<-- 13 : Faded Away -->

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Warnings : death

Type : angst

Plot : Ghostboo angst for once

A/n : enjoy!


No one's POV :

   It wasn't fair. It isn't fair how one can give and do so much for everyone else and then be pushed away so easily. Why are people so cruel?

   Ghostboo stared put of the frosty window as it snowed. They thought about all that had happened. How much Ranboo had been there for everyone, how much they had tried to help, and then everyone just dropped them like that.

   Ghostboo sighed, slipping off the sack like cover up they wore over their head. They huffed, seeing the reflection of their eyes in the window, only growing angrier.

   They closes their eyes, exhaling and inhaling to calm down. They didn't know where the tune came from or why they had the urge to, but they just started humming, calming down even more.

   They were fully relaxed now. They weren't even paying attention as they slowly became even more transparent, fading away. Before the ghost could have a second thought of the matter, they faded away.

   It had been days, months, and eventually it had gone to years. Needless to say, they were gone. For good this time.


Word Count : 204

A/n : sorry this was so short, it was more of a filler chapter. No spell checks, deepest apologies.

Eat and get proper sleep.

Hydrate or die-drate!

◌⑅⃝●♡⋆♡ Beeduo Short-Stories ♡⋆♡●⑅⃝◌Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat