The Usual After The Show

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Once backstage I felt awkward as sh*t. Rihanna kept laughing at what ever her and Trey were talking about, but it aggregated me. I stood a bit off to the side with my face down in my phone. I felt a hand tap me, I looked up and it's Chris.

Chris "You ok?"

Keisha "Chris my man is right there, I can't talk to you."

Chris "I see no problem. That n*gga over there talking to mine so I could talk to his or should I say what was mine." He said raising his voice a bit not caring if Trey heard.

Keisha "Chris look you know I..." I was cut off by someone breathing down my neck.

Trey "He knows what?" Trey asked while standing behind me with that 'I'm about to kill both of yall' face on.

Both Chris and I looked at him.

Rihanna "Trey chill, he cool." She said trying to stand in front of Chris.

Keisha "Baby, it's nothing. Lets go."

Chris "Nah, if the n*gga wanna fight lets go!" He shouted.

Rihanna "Chris, calm down!" She said holding his chest with her right hand while looking back at Trey.

Chris "Nah! I'm f**king tired of pretending when it comes to Shawty! This n*gga was over there talking to my girl, why the f**k is it such a problem if I talk to Keisha?!"

Trey laughed a bit, then got serious within that same second. He punched Chris right in the jaw, rocking his sh*t. Chris was about to swing back mad hard, but the security guards blocked it.

Trey "Talk to my girl again or even look her way, that would be your last day on earth n*gga. Trust and believe that." He said nonchalantly then began walking away.

Keisha "Baby, really?!" I asked him while feeling embarrassed and like a hoe. I tried to hold his hand but he brushed me off and walked away.

Trey "F**k out of here with all that! I'm not even tryna hear you right now." He said walking off.

Tears streamed down my face, I looked at him walk away and still can't believe that he just embarrassed me like that.

Chris "See all that sh*t he puts you through?! Keisha you ain't gotta take that! You deserve a real n*gga! You need to leave that n*gga in the dust where he belong! Get you a new man shawty." He smiled wickedly.

I walked over to Chris and slapped him right across the same cheek that he just got punched in.

Rihanna "You f**king deserve that sh*t! Who is going to be the better man she deserves?! You?! N*gga please, you wrong as hell right now!" She said pointing her finger in his face.

Chris "B*tch get your f**king hands out my face! You think I want your thot ass as a wife?!"

Keisha "Rihanna, why the f**k you put up with this disrespectful ass n*gga?"

Rihanna "You mean use to? Yea I'm done."

Chris "B*tch!" He grabbed her hand mad tight pulled her close to him. Her bodyguards was about to f**k him up, but his security plus BET's security stepped in and broke it up.

I stood there and watched as they pulled him away. Just then August came up to me.

August "You aight shawty?"

Keisha "I wish Yall n*ggas would stop calling me shawty, then maybe I'll be aight. I wish all of you n*ggas just leave me the f**k alone!" I spazzed on him even though I knew it was unfair, but I guess he caught the wrath of how I was feeling at the moment.

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