I'd love to...

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1991, the day of the wedding

10 a.m

Severus paced his little closet. The fact that the wedding was taking place at Malfoy Manor was actually quite fine with him. Lucius wouldn't have accepted a no anyway, Narcissa had calmed down halfway, the garden couldn't have been more magnificent because the roses were in full bloom and the weather was just perfect. Today would be the day. Finally.

"Nervous? Just to be clear, I won't call you Daddy." Lucius was standing in the doorway, holding two glasses of Firewhiskey. Severus laughed. "I was expecting that, sonman." Lucius rolled his eyes and strode over to his friend and held out a glass. Nothing had ever changed between the two friends, but they had never really had time to talk about Cait and the whole thing either. Lucius felt that now was the right moment. "You know I would never take her away from you? That I'm glad she'll have someone like you by her side? A life long? you will be happy You will have a happy, long life..." "I never felt like you wanted to take her away from me. Rather... you know, sometimes I felt like I was taking something away from you. Although it was something completely different is what binds you together. If there was anything I could do to change what happened back then... I would do it for you. I owe you that." Lucius gave him a brotherly pat on the back. No, Severus could do nothing for him. He couldn't change the course of time and you couldn't constantly look into the past.

1 p.m

I paced nervously in one of the guest rooms. My dress was tight and it didn't feel good at all. I felt nauseous and had the urge to run away. I wish I could make myself invisible... It didn't help that all the women and girls around me kept telling me how pretty I was. I needed to be alone for a brief moment, got up and went to the bathroom. As I looked at the edge of the bathtub with tears rolling down my cheeks, I knew I didn't want to be here. couldn't be. I just didn't belong here...

1:20 p.m

On a scale of 1 to 10, Severus' nervousness barely hit a solid 17. His hands were shaking as he looked out the window and the guests were already taking their seats. Only 10 minutes left... everything just pointed to the fact that he wouldn't survive this. "Brace yourself, boy. Everything will be fine." Lucius winked at him. He would now go downstairs to the guests and wait for him there. Severus swallowed and nodded.

1:26 p.m

Severus walked down the aisle and stood in front of Lucius. It was almost time. His fiancee would soon become his wife. His beloved Caitriona would soon be striding down the aisle, more beautiful than any woman has ever been and smiling at him radiantly.

1:28 p.m

I put the chain around my neck and took a deep breath.

1:29 p.m

Music. Severus took a deep breath.

1:30 p.m

I turned. Once. Twice. 3 times. four times. Five times.....

1:33 p.m

"Where is she? Where is she?" Severus hissed back at Lucius, who just shrugged. The guests were getting restless, the bride would obviously be late.

1:35 p.m

I set foot on the lawn of the familiar garden. The weather was perfect. The snow covered the rose bushes and the peacocks were almost invisible in the endless white. I let my gaze wander slowly and- "Mamaaaa! Wait for me!" I turned around and there I saw him. He ran straight towards me and laughed happily to himself. I laughed too, crouched down and stretched my arms out to him. "Lucius!"

1:50 p.m

"Lucius?" Severus looked at his friend who was still standing behind him. He just nodded. The two men left the garden as quickly as they could and made their way inside. The guests did the same relatively quickly, everyone knew the bride wasn't late."Severus, I'm sorry. I didn't know-" "It's okay, maybe... maybe it'll clear up one day... I... I need one wait a minute, yes?"

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