twenty two

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When Harvey told Declan that Sebastian was planning to meet up with Felix, Declan had been jealous. He had been angry. He had been upset.

When Sebastian showed up to Declan's apartment with a cheesecake - which was as charming as it was absurd - Declan had tried to muster up the strength to tell Sebastian to leave, no matter how desperately he had wanted him to stay. 

Declan had even considered breaking things off between them, because truthfully, it hurt too much, getting a taste of something as good as Sebastian, only for it to be snatched away again before Declan could even enjoy it. Declan was suffering. But Declan was also weak - weak for Sebastian.

So, instead of ending things, he had let Sebastian in, and now Declan was sat on his bed, watching Sebastian make him an omelette.

Oh, he was hopeless.

"Hey, darling?" Sebastian threw over his shoulder, a sly grin hiding in the corners of his mouth, "Where do you keep the salt?"

Declan's chest tightened, "Don't call me that."

Sebastian smirked, "Why not?"

Declan didn't want to admit that it gave him butterflies, "Just don't."

"Oh, but it makes you blush so much, darling."

Declan groaned miserably, and flopped back onto the mattress, "Good luck finding the salt." He grumbled into the pillow.

He watched Sebastian cook, tucked up beneath the warmth of his duvet, the morning sunlight streaming through the window. He was quickly becoming addicted to the feeling of waking up beside Sebastian, their limbs tangled together, Sebastian's hand combing through his hair sleepily. They hadn't had sex the previous night, and yet, there was an intimacy between them so strong that Declan had to remind himself - once again - that they weren't dating.

Sebastian wasn't his to keep.

Once Sebastian was done cooking, he brought Declan breakfast in bed, like the perfect boyfriend Declan knew he could be. Declan ate the omelette greedily, realising that it was the first thing he had eaten in days that hadn't come out of a takeaway box. Afterwards, Sebastian cleared up, and Declan let him, because he was lazy, and selfishly wanted to see what lengths Sebastian would go to for him.

When Sebastian returned to bed after finishing the dishes, Declan shoved him onto the mattress, and climbed on top of him. He pressed his lips to Sebastian's throat, and kissed his hot skin as many times as he could, savouring the taste of the boy beneath him. He needed this. He needed something uncomplicated, and that was exactly what sex had always been to him.

When Sebastian's hands landed on Declan's hips, Declan pried them off, and pinned his wrists onto the mattress. He had never been one to take control in bed - he usually left that up to his partner - but right now, he wanted to get his hands all over Sebastian, and he didn't want to be distracted.

Declan kissed him hard on the lips, one hand holding Sebastian's wrists above his head, the other crawling down the length of his body, tracing every curve his touch snagged on. Sebastian kissed him back eagerly, his chest vibrating with quiet moans of pleasure. "Dec." Sebastian mumbled into his mouth, "Let me touch you."

Declan knew that Sebastian was stronger than him - he could shake Declan off if he wanted to. But he remained sprawled out across the bed, entirely at Declan's mercy, and Declan knew that he was enjoying this.

Declan broke the kiss, and placed a tender one on Sebastian's cheek instead, "Can I tie you up?" He whispered in his ear.

Sebastian's eyes shone with lust, and he swallowed hard, "Yes." He choked out.

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