3. (kind of 18+)

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Felix felt his heart sink at what he just heard. Boyfriend? Chan had a boyfriend this whole time? Deep down he expected something like this would happen. From the first look at the boy, you could tell he was a fuckboy, the way he smirked, looked at you and talked, he would only try to get in your pants. And if it wasn't for Hyunjin, maybe Chan would have succeeded.

But why him? What did Felix do to be noticed by someone like Chan? 

He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts as an enthusiastic Hyunjin ran towards him, holding out his hand. Felix awkwardly shook it while giving him a small smile. "Nice to meet you too" he brought out barely audible.

"Do you want to join us Felix? We're playing truth or dare" Hyunjin asked excitedly. He loved making new friends. He was a social butterfly, exactly the opposite of Felix.

"I'm not sure, I might go home soon" Felix looked from Hyunjin to Chan, who wasn't paying attention to him anymore. "Noooo, don't go, the party barely started" the tall boy took Felix hand and pulled him off the bed, taking him to the living room where people were gathered in a circle.

The blonde looked around anxiously as he knew no one here, that was until a blue haired head catched his eye. He hurried towards him, turning the boy around by his shoulder. "Whoaa-"

"Han fucking Jisung" "How dare you" Felix said lowly making the boy fear his life. "Lixie, what are you doing here?" The squirrel-like boy nervously looked around, searching for help. "You promised to not leave me alone" Felix spoke less angrily. "You have no idea what happened to me while you were gone"

"Spill the tea" Jisung sipped from a drink he had in his hands. "I kissed Chan" "Or actually, he kissed me"

Felix had to close Jisung's mouth to prevent a fly going in there, as his jaw was almost on the ground. Jisung put his drink down to slap himself across the face. "What are you doing?" Sometimes Felix was genuinely concerned about what was going on in his best friend's mind.

"Am I dreaming?!" "Is this real?!" "Are you telling me that Lee Felix had his first kiss?!" The squirrel boy almost shouted it through the house if it wasn't for the blonde's hand covering his mouth in the last sentence.

"What- how- huh?" Jisung was too stunned to speak. He never would have thought the day would come where Felix would have his first kiss. "But with Chan?" "The hot new fellow Aussie?!"

"Keep your voice down Ji" "And it wasn't as great as it sounds" Felix stared at the ground with a betrayed look.

"Why?" "Did he force you? Did he do something to you?!" "I'm gonna kill him if he did!" Jisung balled his fists as he looked around, searching for the older.

"Nono" "He didn't, he uhm-" "He has a boyfriend"

"Felix" "You're not supposed to kiss someone who's taken" the blue haired boy palmed his head as he picked up his drink again. "Oh my god Jisung, you think I'm that stupid?!" "I told you he kissed me" Felix stared at his best friend, hoping he would know an answer to what to do now.

"Oh, that's fucked up" Jisung said as he sipped his drink again. Felix mentally slapped his forehead, he shouldn't expect any help from his best friend when he was drinking.

"Hey Felix, are you still playing with us?" Hyunjin appeared behind Felix, almost giving him a heart attack for the second time. "Yeah, sure I guess, is it okay if my friend joins too?" There's no way Felix would be alone again for the rest of the night, especially when Chan was also playing.

A large number of people were gathered in the living room sitting in a circle as they talked and got drunk before the game even started. Felix sat next to Jisung and a person who kinda looked like a fox. He was glad he could sit next to his best friend, but not so glad the person right in front of him was Chan with Hyunjin on his lap. As Hyunjin started kissing Chan's neck Felix wanted to look away, feeling grossed out by it, but Chan turned his head and looked him right in the eye. The corner of his mouth lifted a little as he kept staring at Felix, while Hyunjin was all over him. Eventually Felix broke eye contact, focusing on a voice from the left, which was explaining the rules of truth or dare.

After a few rounds the bottle landed on Jisung. Felix gasped, being afraid for his best friend.

"Jisung, truth or dare?" A boy called Seungmin asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Felix remembered his name from the first round, when he was dared to go skinny dipping after they finished the game. Felix found out this wasn't like the innocent truth or dare he played when he was little. This was far from innocent. That is why Felix would pray for the bottle not to land on him each time it spun. However the praying may have helped him, it didn't help Jisung.

"Dare" On the other hand was Felix not that scared for Jisung because he would do anything you ask him to, and would probably enjoy it too.

"I dare you to... '' Seungmin looked around the circle before his eyes landed on a handsome boy. "make Minho hard in thirty seconds" he smirked looking back at Jisung.

Now this was definitely not how Felix used to play truth or dare. Felix looked at his best friend only to see him smirking at Minho while standing up and making his way to him. Felix really didn't want to see this, so he looked around the circle to see who else was disgusted by this. But, no one was. Everyone was cheering Jisung on. Maybe it was because Felix was the only one who didn't drink a single droplet since he came here, or maybe it was just Felix's definition of fun that was different from the rest.

He couldn't bear to look at what was happening when he heard quiet moans, so he looked for a distraction, which happened to be Chan. Chan seemed to be enjoying it too, as he was laughing like the rest of the group. Felix's eyes traveled to his neck where Hyunjin's lips left dark purple spots. He felt the need to throw up at the sight and the sounds from Minho in the background. Felix wanted to go home so bad.

After the thirty seconds were over, Jising crawled back to his spot next to Felix. "Ji, I really want to go home now" Felix whispered quietly in his ear, hoping no one could hear him. "Ahw, please stay a few more rounds, and I promise we'll go home after" Jisung whispered back, giving him a small pout.

This game was Jisung's definition of fun.

"But what if I get picked?" "I don't want to do those things'' There was no way Felix would embarrass himself in front of all these people.

"If you get picked, choose truth, nothing bad will happen then." Feeling kinda secured, Felix replied with a small 'okay', before sitting up straight in his spot. How bad could truth be, right?

Well, in the next round Felix found out. The bottle landed on the boy next to him, called Jeongin, who looked like a fox. He picked truth and was forced to tell everyone the last time he had sex. That was a question Felix would never want to answer because he was, probably unlike all the other people in the circle, still a virgin.

So when the bottle spinned another time and despite Felix's praying, landed on him, the word came out of his mouth before the sentence 'truth or dare' was even spoken.


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