Chapter 16 Green magic

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Jaune: Ouch th-this hurts.

Fatal Weiss: sit st-still, I'm trying to he-he-heal you.

Jaune: Sorry Fa-fatal.

Now Fatal Weiss is bandaging Jaune, who has crashed into one of Fatal Weiss' bone piles.

Jaune 404: It's my fa-fa-fault Jaune I should ha-ha-have told you how to can-can-cancel magic wh-wh-when to stop.

Jaune said 404 Fatal Weiss bandaged Jaune and Jaune twitched in pain.

Jaune 404 continued to stare at them Jaune 404 sat down on the floor in a lotus position.

Then Jaune 404 began to think.

Jaune 404: Wa-wa-wait, I think I kn-kn-know how to he-he-heal Jaune qu-qu-quickly.

Jaune and Fatal Weiss stopped talking to each other and looked at Jaune 404.

Fatal Weiss: And wh-what a 404 way.

Jaune 404 stood up from the floor and walked over to Jaune and snapped his fingers in front of his face.

A rainbow soul appeared in front of Jaune's chest.

Jaune 404 pointed his finger at the green part of Jaune's soul.

Jaune 404: Lo-lo-look Jaune, the green pa-pa-part of your so-so-soul is the soul of Kindness.

Jaune: Yes.

Jaune 404: You kn-kn-know, green soul's ma-ma-main ability.

Jaune shook his head.

Jaune 404: Green So-so-soul's primary ab-ab-ability is healing, and with he-he-healing, you'll be ba-ba-back on your fe-fe-feet in just a few se-se-seconds.

Jaune: And h-how do I do th-that.

Fatal Weiss: Sa-same as blue so-so-soul, but instead of legs, you must direct your ma-magic to the whole bo-bo-body.

Jaune 404: You also ne-ne-need to di-di-direct your ma-ma-magic to places on the bo-bo-body where there are wo-wo-wounds or fractures.

Jaune: It so-sounds very co-complex and unclear.

Jaune 404: Ju-ju-just using green ma-ma-magic on your bo-bo-body is easier than it so-so-sounds.

Fatal Weiss: Ju-just let the ma-ma-magic flow through your bo-body, now I'll sh-sh-ahow you how to do it.

Fatal Weiss said and sat down on the floor and stood in the lotus position and joined her hands.

Fatal Weiss's body began to glow blue and blue boots appeared at her feet.

Jaune looked at Fatal Weiss and also sat in the lotus position and joined his hands.

Jaune's body started to shine too, but instead of green it was blue.

Jaune 404: You sh-sh-should use blue ma-ma-magic, not gr-gr-green magic.

Jaune: H-how do I change ma-magic.

Fatal Weiss: Th-think about the fa-fa-fact that you are trying to sa-save someone, but you don't ha-ha-have me-medicine or ba-ba-bandages to do it, but you have ma-ma-magic to do it.

Fatal Weiss said and Jaune looked at her and then closed his eyes and thought about his friends.


Ruby: Jaune! help!

Jaune opened his eyes and looking at himself he was wearing his old clothes from when he was a Beacon.

Jaune: Ruby! where are you?

Jaune looked around and saw that he was the Emerald Forest.

Jaune noticed Ruby along with the Rwby team and next to them was his team Jnpr all his friends lay on the ground all injured.

Jaune: Guys!?

Jaune shouted and ran towards them.

Jaune looked at all his friends they were injured and bloody.

Jaune: (You may have betrayed me, but I don't blame you and don't want you to die, especially in front of me)

Jaune looked down at his hands and then sat on the ground in a lotus position and joined his hands and channeled his magic into his body.

After a few seconds, his body began to glow green.

Jaune got to his feet and directed green magic at his friends.

After a few seconds, their bodies began to heal.

Jaune was glad that he could heal his friends.

After 2 minutes, all of his friends were completely healed.

Jaune looked at Ruby and the little reaper also looked at Jaune.

Jaune smiled at her and hugged her Ruby responded in kind and hugged Jaune.

When Jaune opened his eyes he saw Fatal Weiss and Jaune 404.

Jaune looked down at his hands and they glowed green.

Jaune looked at the bandages on his body and tore them.

All of Jaune's wounds have healed.

Jaune got to his feet and looked at Jaune 404.

Jaune: Okay, let's continue with our lessons master.

End Chapter

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