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Felix strolled through the empty school hallway as he searched for a new song to play. He bopped his head to the beat as he arrived at his locker. He let out a sigh as he could finally put his heavy books into his locker.

Felix checked the time on his phone, sinking deep in his thoughts. Should he skip his next class or not? He decided to give in to the little devil voice in his head, telling him no one would notice if he wasn't present in his upcoming class.

He closed his locker and walked towards the exit, taking bigger steps as he came closer to the outside world. A quick walk around the neighborhood should be possible in an hour. The blonde walked out of the school gates turning the corner when he almost bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going kid" it sounded from the boy in front of him. Felix looked up from the ground to meet eyes with an irritated yet beautiful face. Before he could open his mouth to apologize, smoke was blown into his face, causing him to cough. He gave the boy a disgusted look as he mumbled him a small 'whatever', walking past him to continue his walk.

Felix catched himself thinking about the beautiful face from before as he was on his way back to school. He walked past the spot where the mysterious boy was smoking not too long ago. Now the only thing that was left was half of a cigarette on the ground. Felix inhaled sharply as he stepped closer to the school building, seeing his classmates chatting while strolling to the next class.

As Felix almost reached his class, a voice stopped him from walking. The curious boy he is, the blonde peaked around the corner seeing the principal speak to a student. To his surprise he saw the beautiful face from earlier again.

"It's not allowed to smoke near the school Chan, it ruins our reputation." "I know this is your first day here so let this be a warning."

So that's his name, Chan.

Felix shuffled a bit in his place due to the cramp in his legs from standing in the same pose for too long. As he looked up again to where the conversation just took place, his eyes met with the dark brown ones for the second time that day. Felix felt his cheeks burn as he quickly hid behind the wall.

"Who we spying on" a voice suddenly whispered behind Felix.

Felix fell to the ground as he nearly had a heart attack. "Jisungg!" he whined rubbing his elbow in pain.

"Is it that hottie over there?" the blue haired boy peeked around the corner pointing at Chan.

"SSSTTT!" "Stop pointing!" Felix shouted barely whispering anymore. He pulled Jisung back, still hiding behind the wall.

Suddenly footsteps were being heard, coming closer to the two boys. They immediately stood up straightening their clothes, waiting for the person to come by.

"Good morning boys" the principal gave them a small smile, buttoning his blazer closed.

"Good morning sir!" "We were just going to class" "Nothing else!" Jisung greeted the man back, sounding extremely suspicious. The principal nodded, not paying much attention to the boy as he picked up his phone that started ringing.

"You can't lie for shit" Jisung pouted as Felix hit his shoulder lightly, chuckling. The two continued their way to the classroom, chatting about the squirrel boy's new hair color.

After everyone sat down, the teacher spoke up to announce a new student joining them today. Felix had the feeling he knew who this new student would be.

The door swung open, revealing a smirking Chan. Felix sank in his seat a bit as he tried to hide behind his hands, hoping the boy who was now looking at everyone, wouldn't see him. However he could feel a pair of eyes burning through his head.

"Look who it is, Felix, the hot guy you spied on!". The blonde turned his head to where the whisper came from looking at his best friend with a warning look. "Really Jisung, what if someone hears you?" "And I wasn't spying, I was just, uhm- admiring the wall." A blush spread around Felix's cheeks.

"And you're telling me I can't lie for shit, tch, you should hear yourself. " Jisung teased. Felix gave him a look before glancing underneath his hands to the smirking boy who now had started introducing himself.

"Good morning, my name is Christopher Bang but you can call me Chan. I'm from Australia and I hope we get along." The boy put on a fake smile looking at the students in front of him as the teacher clapped and looked at Chan with a proud smile.

"Ohhhmyyygoddd am I hearing this right?!" "Felix!" "Felix!" Jisung shook the blonde's arm excitedly as he whisper-shouted his name.

"Ji! What are you doing?! Leave my arm alone!" Felix whisper-shouted back. "I'm pretty sure we heard the same thing"

"Y'all are literally soulmates" the squirrel boy squeaked happily. "Who would've thought a miracle like this would happen?!" "Definitely not me!" "Another fucking Aussie in the same building ohmygod" "Felix, remember to invite me to the wedding!" Jisung ranted about Chan while Felix was dying on the inside hiding in his arms.

Please someone kill me.

As much as Felix loved his squirrel best friend, sometimes he could be too much.

After a long day of school, the blonde relaxed on his bed scrolling through his phone when suddenly a message popped up.


Guess what

There's a party friday night

And you will come with me :D




Because I'm not going alone


I'll buy you food


Food isn't gonna do it mate


Food and my netflix password?


Deal >:)

But promise to not leave me alone at the party



Who do you think I am?!

I would never leave you alone


You said that last time


That was different

I promise I will not leave baby Lixie alone :(


Thank you Ji :)

But stop calling me baby Lixie




Woah my first chapter of this story

Hope you liked it :))

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