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Declan woke up alone. Sunlight was slipping through the cracks in the blinds, and bathing him in a golden glow. He groaned, digging his fingers into his hair, and squeezing his eyes tightly shut. He didn't want to get up, because as soon as he did, he would have to confront the mess he had created. His argument with Mickey, his breakdown in the middle of Sebastian's living room, all the empty space inside him which he was desperate to fill.

He thought about the warmth of Sebastian's body, and the void that it had left in its wake. He instantly missed Sebastian's hands, his arms, his chest. He missed all the hot flesh that Declan could touch, and melt into. He missed Sebastian.

That was what eventually got him out of bed; his desire to relocate the boy who had held him all night long.

As Declan tugged his jeans back on, he scanned Sebastian's bare room curiously. It was void of any photos, posters, or hint of life whatsoever. Declan sighed. He didn't know much about Sebastian's past, but he knew that it didn't hold many good memories. He knew that it was full of darkness. Full of pain. Full of faces he refused to hang on his bedroom walls.

He slipped into the bathroom, and rummaged through the cabinet under the sink until he eventually found a toothbrush, still in its packaging. He ripped off the plastic, smeared toothpaste onto the brush, and started to clean his teeth. As he did, he found his gaze bouncing around the bathroom. He didn't know which products belonged to Sebastian, and which belonged to Harvey. He didn't know whose towel was who's. There was something sweet in that - the domesticity, the friendship, the shared space. He was, however, able to clock that the citrus cologne sitting on the countertop was Sebastian's. It was the same smell that had lingered on Declan's bedsheets for days.

After trying and failing to tame his scruffy curls, he stepped back into the corridor, and headed into the kitchen. There, he found Sebastian's roommate, Harvey, shirtless and clutching a mug of steaming coffee.

When his eyes met Declan's, he froze.

Declan attempted a halfhearted smile, "Hi."

Harvey cleared his throat, and placed his mug onto the counter, his gaze fixed on Declan's face, "You're the one Seb met at the club." He said, "About a month ago, right?"

Declan nodded hesitantly, "Uh... That's me."

"I didn't know..." Harvey frowned, "I knew someone was here. Seb left to go buy pastries - he wouldn't tell me who they were for."

Declan felt his chest tighten at that. It wasn't fair, getting to be this close to someone like Sebastian - someone who made him dinner and bought him pastries - but not being allowed to want him for anything but his body. Declan knew it was for the best; sex was the only thing that came easy to him - if he tried for anything else, he would only ruin it. He ruined everything. But it still hurt, more than it should have.

"Your skateboard almost killed me last night." Harvey told him plainly.

Declan rose his brows, "Yeah?" He held up his arm, covered in jagged red scratches, "Me too."

Harvey's lips curled up at the corners, "You're not what I was expecting, y'know?"

"And why's that?" Declan asked, though he was afraid of the answer.

Harvey shrugged, then took a sip of coffee. He didn't say anything else.

They both turned at the sound of footsteps. An unfamiliar girl rounded the corner, dressed in an oversized t-shirt, her hair falling out of the bun that was knotted atop her head. She glanced between the pair of them, leant back against the doorframe, and crossed her arms over her chest expectantly, "No breakfast?"

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