Guilty or not guilty?

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1981, December 17th

Lucius sat in his cell on the 47th floor, humming the song his mama used to sing to calm him down. It was freezing cold, the window was actually just a hole with bars in front of it, of course so enchanted that you couldn't even approach half a meter. But that wouldn't have done him any good anyway, because he had heavy, iron shackles on his hands and feet. He had been sitting here in this shithole for weeks now, eating porridge and a glass of water twice a day. No daylight, just gloom and cold... Exactly how long he was here, what day it was, he didn't know. He had lost all sense of time and space.

But today the time had come, the negotiations were on the agenda. That's what the guard who had brought him the porridge that morning had told him. He was nauseous, his hair was a mop, he was dirty and he stank. He hadn't slept in days. Also, he was cold and didn't know how Narcissa and his son were doing. He hadn't seen his family since that night in October. Shortly after Bellatrix's collapse, both were surrounded by Aurors, arrested and taken away.

The Daily Prophet has not reported otherwise for weeks. A young aspiring journalist named Rita Skeeter became well known in the wizarding world thanks to her sharp pen. She didn't mince words and wrote about all the big, important, oh so pure-blood wizarding families who were now indicted and whose members had been in custody in Azkaban since the early hours of November 1st.

The list of those who were loyal to him, whose name should in fact never be mentioned again, was almost endless and not only Lucius' name appeared. The Daily Prophet printed them all, a special edition was needed. Including the name Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange (who was probably happy to be in a cell separated from his wife), Sirius Black (who would have thought?), Crabbe, Goyle, Rosier, Parkinson, Fawley... almost all of the untouchable 28 appeared. The hearings on December 17 began at 9 a.m. and sentences were passed every 15 minutes. Bellatrix, her husband, Sirius - although he was never at a single Death Eater meeting - all got life sentences. All have been sentenced to a miserable life in the most musty cells of the world's most terrifying wizarding prison.

When it was Lucius' turn, he stepped before the court. He had his hair done, bathed, wore a black suit and looked quite handsome. He had been freshened up before the trip to the ministry, he didn't know who had done that, probably his father. The press would certainly be in attendance, and a filthy heir to the House of Malfoy really didn't need to grace the front page of the morning's Daily Prophet.

The indictment was read out but Lucius didn't listen. Words like murder, conspiracy, torture, deprivation of liberty and rape were mentioned, but his gaze wandered wearily through the rows of those present. Where was Narcissa? Where was his father? Mister Crouch asked him if he pleaded guilty or not guilty and Lucius took a deep breath. He was about to say something when suddenly a familiar voice spoke up. "We plead not guilty. Mister Malfoy was under the Imperius Curse and not in control of his mind, he didn't know what he was doing and he deeply regrets it." Cygnus Black. His father in law. Lucius looked at the man next to him and tried not to cry. of happiness.

Defendant Lucius Abraxas Malfoy's trial lasted over five hours and half the courtroom booed when the verdict was announced. Not guilty. Lucius left the Ministry a free man alongside his father-in-law. They were guaranteed the front page of the morning's Daily Prophet. Both men posed in front of the Ministry's main entrance and when the commotion died down, Mister Black Apparated his son-in-law to the iron gates of the Malfoy Mansion.

"Let's be clear, boy. You owe me your life and it's never a good thing to owe someone your life. I let my own daughter rot in Azkaban but you... no, Narcissa is finished. If she still wants you too I lose her, she perishes on me. Bellatrix is ​​hopeless but you... you won't survive two years in there. Don't you dare bring shame on our family again. I told you from the start that this Riddle was not a is good company for you!" Mister Black still didn't get it... bad company? This was a good thing! But by now Lucius didn't care, he was free and could go home.

The reason for Lucius Malfoy's acquittal quickly got around in Azkaban's cells and promptly all the prisoners pleaded for acquittal, all claiming to have been under the Imperius Curse and the Ministry had no way of proving otherwise. The imprisonment of Voldemort's minions did not go as planned. Hardly more than 100 wizards and witches were actually put behind bars, and only because they were proud of their deeds and still convinced of the rightness and importance of their cause. They weren't such cowards like... like...

"Lucius!" Narcissa's shrill voice rumbled through the stairwell as her husband opened the front door and entered. She threw her arms around her husband's neck and began to howl. "I love you, Lucius! Never leave again! I love you!" she whispered over and over again. Lucius wrapped his arms around the woman who smelled so good and murmured in her ear "I'm late...a few weeks..." - "Oh shut up you idiot!", she pressed her lips to his his and at that moment everything was fine.

Lucius couldn't believe his luck as he stood in Draco's bedroom and watched the boy sleep. He was a little blond angel... "He's perfect, isn't he?" Narcissa stood next to him and leaned her head lightly on his shoulder. she loved him Whatever the reason... The thing was, Lucius didn't love Narcissa. She had become a wonderful friend to him over the years and it was great to sleep with her, but this deep, big, comfortable feeling... no, that wasn't there. And he probably never would feel it either, because love didn't exist for men like Lucius. He had cheated and bought his freedom. This, this was worse than a lifetime in Azkaban... because he would either have to lie to his son for the rest of his life or one day put him in great danger. He felt guilty...

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