Sebastian rolled his eyes, "You're not gonna-"

"You don't know that-"

"Dec." Sebastian dropped his hands from Declan's face, "Nothing bad is going to happen."

Declan continued squeezing Sebastian's hand, perhaps a little too tightly, though Sebastian didn't complain, "What did you have in mind?" He asked, "For tonight?"

"I could cook us dinner." Sebastian suggested, "Evan sent me a few new recipes-"

"I don't want to go to your flat."

Sebastian raised his brows, "Wow, okay, uh-"

"No, not..." Declan sighed, "Not because..." He glanced over his shoulder. Evan was sitting a few rows back, chatting animatedly to Harvey, who was watching him with a look of tentative admiration in his eyes. "I don't want to leave Evan alone tonight." Declan said plainly.

"Oh." Sebastian breathed out, "Okay. That's fine. I can come to yours."

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah, 'course, darling."

Declan didn't let go of Sebastian's hand for the rest of the flight, and when they landed, he held on even tighter.

The taxi ride home was quiet. While Sebastian sat up front with the driver, Evan napped on Declan's shoulder, and Harvey squeezed himself up close to the door, so he didn't accidentally touch Evan. Declan found it surprisingly sweet.

"I'll come by later, yeah?" Sebastian asked Declan, leaning over the headrest to face him, as the car pulled up outside Sebastian and Harvey's apartment block.

"You don't wanna come over now?" Declan frowned.

"I can't." Sebastian replied apologetically, "There's something I've gotta do first."

Declan fought back the urge to ask Sebastian to elaborate. He didn't need to know everything Sebastian did - no matter how much he wanted Sebastian to tell him. "Okay." Declan said softly, wondering whether he was supposed to ask Sebastian for more information, whether that's what Sebastian had expected him to do. He didn't know. He didn't know how to date, and he didn't know how be good at it.

Harvey unbuckled his seatbelt, and turned to face Declan and Evan, "I'll see you guys soon." He smiled, his attention falling to Evan, and Evan alone, "I had a really good time. Thank you - for everything."

Evan - much to Declan's surprise - latched onto Harvey's hand, "Will you come over later, too?" He asked tiredly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

Harvey stared down at the point of contact between them, "Uh..." He cleared his throat, fixing on a bashful smile, "Yeah, 'course, that... I would...I'd love to." He said, sounding unreasonably flustered.

Evan pulled his hand away, smiling at him brightly, "Okay." He breathed out, "I'll see you later."

"Goodbye, Evan." Harvey pushed the door open, and stepped out of the car, "Bye, Declan." He added quickly, almost as an afterthought.

As they drove the rest of the way to their own apartment block, Declan turned to face Evan, "Do you really think Harvey is straight?"

Evan frowned, "Yeah." He replied, "I think we'd know if he wasn't."

Declan slouched back in his seat, and ran a hand through his hair, "Yeah, you're right." He smiled in amusement, "We'd know."

After lugging their suitcases upstairs, Evan started unpacking, while Declan collapsed onto the sofa, and promptly fell asleep.

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