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"When did I ask you something Chan?" Lucas began to get irritated. "The food is ready" The woman sang while she walked into a gloomy atmosphere. She put down several dishes with delicious food, which made Felix forget about the conversation for now. His mouth began to water when the smell hit him.

Everyone was quiet as they tasted the food. "This is really good" Felix made sure to speak when his mouth was empty. "I'm glad you like it" the woman gave him a warm smile. "How did you and my son meet Felix?" she asked while Felix just stuffed his mouth full with food.

"Mom, stop asking him questions," Chan immediately said. "Chan! This is just showing interest and being polite, something you have yet to learn" Felix stopped chewing for a second when her tone changed from sweetness to strictness so quickly. "See, we should let him talk for a second! Since he hasn't even given a proper answer due to your behavior" Lucas sent daggers with his eyes to Chan, who began to get angry again.

"How many times do I have to say this?! No fighting at the kitchen table!" "Especially when we're having a guest" Everyone looked at the woman in shock for a second when she almost started yelling. Felix didn't want to imagine what it would be like to eat like this every single evening. Were they always like this?

"I'm so sorry for them Felix" Her voice was soft again. "So where did you two meet?" Felix wasn't sure if he was allowed to say they met at a party when Chan lightly kicked his leg under the table, so he just went with what Chan had said earlier. "Well, we're in the same class" Felix gave a small smile hoping she was satisfied with this answer. "I see, Chan doesn't make friends very often so I'm glad he is hanging out with such a sweet boy this time" She turned to Chan "We don't want to see you come home with that one boy again" She made gestures with her fork in the air. "Mom, stop"

Felix didn't want to get involved in the conversation anymore since he had no idea what they were talking about, so he just stayed silent and ate his food. There wasn't much being said for the rest of the dinner, instead the room was filled with some tension.

When they were eating the dessert, Chan's mom spoke up again. "Hey Felix, would you maybe like to spend the night?" she placed down her spoon for a second. "Oh, uh" Felix looked at Chan for an answer but he didn't give it to him. "Sure I guess" he smiled awkwardly. Felix looked over at Lucas when he heard him mumble. "You've got to be kidding me" Chan heard it too and sent him a death stare for the fourth or fifth time that evening.

When they were finally done with dinner, Felix insisted on helping wash the dishes but Chan's mom wouldn't accept his offer. So now he was back in Chan's room, while Chan was somewhere in the house. Felix could faintly hear his voice in another room, but he didn't know what he was talking about.

"So now he's also sleeping here?!" Lucas spat. "What the fuck is your problem?!" Chan shouted back. "YOU ARE MY PROBLEM!" Lucas shoved Chan against the wall. Chan had never seen him this angry before. "You're fucking disgusting Chan, you're cheating on your boyfriend and probably don't even feel sorry. Hyunjin deserves better" Lucas's tone was threatening and when Chan finally understood why he was this angry, he let out a chuckle.

"Don't tell me you are crushing on my boyfriend Lucas" Chan could have guessed it earlier, how defensive he always was when it came to Hyunjin. He even picked him over his own brother. Chan always thought they were just best friends, but now he knew better.

"You're the disgusting one here" "You're just making up lies so you can get with Hyunjin, isn't that right?" "Well, let me tell you something brother, Hyunjin would never ever like a psycho like you. So, leave him, me and especially Felix alone because he has nothing to do with your fucking feelings." With that Chan left the room to go to his own bedroom. He wished he didn't have a brother. All Lucas did was ruin his life.

Felix had brought his phone upstairs this time, so he could kill some time until Chan returned, because who knew how long it would take. He was playing a game when the door flew open. Felix looked up in fear, because whoever entered, was extremely pissed off.

"You can go home if you want, I understand" Felix was surprised by Chan's tone, because he came in like he would curse the shit out of Felix. Now that he had closed the door and sat down on the couch, he seemed rather exhausted. "What do you mean?" Felix put down his phone. "You obviously didn't want to eat dinner with us, and especially didn't want to spend the night, but you are too afraid to turn down someone's offer." Chan looked at him. "So you can go home if you want to" Felix was lost for words for a moment. But he knew he didn't want to go home now, not when he was closer to finding things out about Chan. Although his brother was scary as fuck, he actually wanted to stay.

"I want to stay" Felix had turned around so he was facing Chan with his whole body. Chan was surprised. "Are you sure?" "I know my family isn't what you'd maybe expected, I'm sorry for my brother, he is an asshole" "Actually that doesn't even come close to describing him, just please don't say anything to him" Chan sighed as he dragged his hands over his face, while Felix just nodded, he wasn't really planning to talk to Lucas anyway.

"Are you still angry at me?" Felix asked in a small voice while he fidgeted with his fingers. Chan stood up from the couch and walked over to him. "No, and I wasn't mad at you before" "It's just my brother, there are some things I need to take care of" Chan ruffled Felix's hair a little. Felix felt his cheeks get warmer at Chan's touch. "Where do I sleep?" Felix looked down to his lap in shyness. He hoped Chan would let him sleep next to him, but he knew that would be too good to be true.

"You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch" Felix pouted at his answer, but what did he expect? He wasn't special to Chan, he was just a classmate. But something in Felix told him to be bold and ignore the consequences. "But I'll feel bad if you sleep on the couch" Felix didn't know what had gotten into him when he took Chan's hand in his, but he couldn't give up now. "Then you'll sleep on the couch" Chan slipped out of Felix's hand and walked over to his closet. Felix was perplexed to say the least. What happened to flirty Chan?

"But the couch is cold" Felix waddled after Chan to his bathroom. "Then sleep on the floor" Chan started brushing his teeth. "That's even colder," Felix pouted again, giving him puppy eyes. "God Felix, then sleep in the bed, but don't touch me" Felix had a proud smile on his face when he left the bathroom. But then he realized he didn't bring any clothes or whatsoever. "Chan, I don't have pajamas," Felix walked back to the bathroom. "Who sleeps in pajamas?" Chan spit out the toothpaste and washed his face. "I do"

"Here, wear this" Chan tossed a t-shirt and joggers to Felix while he undressed himself. Felix looked at him with his mouth slightly open and the clothes in his hands. Chan put on other sweatpants but not a new shirt. Was Felix really going to sleep next to Chan while his upper body was on full display? Felix quickly closed his mouth and went into the bathroom to change and get himself ready.

The pants and shirt were way too big for him, so he needed to hold up the pants to prevent them from slipping down. He entered the bedroom and saw that Chan was already laying in the bed, scrolling on his phone. Felix gulped as his abs were glowing because of the light. When he stood next to the bed, Chan looked up and chuckled. "What" Felix asked innocently. "Nothing," Chan smiled. "You're just cute" It was barely audible because Chan went back to scrolling on his phone, but Felix heard it and a blush spread on his cheeks.

He climbed in the bed and made sure to not get too close to Chan, like he told him to. "Chan?" Felix was laying on his back under the covers, staring at the ceiling. "Yeah?" Felix turned his head on the pillow to look at his side profile. "What's your favorite animal?"

Chan placed his phone on the night stand and looked at Felix. "I don't know, no one has ever asked me such a thing" Felix let out a small "oh" before staring at the ceiling again. "What kind of animal do you find really cute?" Chan also looked up at the ceiling as he thought. "A cat" Felix surely didn't expect this answer. "Why?" He looked at Chan again. "It kinda reminds me of you" They stared into each other's eyes. Felix's cheeks were burning at this point, until Chan broke eye contact and slipped under the sheets.

"Goodnight Lix" Chan turned off the light and turned his back to Felix. "Goodnight Chan" Felix knew he wasn't going to get a lot of sleep.

Posting this while I'm on the toilet

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