twenty one

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Sebastian missed Declan.

He had started dreaming about him, and when he woke up, cold and alone, the first place his mind would go to was Declan. He missed touching his hair, and his lips, and the warm skin he kept concealed beneath hoodies. Sebastian just wanted to be near him again.

He had tried calling Declan, but he never received an answer.

So, after work, Sebastian swung by a bakery, and picked up an overpriced cheesecake, before making his way towards Declan's flat. His heart was pounding, and his palms were sweating, but he was desperate to set his eyes on Declan. It was an itch that needed scratching.

When Declan opened the door, Sebastian's heart stuttered. Oh, he was so beautiful. Declan's eyes were too bright for Sebastian's imagination to replicate. His curls were damp, curling at the nape of his neck, begging Sebastian to reach out and touch them. He was wearing a pair of joggers and a cotton jumper, and he looked so soft. So tired, and pretty, and warm. Sebastian wanted to hold him and never let go.

"What are you doing here?" Declan didn't step away from the door to let Sebastian in. He remained under the arch of the doorframe, acting as a shield to his flat.

"Uh..." Sebastian swallowed, noticing how dry his throat was. He held up a white square box, "I bought you a cheesecake."

"You-" Declan's eyes flicked down to the box, "Why would you do that?"

"I don't know." Sebastian admitted, "I wanted to."

Declan sighed, "You can't just show up like this." He said coldly, folding his arms over his chest, "It's weird."

"Yeah." Sebastian deflated, because he knew that Declan was right, "I just wanted to see you." He confessed, "You weren't answering any of my calls-"

"And why should I?" Declan bit back, "I don't owe you my time, Sebastian. If I'm horny, I'll call you, but otherwise-"

"Have I done something wrong?" Sebastian asked worriedly, panic swelling in his chest.

"No." Declan replied quickly, but the strain in his voice gave him away.

"You're angry at me."

"I'm not."


"Go home, Sebastian." Declan ordered coldly.

Sebastian's heart clenched, "Are you okay?" He asked softly.

Declan gritted his teeth, "I'm telling you to fuck off." He reminded him, "And you're asking me if I'm okay?"

"You lash out when you're upset." Sebastian mused, "Which must mean-"

"It doesn't mean anything." Declan protested, "None of this means anything; that's the point, Sebastian." He said sourly, "What we have is about sex, and you''re making it about..." His eyes fell back down to the box in Sebastian's hands, "I can't believe you bought me a fucking cheesecake."

Sebastian smiled bashfully, "Neither can I."

Declan's expression broke, and light started to shine through the cracks. He was starting to look like himself again. "You're mental." He murmured as he finally stepped away from the door, "Come in, then." He sounded defeated.

Sebastian beamed at him, slipping into Declan's studio apartment, and doing his best to ignore the mess. Dishes were piled up in the sink, clothes strewn across the floor, and takeaway boxes littered the countertops.

"Don't." Declan sighed, leaning back against the wall lifelessly.

"Don't what?"

"Don't ask me when the last time I did laundry was, or how long it's been since I've cooked-"

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