<-- 12 : Saved #2 -->

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Warnings : mentions of needles and minor blood spill

Type : Platonic

Plot : Ranboo's finally freed from that place and going to his new home, after some long and dreadful tests of course

A/n : 128 reads!? I know to some it isn't that much, but holy cow, thank you! Enjoy! :D


No one's POV :

   Unfortunately for the 14 year old, turned out it wouldn't be right away that morning. He'd be picked up at around 3:30pm. He knew what the facility would do, the doctors always had the same routine for those who were either being adopted by someone that owns a hybrid license or someone who's a scientist.

   Ranboo's sat on the white bed that he had slept in all his life, hugging his knees close to his chest as he waited for some guard do drag him to that dreadful room.

   Watching the clock tick by only made his anxiety grow. What would they do to him? How painful would it be? Should he really be worried? Thoughts swirled through the boy's head.

   The slam of a door brought Ranboo out of his trance. He watched as two guards walked in, forcing the poor 14 year old up aggressively, dragging him down the hall. The facility really did hate people being slow.

   The guards forced Ranboo into a chair, standing by the door outside as the doctors closed said door. Ranboo only became more scared when he saw the needles that one of the doctors had in their hand. He shrunk away against the chair, hating being pricked with the sharp objects.

   The doctor slowly approached him, harshly grabbing his arm, but Ranboo flailed around, breaking free of the doctor's grip and hiding away in the far corner of the room.

   The doctor's eyes seemed to fill with anger and hatred.

   "Always the stupid ender hybrids. That's why none of you disastrous creatutes roam free. You're all useless, ya know. I see no point in keeping you around," the doctor spat angrily.

   Ranboo simply shrunk back more, his floppy ears pressing against the sides of his head.

   "God, just get the hell up already and come over here!" The doctor yelled impatiently.

   Being the jumpy and scared kid he is, Ranboo flinched from the yelling and refused to move.

   The doctor eventually gave up with words and forced the boy up and back into the chair. They grabbed another syringe, jabbing it into Ranboo's neck to calm him down, which it worked almost instantly. The other doctor harshly grabbed Ranboo's arm, jabbing another needle into him. 

   After much more of that, though less aggressive, blood was dripping from Ranboo's arms, abs the boy was no longer 'out of it' so to speak. It didn't hurt him which was the plus side, but the marks from everything would be a pain.

   Ranboo was escorted, or dragged, back to his room. He was aggressively shoved back into the white room per usual. Luckily for him, it was 3:00pm, which meant just a half an hour more of sitting here.

   As Ranboo approached his bed seeing clothes and a pair of sneakers waiting there for him with a little sticky note saying who it was from and that the clothes were indeed Ranboo's size somehow.

   Ranboo carefully picked up the sweater, surprised Phil had given him something before he came to get him. Ranboo smiled a genuine smile again. Sure he didn't fully trust Phil yet, but the man was definitely getting there.


->Small Time skip : 3:30pm<--

   Ranboo was once again being escorted down the white halls he was all to familiar with, and the guards were just as rough as always. When Ranboo had made it out of the facility, his bag clutched tightly in his hands, he felt a wave of fresh air wash over him for the first time in a long long while, scrunching up his face.

   A smile once again found its way to Ranboo's face. He was excited, nervous, and a little scared all at once. But more than anything, he was grateful to be free from that hell hole he had lived in for all of his life.


Word Count : 700

A/n : sorry it's short again, and that I haven't posted in a little bit. I'll update this again tomorrow. Hope you have a good day/afternoon/night wherever you are!

Please eat something and get a good amount of sleep.

And don't forget to hydrate or die-drate!

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