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Declan turned around at the sound of breaking glass, and a string of murmured curse words. His eyes found Evan, stood behind the counter, an empty tray in his hands which had been full just moments ago. Evan was staring down at the smashed crockery at his feet, his eyes dazed, his body frozen in place.

Declan returned his attention to the customer sat in front of him, and tucked his notepad into the pocket of his apron, "Will you excuse me for a second?" He fixed on a lopsided smile, and slipped away without waiting for a response.

Evan was still clutching the empty tray, his eyes wide, gaze fixed on the mess on the floor.

"Evan." Declan said, placing a hand on Evan's shoulder to grab his attention.

Evan flinched at the contact, his eyes darting up to meet Declan's. There was something there that Declan had never seen there before; fear.

"Hey." Declan murmured, his brows furrowing, "Are you-?"

"Sorry." Evan blurted out, quickly dropping to his knees as he started picking up the shards of glass littered across the floor.

Declan leant down beside him, "Careful." He warned, "Don't use your hands, you're gonna hurt yourself. I'll get a broom-"

"It's fine." Evan shrugged him off, "I got it, Dec."

"No, you-"

"Ah, shit!" Evan winced, snatching his hand away abruptly, and dropping a sheet of jagged glass he had been holding. Instantly, the tear in his hand became visible; a cut that sliced across the length of his palm, gushing with blood.

Declan frantically stumbled to his feet, grabbed the nearest tea towel he could find, and dropped back down to his knees. He yanked Evan's bleeding hand towards him, and wrapped it up in the tea towel, adding pressure to the wound to try and stem the bleeding. "This isn't like you." Declan whispered, his gaze returning to Evan's, "What's wrong?"

Evan shook his head dismissively, his eyes darting down to his hand, which was now staining the tea towel red, "N-Nothing." He choked out.

"Evan." Declan pressed gently, but when it became instantly clear that Evan wasn't going to tell him anything, Declan sighed, "Does it hurt?"

Evan gulped, "No."

"You're lying."

Evan huffed out a weak laugh that quickly died in his throat, "You know me so well."

"C'mon." Declan stood up, then extended his arm for Evan to latch onto and pull himself up, too, "Let's get you fixed up in the staff room."

Evan shook his head stubbornly, "I need to clean this up-"

"Tina!" Declan called across the diner, "Do you mind sweeping this area? Evan's cut his hand - I gotta bandage him up."

Tina nodded, then offered him a thumbs up before returning her attention to the customer she was serving.

Declan pressed down on the tea towel once more, making Evan wince, before pulling him into the staff room. "Sit." He ordered, pointing to the circular table in the middle of the room.

Evan collapsed into one of the chairs, and held his injured hand in his lap, "I-I'm sorry, Dec." He said, his voice strained, "I was just distracted, I...I don't know what came over me."

Declan returned with the first aid kit, and knelt down in front of Evan, "Distracted by what?" He asked, slowly unwrapping the tea towel. It was covered in blood, just like Evan's hand.

"It's been a year today." Evan said carefully, "Since he..." He paused abruptly, his eyes filling with tears.

"Hey." Declan's gaze softened, his brows drawn together into a frown, "It's okay. Just take your time." Declan assured him, opening the first aid kit, and pulling out a roll of bandages distractedly.

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