<-- 14 : My C!Ranboo's backstory -->

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Warnings : child neglect, bullying, mentions of death, violence, hospital mention, mentions of knife usage

Type : angst

Plot : ---

A/n : took me a while, enjoy!


No one's POV :

   Ranboo laid awake one long night, watching the stars in the sky. They hesiantly traced over the scar on their left cheek, sighing quietly. Their father wasn't the worst person, but over time he gradually became less and less of the loving father Ranboo once had. They didn't blame the man though, they could never. There were 12 of them, and without the help of his spouse, Ranboo wasn't surprised one bit as their father grew stressed. Things hadn't always been so sad. Ranboo hadn't always been so alone, but things change.

   The 14 year old boy sat up, huffing. They hugged their knees close to their chest. They closed their eyes, picturing that all too familiar smile that they only got to see for three years, every day. It was surpising they had even remembered it. It brought Ranboo comfort in knowing that at least they had met her. Sure, it was short lived, and they were only given 3 years, but either way, they found pride in at least getting to see her.

   Ranboo swallowed the lump in their dry throat as tears welled up in their tired eyes. They hadn't known their mother for long, but they knew they were the spitting image of her. They always assumed maybe that's why they had to try so hard to be noticed, maybe that's why their father was like he was, maybe that's why they were always forgotten. The worst part of it all wasn't the neglect, the abuse, the bullying, or even the scars and pain endured, but merely the fact that Ranboo had witnessed that flat line. The fact they they watches her go. The fact that they knew she was gone.

   Ranboo caught the urge to claw at their burning skin as it sizzled. They thought about how they had to grab up quickly. How by just 9, they were working their arse off, and for free at that. The said part is there were maids and workers that could do it, but everyone in that empty place Ranboo had to call him hated him. They were always on their own after their mother had passed. No one wanted to befriend a useless hybrid with memory issues that was a try hard. I mean, who would wanna be stuck being friends with the good two shoes pit of pity? No one Ranboo had met, that's for sure.

   Ranboo, looked out of the window, admiring the stars. They always lives them ever since their mother had held them high for the northern lights 11 years ago. Ranboo smiled a bittersweet, smile. They must that cinnamon apple cent, the one that was their comfort cent. They missed the delicious food and baked goods. They missed the hugs and affection. They missed all of it, and not only from their mother. They missed their dad. They missed that careftee man who ran the place he ruled flawlessly without a worry with plenty of time for his family. He missed that picture perfect family that they once were.

   The sad fact of the matter is that being optimistic of what they have now wasn't even an option. Sure, they live in a house and have a place to stay, along with good education, but that was it. They had no family that even considered them family. They had no friends. They had no one to turn to. But what hurt most of all our of every single thing was the fact that they were nothing more than a shadow to everyone. Nothing more than 'the King's twelfth and final child'. No one knew their name. No one asked. No one cared, and Ranboo was sure it was going to stay that way.

   Ranboo walked through the halls, other kids bumping shoulders with them or pushing them on purpose. Just as any other day. They were top of all of their classes which was surprising, but as they got older, it became so much harder. Their memory only got worse, and the excessive notes were getting harder to take. It was all becoming so much, and Ranboo was just about to crack. They were 16 now. They swore they'd never forget that year now. That it'd stick with them all of their life. They had huge scars to remember it by.

   Ranboo walked to the lunch room per usual, or at least tried to before a group of kids pulled them into a classroom.

   "So you're the King's son? Pretty stupid looking. Bet you aren't even worth it."

   Ranboo quietly sighed, annoyed at their insults that weren't even offensive.

   One of the kids shoved Ranboo to the floor.

   "You're pathetic. Your mom died for someone like you and you have nothing to show for it. You have horrible memory and you're slipping~ won't be long before someone takes your lace as top student, memory boy."

   That hurt. Their mother had always been a sore subject. And people knew that. People thrived from it.

   One of the kids pulled out a water bottle, slowly opening it.

   "Don't you burn if you touch water, hybrid or not?"

   Ranboo went wide-eyed, becoming severly frightened now. One of the kids held them in place, another holding out Ranboo's right, enderman half arm. The third unscrewed the lid, and without warning, dumped the water all over Ranboo's arm, shoulder, right leg, and parshly on their torso. Ranboo wanted to scream, but the kid holding then down prevented them from doing so. Ranboo failed around, sobbing as the pain grew.

   "They say no one would miss you if you were gone–" the kid that had dumped the water on Ranboo pulled out a knife, a sharp knife "–wanna test that theory?"

   These kids were insane, Ranboo concluded, shaking their head violently, stop flailing around. There was no use, because before the poor teen had known what was happening, their vision faded to black as their body was in immense pain.

   Ranboo woke up in a room they knew all too well. A hospital room. Their torso felt numb and tingly, and as they tried to sit up, it only hurt. Badly. Ranboo hissed, laying back down. Memories flooded back from what happened, but that was the issue. Only memories of what happened came back to them, nothing else. They didn't even remember what the kids even looked like, only that they had hurt them. They looked at their bandaged arm, sighing quietly. Their whole body began to hurt in a letter of seconds, and yet it never phased them. Ranboo could only think of few things. What had they forgotten exactly? And why couldn't they remember anything before the accident or even the kids who had done it?

   After months of sitting in that hospital room, trying to remember, Ranboo was discharged. No family cane to see them, no one did. Ranboo was confused and stressed. They didn't know if they had any family, they didn't know if they even had a home, so they wandered. People stared in confusion as the now 17 year old wandered away from everything they had grown up with. And yet no one even dared to see if they were alright. They truly didn't remember the life they had, how hard they had worked, how sad their family was, how they were neglected, all of it was just erased, like someone had taken a really good eraser and made it so not even the tiniest spec of pencil was left. No vague ideas of what the late could've said, no ghost letters that were barely readable, nothing. So Ranboo decided to move on from that place. Yeah, it wasn't easy. They didn't even know where they'd go or what to do, forever wandering, at least for a while that is.


Word Count : 1276

A/n : ending was kinda rushed, sorry. I'll have an actual beeduo interaction next, and do part 3 of that other one shot in a little while. No spell checks.

Please eat something and get a good amount of sleep! (Have a cookie for your troubles 🍪)

Hydrate or die-drate!

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