Dear diary

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1990, October 18th

Dear diary, this is my first entry. Why am I writing a diary even though I've been an adult for a long time? Well, are adults no longer allowed to write diaries? Also, I have important things to write down. From that perspective, you are not a diary at all, but rather a yearbook. Or an event book. Yes, that fits well, an event book. What events am I telling you? All that are important to me and my little Lu. So let's start...

1964, September 1st

Dear diary, that was close! The train was almost leaving when I finally made it onto the platform. Who would have guessed that you have to walk through a wall? Abraxas came towards me, thankfully he didn't spot me. Almost ruined my trip seeing him again... thank Merlin I spotted Lu in the crowd right away. I called him and he turned around. I had to wave at the train for a long time, couldn't move. I then decided not to identify myself anymore.

1965, November 14th

Dear diary, getting to Hogwarts turned out to be more difficult than I thought, but I made it. Landed in Hogsmeade at the apparition point, you can see the castle from there. Cheated my way into the crowd at the Quidditch game. I was so excited that he probably won't fall off his broom! My fears were completely unfounded, Lu is an excellent player, Slytherin even won! Didn't get caught.

1965, December 24th

Dear Diary, wanted to stop by the Manor. Didn't make it past the iron gate. Abraxas is a prick, he probably put new curses on the gate again! Couldn't see anything through the windows, was too far away. The light was on in the living room. I hope Lu had a nice Christmas at home. Didn't get caught because didn't get far anyway.

1968, December 24th

Dear diary, I tried again at Christmas. Again a disappointment, couldn't get to the house. Lights on in the living room and on the upper floors! I hope he has a nice party and gets everything he wants. Probably a racing broom. Didn't get caught. 

1970, September 19th

Dear Diary, successful Hogsmeade weekend! Was hoping he would be there and got lucky. He sat with his friends in the pub and drank butterbeer. Had a prefect pin on his sweater! I'm very proud. No girls in sight, he was only with boys. Doesn't he have a girlfriend yet? Well, mothers don't have to know everything... or see everything... Didn't get caught.

1971, December 24th

Dear diary, I tried again today. Gate was open. Could see into the living room, no tree, no lights on. Neither Abraxas nor Lucius at home. Decided to apparate to Hogsmeade and walk up the path to the castle. Came across 3 Hufflepuffs and asked for Lu, they told me he was in the Slytherin common room with the others, like every year. Was a bit shocked. Can't get into the common room without a password, canceled that idea and am got back home. Didn't actually get caught, Hufflepuffs don't count.

1972, June 30th

Dear diary, the graduation ceremony was beautiful. Lu graduated at top of his class, apparently he's extraordinarily talented at potions! His tutor highlighted his achievements in his extremely boring speech. Also found out that Lu is engaged! She looks very pretty. Didn't get caught.

1974, March 11th

Dear diary, snowball fight in the garden! Hid in the woods behind the estate. I should have thought of that sooner... Lu had a visitor, the girl from the graduation party! I watched them both walking, the situation still seems a bit tense but I'm hoping for the best. She keeps looking at him in love. Lu can't quite do what he wants, unfortunately just like his dad... I threw a snowball at him and hid behind a tree. Narcissa, the girl, laughed. Didn't get caught!

1977, May 21st

Dear diary, it was beautiful! The wedding ceremony took place in the garden of the property. Dobby saw me but didn't say anything, just hid before he he could ask questions. I mingled with the guests, there must have been around 500 people invited. Narcissa, was beautiful and Lu has really grown up. He wears his hair long now! Didn't get caught.

1980, February 1st

Dear diary, guess who is pregnant! And apparently it's the first child, I didn't miss any others! Was in Diagon Alley having coffee hoping to catch something and got lucky. Lu and Narcissa are the talk of the town! One naturally hopes for a male heir. Why does Abraxas have to be such an idiot? My little Lu would certainly be happy about a sweet girl too. Didn't get caught again.

1980, June 4th

Dear diary, I am a day early and therefore left immediately! Narcissa is in labor, the whole town is talking about it! The party is supposed to be at the "White Dragon", so I'll try again tomorrow night. I'm so excited, they say it's a boy! Didn't get caught.

1980, June 5th

Dear diary, his name is Draco! Sneaked myself into the White Dragon Hotel to celebrate the birth of his son. Sat at the bar and watched him. He's never been so happy. Won't be making any more visits, he'll make it without me. Didn't get caught by the way.

1990, December 24th

Dear diary, Christmas with Severus was beautiful. He gave me Alice in Wonderland, a first edition! I'm amazed at how observant men can be. Everything is perfect. I hope Lu also has a nice Christmas with his family today. According to my calculations, his son should start school next year. I'm really nervous! If you don't do anything illegal, you won't get caught...

1991, May 27th

Dear diary, I'm getting married. Severus asked me! I've never been so happy! The wedding is supposed to be in fall. The ring is gorgeous. Meanwhile, the colleagues already know, Albus is enthusiastic. Wedding... What does that mean? No more trips into the past. I can do without him. Will never get caught. I'm quite sure.

1991, May 28th

Dear diary, you won't believe me! Guess who Severus' best friend is and also  will be his best man. Damnit, how did this even happen? I will definitely get caught...

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