17| perfect daughter

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For the first time since today, I heard the words that I actually fell in love with. "You're free to go," The man says as I internally jump for joy. Of course there was no way that I'd actually be physically jumping because my body was in absolute pain.

I find myself side by side with Levine to the outside. "Hey uh!"

"When am I getting out?" Kelly yells. The officer sighs, locking the gate. "Soon," and then she walks off. Her eyes then land on me, I smirk.

"It's what she deserves," Levine mutters. I can practically hear her smirking. "Byee," I mock her, rolling my eyes slightly. Turning my heel and walked my way out the station. The fresh air connected with all the exposed parts of my skin but I didn't care. It wasn't cold. From the view of the sky, I could tell it was getting late though, I just didn't know what time it was.

A black SUV pulls up and I recognize it due to the last digits of the plate number. They really could've come with a much smaller car, but okay. The door opens and the first person I see is my dad. I don't hesitate to relax in his hug but the bear hug was too painful for my wounds. "Dad- it sorta hurts,"

I didn't take a second time for me to say it again and he let go slightly. "Sorry pumpkin, I just couldn't wait to see you."

"I know dad, I know," And right across from me I saw Levine being hugged by both her parents.


I was happy to be back home, where I could take a warm bubble bath, and just relax. I slipped into my slik pastel pink pajamas and on my rabbit slippers.

Who are you to judge?

They were warm.

And comfy.

And I didn't have wear socks to eventually fall.

I didn't even worry about my hair because it was already tied into a bun. Before I could switch on my Bluetooth so I could connect my music, I heard a knock on the door. My door was already open, the only one that was closed was my bathroom door. "Hey dad," I smile when I see him leaning against his door. "I know supper is gonna be ready soon, don't worry I'll be there."

"And also, can I cook tomorrow?"

"About that," he looks at me with his innocent looking eyes. "What, me cooking?"

"No. Pumpkin trust me there's nothing wrong with your cooking,"


"I invited people over,"

Now I'm beyond confused. "Okay? Dad I'm not following. If you invited people over for tomorrow-"

"Tonight," he corrects me.

My dad knows very well I hated last minute announcements. Why would he even think of inviting people the day I come home (from jail!),  the day where I just want to relax and not have to form conversations with others but I had to 'cause if I didn't, I would be disrespectful. I just hated conversing- especially friends of my dad.

I know I'm not the only one, so don't even dare.

"Really dad?" I stare at him blankly. "Don't worry,"

"Now I have to look for something to dress in," I mutter. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes in front of him and just settled with a groan. "I promise if you survive tonight, I'll send you to the house in Hawaii,"

My eyes widen.

"Wait, really?"

He nods and I let out a scream. I've always wanted to go to my dad private house in Hawaii! Seems like conversing will actually be worth it after all.

Sweet daughter Serine, activated.


"How has my niece been doing?"

"I've been good," I smile like I hadn't just gotten out of a jail. Like I wasn't just arrested a few hours ago.

Like my life wasn't just a whole big mess I struggled with. Obviously they knew of what happened two years ago. I appreciated the support they all gave me but I was not really close to any of them. Plus I never had a big family. At one point in time I wished I had more but as I grew up I realized I was okay with it like this.

Although there were a few people missing in my life but that's how life was. You can't really have it all.

Or could you?

The last thing I wanted was to disappoint my dad. Disappoint my mom, and most importantly, Sarah.

If that meant portraying myself as the perfect daughter or perfect family- even though no family is, I'd still do it. As crazy as my life was, I didn't want to let anybody down.

"That's amazing sweetie, how's Varsity?" I slightly gulp at this. "It's been okay. Learning a lot but I know it'll be worth it,"

"It always is," she smiles and squeezes my hands. "Shall we do a prayer?"

After the family reunion, hugs and air kisses were given and all that was left was nana, dad and I. I had to admit that the family dinner wasn't so bad. It didn't change that they were still distant family though.

"You know I'm very proud of you right?" My dad says and I pack the last plate away. "Yeah right. You're proud of someone who just got out of jail?" Then he gives me that look.

"Dad it's true. Nothing can change that," I almost playfully roll my eyes but instead, I just shrug. "I just want you to know that I love you. No matter what happens I'll always be your dad and I'm proud of you."

"I love ya too, dad."

I just hope one day, I can be proud of me too.

Once we've said our good nights, I'm back in my pajamas, my eyes staring blankly at the ceiling as a thousand thoughts cloud my head.

It always happens that I always have something to think about before I go to sleep.

My phone makes a 'ding' sound and I furrow my brows slightly.

These people should learn to sleep- oh wait, I'm still awake.

I see it's a text from Angelo.

Sweet dreams, my love

A soft smile makes it's way on my face.

I'll happily dream about you. Good night.

I press the home button, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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