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My eyes followed as she walked down the stairs. I didn't think she'd actually come out of her room. She'd been locked in her room all day, everyday.

Amber told me she didn't want to open the door for anyone, but since she had access to the housekeys -- she gave them to me. I still remembered the first time we were alone.

It was after I found out what Serine had done. The day where I thought I lost the only girl I ever loved.


"Angelo?" I keep my mouth shut as I stare down at the floor. "Angelo what's wro-" Her hand inches closer to my shoulder.

"Don't touch me," I glare at her and she removes her hand as if I had scared her.

"You knew didn't you?"

"Knew what?"

"DON'T FUCKING BULLSHIT ME," She jumps in shock and stares at me with wide eyes. I ball up my fists even tighter. "What, so you're telling me you don't know about Alexander and Serine?"

She doesn't say anything but rather shakes her head, hesitantly. "I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Like hell I'd believe that,"

"She cheated on me," I say. "They should've just fucked, too,"

"Listen I know, that everybody sees me as a bitch, and that I'm a horrible person but I had nothing to do with that," I lock eyes with her. "And you could choose to believe me or think I'm lying-- I don't really care. I've got nothing left to lose so it doesn't matter,"

"I loved her," I utter. "And she broke my heart," She steps forward hesitatanly, pulling me into a hug. She gently wraps her arms around me and like she needed the hug herself, so she holds me tighter-- as if she didn't want to let go. My arms wrap around her and my heart clenches. I let out a shaky breath and feel a hot liquid drop on my shirt.

She was crying.

[End of flashback]

The last time I saw her was the day she gave up on us.

The day where everything was taken away from me.


"I can't, Angelo," she whispers. "I don't think I can go on like this,"

"Let me help you, Kelly,"

"You can't fix me," She shakes her head, her gloosy eyes pierce into mine. "You're perfectly fine, I'm the-"

"Don't you dare say it," My hand tightens around hers. I knew what she was going to say. I hated nothing more than those words.

"But it's true!" She shakes her hand away from mine. "I'm not going to lie about it and pretend I'm all perfect. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. It's me, not you,"


"Don't sell me that bull crap. I don't buy it," I look at her. "Perfect? Perfect Kelly? Do you know what perfect is? Do you know how it looks like because it sure does not look like this. You look into my eyes, you're apart of my life and you call it perfect? How can it be so perfect if I'm unhappy,"

Silence falls as she fails to meet my eyes.

I know thousands of things are racing in her little head right now and I so wish I could stop them and stop her tears. My body craves to have her in my arms. I want to comfort her, let her know she's safe with me.

I couldn't do that because I know she'd never let me.

She'd push me away.

"I guess you're right," She sniffles. "But that doesn't change the fact that I'm no good for you,"


"I'm heartless," She bites out. "I treat people like shit and my sick twisted mind enjoys it,"

"You're too good for me. And I don't want to let my selfishness, my greed, take advantage of that," My heart begins to race wildy knowing the words that she was about to utter.

"I can't do that to you. Not you. I have to let you go,"

"No," I utter.

"Please Angelo. If not for me, for us. Maybe in another life time, we could be together,"

[End of flashback]

This was the first time I had seen her since that day. The image of her right before me is bittersweet. I was glad I could finally see her, yes. But at what cost? She was broken. She looked so torn apart in her white oversized hoodie. Her eyes scanned the open cupboard until she grabbed the coffee caché.

My heart ached seeing her like this.

She seems to not notice me as she continues in the kitchen, making herself some coffee.

"Kelly," I notice her body freeze at the sound of my voice. She almost drops the cup but quickly composes herself as she places the cup on the counter. She then slowly turns around. A look of shock appears on her face when she sees me. "Angelo?"

It feels like years since I had seen her and she hadn't changed much at all. Her blonde hair was longer than the last time I saw her. She looked more tired. She had even gotten a bit thinner.

My heart was beating out of my chest and only God knew how much I wanted to hug and kiss her right now. Letting her know that it's ok and that it shall all pass. All that bull crap we don't like to hear but we're always told. I wanted her to know how I much I missed her and how much I need her.

A single tear drop fell from her eyes and my heart clenched at the sight. She quickly walked over to me and hugged me as tight as she could and I did the same.

"I missed you so much," She whispered. "I missed you," She reiterates, kissing me like it was our last day on Earth. The softness of her lips brought me satisfaction. The warmth of the kiss felt like home. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted it to last. I wanted to relive it every chance I got. Her hands wrap tightly around my neck like she didn't want to let go.

"I missed you more baby girl,"

I felt complete

It felt like home.

I felt at peace.

And I would stop at nothing this time just to get her back.

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