Chan?!" Jisung was now standing in front of his best friend with a smirk plastered on his face. "Well obviously he fucked me Ji" Felix hopped from one foot to another hoping this conversation would be over soon, because it was quite embarrassing to talk about in public. However, Jisung wasn't the type to let this go for another two weeks, so Felix dragged him into the school while the questions kept flowing. "How was it Lix?!" "Did you like it?" "Is he rough?" "Did it hurt? It didn't, right? I will kill him if he hurt you-" Felix came to a stop which caused his best friend to bump into him.

"Jesus fucking christ Jisung! It was amazing, okay! It was better than I ever could've imagined, and Chan was very gentle" Felix started walking again.

"I remember my first time-"

"Jisung stop!"

Felix was looking at the clock, hoping the minutes could go by faster so this day would come to an end. His ass hurt even more from sitting on a chair all day that felt like stone. The other reason he wanted this day to end was because he could see Chan again, and for some reason thinking about the said man caused a weird feeling inside his stomach. 

Did he miss Chan? He couldn't possibly be missing him when he just saw him this morning right? He didn't even miss his parents when they were gone for a few days. Then why did he feel this weird feeling in his stomach?

The ringing sound of the bell interrupted his thoughts, but he didn't stand up just yet. He waited for most of the students to leave before getting up, as he didn't want to gain any attention as to why he was walking so difficult.

Felix staggered through the hallways, on his way to meet up with Jisung like they always did when the day ended. He could see the blue hair of his best friend in the distance which made him walk a bit faster.

"Lixie!" Jisung excitedly ran towards the blonde when he saw the poor boy limping towards him. "Hey Sung" The squirrel boy was about to start walking when Felix grabbed his wrist. "Hold up, we have to wait for Chan" Jisung gave him a questioning look. "We never wait for him, why should we now? I'm sure he knows the way"

Felix nibbled on a dry piece of skin on his lip as he let go of Jisung's wrist. "I just, I want to see him before I go home" The blonde started to nibble on his lip again while he scanned the people coming out of the school building.

"Oh, well, I was gonna go to Minho so are you okay waiting for him on your own?" Felix gave his best friend a nod, not bothering to look at his face while he hoped for Chan to walk through the door. "Okay, bye, see you tomorrow Lix!" "Bye Sung"

Felix decided to sit down on a brick wall, ignoring the pain in his ass for the hundredth time that day. He started bouncing his leg as he felt himself getting nervous about seeing Chan any second now. He didn't know why he suddenly felt so anxious about it.

After what felt like an hour, Chan walked through the school doors, not noticing the blonde waiting for him. Felix got up immediately and walked towards the male in a fast tempo. "Hi Chan" His lips were formed in a sweet smile while his fingers nervously fidgeted with each other behind his back.

"Oh, hey" Chan's voice sounded tired and absent, as he was more interested in his phone. "Wanna go to my place?" Felix tried to ignore the lack of excitement in the black haired boy. "No, I'm going home today" The older started walking, still busy on his phone while Felix toddled after him. "But it's monday!" The blonde tried his best to keep up with the pace Chan was walking in now. He seemed in a hurry.

"So?" "Can't I go home?" This was the first time he spared a look at Felix. "Yes of course you can b-but what about-" the latter stopped mid sentence, afraid he would trigger something in Chan by saying what he was about to say.

"Nevermind" "See you tomorrow then?" Felix hoped the older would at least give him a smile or something but he didn't. His response was just a hum, which didn't really give a confirmation that Chan was gonna show up tomorrow. Felix didn't like the way the male was suddenly acting but who was he to say anything about it? Chan had his own life and priorities and Felix for sure wasn't one of them. They weren't dating or whatsoever so why would he care? Felix just had to cherish the times where he was in a good mood.


It feels weird uploading again, but I'm looking forward to writing more chapters and stories so, that's good

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