<--2 : Exile/Dream-->

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Warning[s] : unintentional sh, death

Type : angst to semi fluff/platonic

Plot : dsmp Ranboo's exile

A/n : I didn't have much motivation, so I decided to use an old idea that I've seen before, so credits to the og creator of this au. I apologize deeply


No one's POV :

Ranboo's woke of with a throbbing headache. They reached a hand up to rub their forehead, their vision hazy.

They looked around, panic rising into their chest. They were in a clear glass box, a plugged hole at the bottom. They couldn't say for sure where they were, but they knew that whatever situation they were in wasn't good.

They realized a chain was around their ankle, restraining them from going elsewhere. They calmed down a bit as they saw a familiar face come into view. They pressed their hands against the clear glass, calling out to the person.

"Tubbo! Could you help me out here? I don't know how I got here, but I'm sort of stuck, and-"

"I can't do that."


Tubbo looked the half enderman dead in the eyes, causing Ranboo's to tense up.

"You're a traitor, ya know. You've betrayed us all. And now you're going to pay the price."

Ranboo's heart sunk. Never had they seen their husband so dead serious, nor was Tubbo ever that cold to them. It was then they knew this wasn't some sick joke nor a dream.

The plug in the hole at the bottom of the box Ranboo was in popped up like a cork, the box filling up with water.

Ranboo began to freak out, banging against the glass, begging Tubbo to let them out.

When the water reached Ranboo's waist is when they began to cry, reopening the past scars under their eyes as their tears burned them a long with the water that was now up to their chest.

They pleaded, screaming and crying agony for Tubbo to let them out, but to no avail.

They water hit the top of the box in mere minutes, Ranboo giving up. They floated just barely, their vision going blurry as their skin basically melted into the water.

They let out one last almost silent call for help before their vision faded to black.

Ranboo woke up with a start, shaking and quietly crying as the nightmare repeated itself in their memories.

They ran a shaky hand through their disheveled hair that was out of it's normal, long braid.

They hugged their knees that were now pressed against their chest as they continued to quietly sob, doing their best to not wake up Tubbo. Their breathing was shallow and uneven, and they were horrified at this point.

Unfortunately their efforts to keep their husband asleep had failed. Tubbo sat up, rubbing his eyes as he turned his attention to Ranboo.

"Are you okay, big man?" He asked, gently rubbing Ranboo's back, now directly beside the half enderman.

Ranboo stayed silent, hugging Tubbo semi tightly, sobbing louder now.

Tubbo did his best to sooth Ranboo, though he wasn't very successful.

"I-i-i'm so sorry... Please d-don't l-leave me... I-i'm s-sorry," Ranboo sobbed.

"Shhh, I'm here, boo, I'm here. It's okay, I promise. You're okay."


Word Count : 538

A/n : I hope you enjoyed. I was originally gonna just let Ranboo die but decided that would be boring, not that what I did is original or anything, but still.

Sorry if there's any mistakes, I was getting my hair dyed while writing this and I didn't feel like spell-checking it.

Make sure to eat something!

Hydrate or die-drate!

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