12| faded

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Unbelievable. This was unbelievable. While I stood there, looking like an absolute idiot, my father knew. My father had already knew he was transferring to Raymond- why?

Why didn't he say anything.

Why would he do that? I didn't want the, 'I was trying to protect you' bs. I wasn't going to buy that crap. "Sweetie can we speak?"

"Dad, it's only been 60 seconds. One minute and I haven't even been able to process everything and you're already wanting to speak with me? Dad, no. Please," I jerk my head back in disbelief. "I know you don't want to listen to me right now,"


"but I have to speak with you. I know you're angry but I did this to protect you-"

Oh here we go.

"Protect me dad? Protect me from what?"

"From that boy, Alexander," I arch my brow, a scoff coming out of me. "Unbelievable,"

"Pumpkin I know you're not seeing it from my good side, but I did this with my good heart. I didn't know how to tell you. I knew it since the beginning of this year-"

I look up to him- in utter disbelief. "I was making ways so you can avoid him. So you guys could not see each other,"

"Dad, I need to do my homework, therefore, can you please leave me alone?"

"Will you come down to dinner?"

"Yes, I'm going to- now can I please be alone?" he shoots me a tight smile, before planting a kiss on my forehead. Once he leaves I finally breathe.


I finish off by writing down a line before closing the book with a much needed thud. My upper body lands safely, as I throw it back on my soft bed.

The back of my head makes contact with my face as I release a sigh.

I check the time on my phone and it was almost seven. Damn, how long have I been in here? I slowly sit back up right and start packing away the books that were around me. I keep my pen in my head  and fidget with it. The work that I had done kept a lot off my mind. I was calmer because I had thought about things in the midst of my break.

Once I was done packing up, I stood up and slipped off my secret socks and replaced them with my fluffy ones. I was still dressed in that black  t- shirt dress that was going to the laundry the moment I had supper. I remove the charger from my phone and unlock it as I spot unread texts.

There was texts from my  class group chat that I didn't bother to view. My eyes land on the other group's messages that have over a 100 messages of them talking amongst themselves.

I didn't have the time to read all of them but I viewed it and saw few of the messages.

Levine: I personally feel like Nina has a crush. If y'all don't see it-

Nina: No, I do not.

Levine: I saw you making out with someone.

David: Is this true?

Nina: Of course not. Levine is just-

Levine: Waiting.

I shake my head at what I was seeing.

Darek: Levine doesn't lie...

David: Exactly. I know my girl very well.

Levine: Awwh, babyy

I decide to type something of my own.

Me: Y'all stupid.

Is all I say before I leave the chat and scroll through the rest of the other text. There's spam texts from Levine- the usual. Nina sent me a photo, and Angelo sent me a text.

My eyes land on it.

My Angel: I miss you.

My heart melted- not only at the text but the way he didn't ask about the negative things that happened today. The way he didn't bring up all the negativity.

Me: More than I do, you?

My eyes went wide when the text was seen just now.

My Angel: Never.

I send him a text back, looking at the digital time that was 18:45. I shut my phone, holding it into my hand before heading downstairs.  I should probably begin getting comfortable in my own place now. Something I should also, tell my dad.

I take my last step and walk over to the kitchen. The smell hit my nose like heaven.

"What are we cooking today?" I walk into the kitchen with a small smile on my face. I was definitely in a better mood. "You came right on time sweetie- we're making your favorite, pasta." 

"Screws?" he nods his head happily and I smile. Nana then switches the stove off and prepares to dish up. I place my phone down, on the island  before going to wash my hands. Once I'm done, I begin taking out the white plates out the cupboards. I dust them off, of whatever dust they contain and place them near nana. "Did you get to finish all your work?" she asks once I'm close enough to her.

"Yeah but definitely tired tho," I answer.  Once everything was dished, my glasses were out, I took my seat first.  After a while of just eating in comfortable silence, I clear my throat so I could speak. "Hey dad," I look the person who was sitting at head of the table. "I'm sorry for lashing out on you earlier. I know you were trying to protect me dad but I would've appreciated if you had told me first,"

"I know, pumpkin and I'm sorry," my lips form a tight smile. "I know dad and I'm no longer mad at you. As much as I wish you could've told me sooner, there's nothing more I can do about it now than tolerate it. I also have something else to tell you," I pause, drinking the pineapple juice in my glass.

"Since I'm pretty much old enough, I went out hunting for a new place that I could stay in," I start off. "I found two; one is in the same area. It's an actual house but the other I found is an apartment, elsewhere- and it the one that I picked. And I'll be roommates with Levine but for first week, I'll be staying on my own.... please don't be mad,"

"I'm not  mad pumpkin, you're growing up and I understand. I'm not going to hold you back or do anything that doesn't make you happy,"

"Really dad?"

"Of course,"

"You're the best," I squeeze his hand. "Anything that makes you happy,"

Maybe everything wasn't going to be all that bad, after all.

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