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Something about the water always scared me. No, not the little amount of water that a regular glass could carry, nor did a large bottle of water scare me. It was the sea, the ocean; the rivers and lakes.... The ponds.

Ponds? Now that's silly, is what most say. But they don't know, they don't feel that fear, that overwhelming sense of fear. The way my mind seems to stop thinking, the way I remain unblinking, or the way the I hold my breath in until I turn blue.

It wasn't that I was afraid for not being able to swim. No, it was much more than that. It was something that was unexplainable, or just simply something that only I couldn't explain.

Perhaps it could be the fact that when I step into the water, I feel nothing underneath my feet, no solid ground holding my weight, no strong amount of gravity pushing me upwards.

That was barely a scratch of what I feared. The unknown, the darkness. Or maybe it was the fact that I was claustrophobic. Perhaps it was because when my head submerged in water, I couldn't breathe, there was a barrier all around me, preventing me from moving easily.

Perhaps it was because I felt the water try to stop me from moving fast like usual. Maybe it was because I could feel the water as it pulled me down to its dark bottom, no matter how much I fought for the light, the sea, the ocean, the rivers and the lakes... The ponds.. They were all too strong. Or rather, I was too weak.

It scared me so much, I don't know why, or perhaps I knew, but I didn't want to know, so I made myself forget why, so that I would have no one look at me like I was silly.

They all poked fun at me, because to them, I was just one of the many that feared because I could not swim. They laughed at my fear. 'It's harmless' they said, that they would rescue me if needed, that they were just kidding when they pushed me to the deeper parts of the pool, or when they dunked my head in water and refused to let me resurface as I thrashed around for air.

When they would push and pull me around like a ragdoll, my feet desperately trying to find a solid ground to touch... It was all a joke to them. My fear was a joke to them... I was a joke to them. It angered me, how powerless I felt, all because I couldn't explain something that seemed so simple.

And at the end, they couldn't keep their promise. No, they were too busy having fun, and I was too busy making my loved ones happy.

So when I started going down; unable to feel anything under my feet, I tried to remain optimistic, but only for a few seconds before panic rose in. The water entered my mouth and my nose, forcefully shoving down my throat and leaving the unbearable burn that bought tears to my eyes.

The water filled into my lungs and overpowered the little amount of air that remained leaving me choking and panting as I struggled to breathe. The burning sensation from the stench of chlorine on my eyes soon disappeared as it slowly submerged into the water. The crystal like round, wet orbs soaking in water. How ironic, isn't it?

I thrashed around, my arms and my legs moving as fast as I could, but it was of no use. The water held more power over me, even moving a finger felt like lifting dead weights.

All the while they hadn't even noticed my disappearance, they were still laughing and shoving one another away. No one came to my rescue. No one.

And then I gave up, I stopped thrashing around, and I slowly started sinking down. My eyes remained unblinking as I looked up at the surroundings outside of the water. Everything looked more beautiful than usual. I begin to notice every single detail that I had missed all these years.

Automatically, I begin to draw in for another breath, but all that went in was the pure, yet toxic water, like poison. I jolted up, as I struggled yet again to reach to the surface. I didn't want to die, not yet, when I still had so much to live for. I didn't want to die as a loser, as someone who had given up. No, I would fight till my last breath.

And as if like a miracle, I saw a hand coming down to me, it glew bright in the dull water that engulfed me. It looked like something that was sent straight from heaven. So elegant, it seemed, moving so smooth and steadily in the water; like as if they had made peace with the strong liquid known as both life and death.

I wanted to be close to whatever it was, and so I stretched my arms till it hurt, till the water begin to push me down again, but even then, I fought. I fought and I grasped onto the warm support that assisted me.

I watched as the water around me started to move quick and swiftly.... No, it was me who moved quick and swiftly.. Rather I was pulled to the surface.

I coughed out the water from my lungs and I desperately begin to draw in air to my body. Tears sprung to my eyes as the water in me begin to rise back to my throat to escape.

Finally composing myself, I looked up to give my gratitude and appreciation to my savior, only to find no one in front of me. They were gone....


Author's Note

Thank you so much for reading 'Water'.... Well, that sounds weird, like all the other ones I've named this last minute.

I wrote this a week or so before my exams, one night, I laid on the sofa and ranted out my frustration on the phone, through words of course, I wouldn't want to assault my phone violently...

And one thing lead to another and before I knew it, I decided that I'll keep it. Not as a pet, as...something?

But I'm quite satisfied with how this turned out and I hope some of you can relate to this and I hope that everyone enjoys reading it.

Anywho, I apologise if there happens to be any miskates, be it grammatical or the spacing, if you happen to spot any, please let me know.

Don't forget to vote and comment your opinions. Constructive criticism is very much appreciated here.

Until next time

~Yours truly

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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