04| the victim of art

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"It's so quiet here and I feel so cold. This house no longer feels like home,"-BEN COCK, So Cold




"I'm sorry mama," I whispered and I was welcomed by the darkness.

"It wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault!" I yelled throwing the stone in the mirror and the sound of the mirror breaking filled my ears.

Pieces of glasses were lying everywhere. I didn't know what to do.  I didn't know who the person in the mirror was, the one with fresh tears, the one who's reflection was distorted, the one who was a complete mess. The goner.

I was nothing but a nuisance to everybody who had to deal with me on a daily. I was nothing but a monster. A stupid teenager who doesn't know how to solve her own problems.

"Dad! Dad, help me I'm not okay!" I yelled looking at my reflection.

"Someone please help me. Anyone."

I woke up with pain from both my forearms, I glanced down to both of them seeing them a smaller amount of blood than I expected. I wasn't much of a "bleeder"

Trying to refresh my brain, I sat upright and winced at the pain that shot in my spinal cord. I took in my surroundings, I was in the bathroom, sleeping. Remembering a lot of nostalgia and cutting. And a very short nightmare.

I need to stop doing this. After cleaning up the bathroom tiles, I cleaned up my cuts and just covered them with the sleeve of my hoodie. Once I was done cleaning everything that had a blood stain, including washing my face. I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to living room where I heard voices from the TV. I saw my dad sleeping on the sofa, he looked so peaceful. Grabbing the folded blanket on the sofa and covered him with it, whispering a good night and switched the TV off.

I walked into the kitchen to see if I had any chores that had needed to be done and there was none. He washed his dishes... what a stubborn man. I sighed a little more calmer and made my way upstairs to my room.

Snapping my eyelids as I saw nothing but the color black.


"Ms Williams? I'm waiting on an answer" I snapped out of daze when I realized I was in class.

When and how did I get here? What time was it? I didn't even know what class I was in. "Excuse me Mr Michaels? Could you repeat whatever was said please?" I looked at him absolutely dumbfounded. "I asked you Ms. Williams, what year did Galileo invent the telescope?" He repeating for God knows the amount of times.

Oh I was in art... this shouldn't be bad.

It's just art.

"Uhhh.." Was all that came out of my mouth. Could someone magically make me disappear? I'd be eternally grateful. Worse thing was, I knew the answer. But my brain had simply given up on me and deprived me of knowing any Galileo information.

Everybody's eyes were off me when the door shut closed and non other than Alexander McCann stepped in.

Drooling were all the girls and I just simply snickered. "I could answer that," he surprisingly said.

He was not, no he was not, over my dead body prove that he is smarter than me. He isn't anyways.

He most probably is. My subconscious interfered.

A McCann smart? I was born at night but not last night.

Your underestimation of him is extreme.

His underestimation for women is worse.

"Care to share McCann?" My eyes widen at Professor Michaels statement. Was he not going to bother asking why Alexander was late? What kind of person gets that kind of privilege?

Alexander. My subconscious answered to which I rolled my eyes.

"No, I can answer it myself, thank you." I forced a tight smile. "I wouldn't mind Ms. Williams." He smirked. What's with the "Ms Williams" today?

"It's okay. Thank You." I tried my hardest not to glare. "Professor, "

"The answer is 1609," we answered in unison.

My eyes widen, shocked how we said the exact same thing, at the same time. How was that even possible?

"Professor,"  I heard the door shut again with a familiar voice this time. "Sorry, I'm late. I had to go to the sick bay, wasn't doing okay."

"You may take your seat Levine," he nodded. He was really one soft professor. Levine took her her seat on her desk that was beside mine.

"Are we still doing Romeo and Juliet?" She asked. "Yes," Ms Michaels answered. Levine grimaced at the response and whined. "No, no, no. Please let's choose a different romance. Pretty please."

"We'll make sure it's still ancient professor," Harper said from the back. "No promises," Ryanair smirked as we all looked at him giving him the 'what the fuck' look. "We promise Professor." He shook his head looking down at something on his desk.

"Whatever the choice is, there has to be romance." She pointed out. "Serine you will be the protagonist as well as Alexander. It's just an awesome combination." She smiled and my eyes widen.

"No, no Ms Michaels, you know I'm not good at those things. I don't mind at least playing the servant or any other role available." I try to reason. "Fine, Stephanie, would you like to play as the protagonist?"

"I don't mind Ms Michaels!" I heard a screeching voice. Kelly. "Okay then, Kelly you will play Juliet while Alexander plays Romeo." I smiled victorious. Luck was on my side this time.

The dismissal bell rang and we all got up and grabbed our bags.

One more class then lunch time.

One more class then lunch time.

One more class then lunch time.

One more class t-

"Now would you look who it is." A voice knocked me out of my hope. I look up to see the person I least expect to see and roll my eyes. "Alexander what do you want?"

"Why are trying to avoid me?"

"Avoid you?" I chuckled. "Why would I try to avoid your insignificant existence? Why do think you're so special that I would waste my time talking to you?" I crossed my arms. "You're talking to me now aren't you?"

"I wouldn't be speaking if you weren't blocking my way. Now would you step aside?" I asked trying to walk past him but only to feel his palm connect with my forearm. Foreign shivers ran through my entire body and my eyes fluttered closed.

"Let go of me." I tried my best sounding unfazed but an unfamiliar warmth was brought to my ears.

"I'm not even touching you, princess."


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