06| the victim of prom

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"Speechless, speechless, that's how you make me feel." - Micheal Jackson, Speechless


One month later

"Ms Wilson is really doing it with these prom dances," I sighed looking at all the other students who were just ecstatic.

It was that time of senior year,


And truth be told, I did not want to go. But when you have a friend like Levine, you can never get an ounce of freedom. Prom wasn't until the next couple of months and she was here, having all of us gathered in the school hall, and instead of giving us a heartfelt speech of us leaving, she couldn't care less. Her voice echoing through the school hall with all the chatter of the students who were absolutely restless.

I sighed.

"Students, settle down." She spoke.

"Did you bring my ear muffs?" I cocked my head to left. "As always," Sarah answered softly and handed me a gray pair of ear muffs and I smiled as if she had just saved my life.

Well- she had. She saved me from listening to a horrific speech about the prom and whatever else there was to say. I discreetly planted my AirPods and covered them with ear muffs.

Genius right?

I closed my eyes absolutely feeling content at the fact that I won't be having to listen to Ms Wilson and her prom speech. How ironic was it that students loved hearing about prom from Ms Wilson and they disliked her as a teacher and how for me it was vice versa.  The fakeness of these students were absolutely too much- more like beyond me.

At least I found two girls who were not plastic.

I let a smile creep its way upon my face at the sound of one of my favorite songs Princesses don't Cry by Aviva came on.

I hadn't been able to enjoy it for too long when I felt my ears being welcomed by the cold. Oh come on! The one time I enjoy myself in the school hall and the meeting had to be short?

But to my surprise, no.

Ms Wilson was still talking. I looked on my right to see that Levine was passed out and Sarah looked like she was about to doze off any moment too. Wait- so where the hell are my ear muffs?

My ears are cold and exposed!

Feeling someone's presence from behind, I decided to turn but that was a huge mistake. A huge mistake.

"Is she that boring?" I automatically glared into space, just like that. Trying my best to not to groan. I wouldn't want to capture these students attention, now would I? "Yeah," I pressed my lips into a thin line. "She reminds me of a certain someone. Who decided to ruin my moment of peace."

"Well I'm sorry to say that electronics aren't allowed in the school hall. They should all be silenced."

That's when I realized. "Have you been watching me this whole time?" And to this he let out a soft chuckle.

It was the first time I'd ever heard him chuckle.


It was kinda- kinda cute?

- Wait what am I even saying?

Isn't it obvious? My subconscious smirked.

I am not dealing with you right now. I mute you!

And with that, she shut up.

"I was seated behind you this whole time," he corrected. "Don't flatter yourself princess," he added and I rose my brows and sighed. "I need my ear muffs back," I said about plainly.

"Why how- that's not the way a princess acts," I scoffed at this. What?

And I said it. "What?" I emphasized. He opened his mouth to say something but I put my finger up. "Don't even try to explain yourself. The last thing I wanna hear is your worthless and lame excuse,"

Speechless. He was speechless.


And it was only then that I realized I was speaking with the schools 'Golden Boy.' I wouldn't be facing such a big consequence though, I thought. I've seen quite a number throw themselves on him but all of them were just bimbos.

I put my hand out for him to give me back my ear muffs and instead he said "What's the magic word?" And I played by it.

"Jackass?" I said innocently. "No."

"Stalker?" I offered once more to which I received another no. "Idiot?"

"No." I smirked judging by his tone- he was getting annoyed. "Parasite?"


"Uhh, what about the boy who can't take a hint?" I smiled sweetly. I could tell by his facial expression that he definitely did not expect that and I gave him a nonchalant shrug and grabbed my ear muffs.

I didn't have to beg for what's mine.

It's clear that Alexander McCann didn't know who he was messing with.

At all.


Short chapter! Sorry for the extremely late update. I had a writers block before I took a break from writing and I just realized I didn't notify anybody of this🌚

Well, I'm sorry.

But the

Next two chapters are going to be what happened in the past few months. Thoughts and predictions?????????


Sorry 😁

I better go now before I act more crazy.

Vote, follow & enjoy!

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