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When Declan woke up, he found Sebastian tending to a pan, whilst distractedly twisting a spatula between his fingers.

Declan watched him silently for a moment, mesmerised by the flick of Sebastian's wrist, and the soft curve of his throat. His curls were dipping into his face, and his lip was caught between his teeth. No one had ever cooked for Declan before - not like this. Not with such concentration, such care, such thought.

Sebastian turned, caught Declan's gaze, and smiled, "You're awake."

"Just about." Declan groaned, running a hand across his face. He reached over, plucked his favourite ring off of his bedside table, and slipped it onto his finger. "What are you making?" He asked, finally mustering the energy to drag himself towards the kitchen - which was, technically, part of his bedroom, since his entire flat consisted of one square room, and a bathroom.

"Pancakes." Sebastian replied. His brown eyes were scanning Declan's face, and for a moment, Declan thought that Sebastian was about to kiss him.

He didn't.

Declan cleared his throat awkwardly, and leant back against the counter, "I'm surprised I had the ingredients." He murmured, "Last I checked, my fridge was virtually empty."

Sebastian shook his head, "It was full when I looked."

"Right." Declan sighed, the realisation hitting him, "Mickey."

Sebastian rose his brows, "Mickey?"

"He took me grocery shopping." Declan explained, "I didn't take note of half the shit he threw into the trolley."

"Mickey." Sebastian said again, slowly, "So, he's...uh...a friend of yours?"

Declan's lips curled up in amusement, "Nah." He said, "Just someone I fuck."

Sebastian's face instantly drained of colour, and he quickly averted his attention to the pan. He tried to clear his throat, but it came out as a cough, and he had to catch his breath.

Declan's grin widened, and he couldn't contain the laugh that bubbled up his throat, "I'm kidding."

"Oh." Sebastian blushed, and brought his hand up to his face to try and shield it. Declan found it adorable.

"He's a friend from Axminster." Declan continued, "He's at uni up north, and with me here..." He sighed, "Well, we don't get to see each other much anymore."

Sebastian prodded the pancake with the spatula, his eyes still not quite meeting Declan's, "You miss it? Home?"

"There's not much to miss." Declan shrugged, "Mickey's not there anymore, and he was about the only good thing in that town."

Sebastian nodded, as if he understood. He flipped the pancake, and didn't say anything.

"You still in contact with anyone from school?" Declan asked curiously, "You mentioned boarding school-"

"No." Sebastian replied quickly.

Declan frowned, "How come?"

Sebastian's shoulders tensed up, and he took a shaky breath, "Oakleaf wasn't the sort of place you went to to make friends."

Declan knew better than to push this time. He stepped closer, and peered into the pan, "You're a really good cook, y'know?"

Sebastian smiled softly, "Not really. Pancakes only need about three ingredients, so..." He shrugged.

"You like it though." Declan prompted, "Don't you?"

Sebastian nudged the pancake out of the pan with the spatula, and slid it onto a plate, which he handed to Declan, "I like cooking for you. For Harvey. For other people." He said quietly, "Makes me feel useful, y'know?"

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