twenty nine

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Sebastian had learnt a lot about Declan over the span of just a few short months.

He had peeled away each of Declan's layers, careful not to rip away too much too quickly. And Declan had - begrudgingly, and somewhat unknowingly - let him.

Sebastian had learnt how Declan took his tea, and how he wanted to be touched, and how he liked his eggs in the morning. Sebastian had particularly enjoyed leaning how to draw out sleepy sighs of content from Declan just by stroking his hair.

He was learning even more tonight.

Declan was insecure. He was jealous. He lashed out when he was angry.

He already knew all of these things, but hearing Declan admit them aloud made all the difference. Because this time, Sebastian wasn't just peering over the walls Declan had built around himself. This time, Declan was inviting him inside.

He learnt even more over dessert.

He learnt that Declan had had braces as a kid, but he never wore his retainer, so his front teeth were a little wonky. He learnt that Declan used to shoplift alcohol when he was fifteen. He learnt that he only started skating because Mickey did. He learnt that he once had a crush on his geography teacher. He also learnt that Declan acquired even more freckles under the sun - Sebastian had never been so excited for summer in his life.

Declan learnt about Sebastian, too.

He learnt that Sebastian had been really good at maths as a kid, and even won a competition when he was nine years old. He learnt that Sebastian missed playing football, even though it had been years since he had last stepped foot on a pitch. He learnt that the first thing Harvey had ever said to Sebastian was 'Do you get paid more because you're the boss's son?' (the answer was no). He also learnt that Sebastian got panic attacks.

"What are they like?" Declan asked, dropping his fork down onto the plate, abandoning the remainder of his cheesecake, "Panic attacks - are they really scary?"

Sebastian placed his own fork down, "Yeah." He replied earnestly, "My chest gets really tight, and I can't breathe, or speak, or..." He shrugged helplessly, "I can't do anything really."

Declan was glowing gold in the warm candlelight, the flame setting his green eyes ablaze, making them twinkle like emeralds. He looked beautiful. Sebastian hadn't been able to take his eyes off of him all night, not even to focus on his meal.

"Harvey always knows what to do." Sebastian said, "He's really good at calming me down - don't know how he does it, to be honest."

Declan smiled softly, "Harvey irritates the fuck outta me." He commented with a short laugh, "But he...well, he's a really good friend, isn't he?"

Sebastian nodded, "I've never had a friend like him before." He confessed.

"Neither." Declan mumbled, "Not until I met Evan."

Sebastian frowned, "What about Mickey?"

"Mickey loves me." Declan sighed, "But I'm not River."

Sebastian's heart throbbed for him.

"River will always come first." Declan said, "That will never change, and I...I think I'm okay with that." He picked up his fork again, and dove into the cheesecake.

Sebastian slouched back in his chair, and simply admired him.

Declan's eyes flicked up to meet his, and his lips curled into a bashful smile, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're beautiful."

Declan stomped on his foot, and his cheeks flushed red. He shoved another mouthful of cheesecake into his mouth so he didn't have to reply.

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