Chapter 2 what's wrong with me

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Now Jaune sat on his ass and wondered what had happened to him.

Jaune: Well, what happened to me.

Jaune looked at her chest and at her hair.

Jaune: My hair is as white as Weiss's, and there's a huge wound on my chest that's still bleeding even hours later.

When Jaune finished speaking, he looked at the piece of Crocea Mors.

Jaune: oh right now I can't see with my right eye and I have glitches in my right eye.

Jaune looked left and right now.

Jaune: and I am an unknown place or even another universe.

Jaune closed his eyes and sighed.

Jaune fell on his back and covered his face with his hands.

Jaune: *sigh* me. damn. SHIT.

Jaune held on to his hair and began to scream.

Jaune: Fuck, why does this always happen to me.

Jaune continued to scream and complain for several more minutes.

Jaune finished screaming and just started to lie on the floor.

Jaune: Well, looks like I'm here for the long haul, so.

Jaune stood up and began to look around.

Jaune: I need to find a way out of this place.

Jaune ran and began looking for a way out.

Jaune: This place shouldn't be so big, there should be a way out.

Jaune: I'll find this exit and return to Beacon.

8 hours later

Jaune: W-what the hell.

Jaune said wearily, he had been looking for a way out of the anti-void for several hours, but had not found a way out.

Jaune: *sigh* I-I have to *sigh* f-find a way ou...

Jaune fell to the floor from exhaustion.

Jaune: *sigh* I can't take it anymore.

Jaune's eyes began to close, he searched for a way out for several hours, and Jaune also fought Grimm in the emerald forest.

Jaune: *yawn* I think I need *yawn* to get some sleep.

Jaune began to close his eyes and fall asleep.

Jaune did not know that he began to change when he fell asleep.

Jaune's body began to show more red and blue color glitches.

Beacon Academy Ozpin's Office 7:45

A day has passed since Jaune left for the Emerald Forest.

Ozpin sat sadly in his office.

Ozpin: *sigh* Mr. Jaune why did they do that.

Ozpin used the cameras to see what Jaune had done.

Flashback 30 Minutes ago

Ozpin was proud that his apprentice was able to take on a horde of Grimms, of course he was angry that Jaune was the only one to kill a Grimm unaided, but he was proud that Jaune wanted to prove himself worthy of the Beacon Academy.

But when he saw that the Ursa Major attacked Jaune, he immediately ran to the emerald forest to save Jaune.

Ozpin called Glynda Goodwitch and they ran to the bullhead to help Jaune.

Jaune ErrorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ