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Jeno was at his study table going through a lesson for tomorrow's lecture while you were peacefully sleeping on the left side of the bed with a pillow border in between facing him

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Jeno was at his study table going through a lesson for tomorrow's lecture while you were peacefully sleeping on the left side of the bed with a pillow border in between facing him.

After reading for a few minutes Jeno turned his gaze at your sleeping figure , talking in your soft facial features. He got up from his study table and moved towards the bed before sitting to look more closely at you.

Do I have the right to love or even like you ? Would I be a good soulmate for you ? I hope my cold personality doesn't disappoints you. He questioned himself while soflty stroking your hair. You leaned more to his touch in your sleep.

I should also sleep now. He let out a sigh and made his way to the bathroom to do his night routine. After being done with the routine , he joined your sleeping figure in the bed and covered both of you properly with the comforter.

It was in the middle of the night when Jeno felt slight nudge in the side. He opened his eyes and sat on his arms to see you snuggling to seek his warmth. A small smile appeared on his face and his heart melted at the gesture.

And you said that I should not cross the line , but here you are crossing it. He let out a playful scoff and properly took you in his arms. I hope you don't get surprised after seeing our position in the morning. Jeno mumbled before drifting to the dreamland.


The sound of photos being taken could be heard from Jeno's room along with some whisper-yells. I told you to keep the phone at silent. Now wait until Jeno wakes up and crushes you with his biceps. Haechan whisper-yells annoyed and Chenle and Jisung grinned while clumsily rubbing their neck.

Jeno started to squirm in his sleep and eventually woke up due to Haechan's and Chenle's shushed bickering with cameras still pointed in your direction.

May I know what are you three doing in my room early in the morning ? Jeno asked in his deep raspy morning voice. Annoyed that they disturbed his sleep but quite relieved too that you very still sleeping.

The trio froze after hearing his voice and Haechan's phone dropped on your feet peeking out from the comforter because he was panicking. You let out a groan because of the pain and a deathly stare was shot in Haechan's direction by none other than Jeno himself.

Run before I kill you with my own bare hands. He mouthed making the trio to nod in fear and running out the room. Jeno turned to face you just to see a frown on your face because of the pain.

Wake up princess . We have to go to the university today. Jeno spoke in the softest voice he could gather and you started to slowly open your eyes. The first thing you did when you opened your eyes and saw him was to give him the biggest smile in order to greet him morning. He also smiled in return and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up.

Soon Jeno got out of the bathroom after taking a shower and fully dressed up. He saw you still on the bed texting someone while smiling. Would you have a breakfast and go back to your mansion or do you wanna go now ? He asked and you looked up from your phone.

I will go back to the mansion now , since Jihyun unnie is there and she texted me saying that she has cooked my favourite pasta for breakfast. Oh yes , she also told me to bring you with me since she wanted to meet you. You explained and got up from his bed. After tieing your hair properly , you followed Jeno into the garage.

Jeno broke the silence by a question which was bugging him for the past few minutes. Who is Jihyun by the way ? He asked and glanced at you. She is Taehyung oppa's soulmate and she just now came back from her business trip. You answered and he nodded in understanding.

As soon as you reached the mansion you hurriedly got down the car and ran inside the mansion to meet the anticipated female. Jihyun unnie I am back. You exclaimed and engulfed the elder girl in a hug. You are really beautiful in real life. I finally got to meet you in person. Jihyun said and rubbed your back in a soft manner.

You both were so lost in gossiping that you forgot Jeno was also there. He cleared his throat to grab you attention. Oh yeah unnie this is Jeno my soulmate and fiancé. You introduced and he slightly bowed in respect. You are really handsome young man. Please take care of my sweetheart for me , will you ? Jihyun asked making him nod. Thank you so much noona and I will surely take care of her with my life. He answered.

Okay sweetheart now go and take a shower while I serve the breakfast. Jihyun said and you quickly made your way to your room. After taking a shower you thought of wearing something cute , so you wore a pink coloured dress gifted by Jin. You tied your hair in high messy ponytail and made your way downstairs to join Jeno and Jihyun for the breakfast.

 You tied your hair in high messy ponytail and made your way downstairs to join Jeno and Jihyun for the breakfast

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

You heard Jihyun giving Jeno a lecture about your likes and dislikes making you whine. Unnie let him find that stuff on his own just like me. You whinned making Jihyun chuckle while nodding. After finishing your breakfast , Jeno drove you both to the University.

Whispers could be heard all around the university. It was a topic of gossip. It was a surprise for everybody , a girl getting out of Lee Jeno's car and that too not just any girl it was Jeon Jungkook's dear princess Kim Y/n.

You heard the people talking but you decided to ignore them and made your way towards your locker. So I finally see some progress between you both huh ! Someone spoke from behind you and you quickly turned to see who it was. Oh my god Kevin and Juyeon you guys are finally back. You exclaimed and engulfed them both in a hug.

Jeno saw it all and decided to walk in your directions. If this is not being jealous , then I don't know what is. Renjun commented and rest of the dreamies laughed.

Princess let me walk you to your first lecture. Jeno said and secretly pulled you away from the two boys's embrace. Kevin and Juyeon saw this and passed eachother a smirk. Sure Jeno-ssi. Meet you guys at lunch. You said and walked away with Jeno.

_________________________________________I am thinking of doing a Taeyong's mafia story next

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I am thinking of doing a Taeyong's mafia story next. Enjoy reading and stay healthy 🥰

MR . COLD 《Lee Jeno》Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin