She shrugs. "I guess we got close. But Blaise is more important to me and I don't think I should really give him something to stress about. So I cut ties with Reagan even though I am not with Blaise- but it doesn't matter anyway as I move to uni soon."

"You do?"

"Mhm, like two weeks."

I smile. Happy for her.

"What about you?"

"Honestly with all the Rowan stuff I am so behind on all the accommodation and registration things. I don't know much-I have applied for accommodation and I have received loads of emails but I haven't looked at them all yet."

"There's so many emails." Scarlett nods amused. "I know we're not at the same campus. But we will be at the same shows and we'll be at the same events and that's so exciting. To just be able to catch up and see you."

I nod.

Her enthusiasm faulters. "I know we're nowhere near as close as we were."

I try not to scoff, that sounds like we drifted apart. No. We fell out for a reason.

"But I do care about you." She says. "I care if you're happy or if you're struggling. I know we won't talk all the time but I- I hope we could maybe keep in touch. Even if it's just following each other on socials- I like seeing what you're doing."

That makes me smile a bit because the idea of not speaking to her all the time but not having any negative feelings towards her and seeing everything that she gets up to is actually a nice thought.

I agree with a smile and then admit that I need to unblock her then. Which she laughs to and we talk about how funny it is that I just blocked literally everyone I didn't like from my pages.

It has brought me so much peace though, so I don't unblock anyone other than Scarlett when I get home. I mean home, home. I went to see if mum or dad were at the house and if they could help me with getting all of my university things sorted.

When I walk through the house I can smell that someone has been baking and fingers cross it is Emersyn. I head towards the kitchen and to my slight disappointment, mum is stood behind the kitchen counter decorating what look like pretty decent chocolate cupcakes.

"Hello..." I say to her.

She looks up and grins. "Lottie, come and look!"

I step froward hesitantly. "What did ya make?"

"Just chocolate cupcakes but I followed everything exactly, your dad left me a recipe he found and he's about to get back and so I need you to try them quick- 'cos if they're awful then we'll have to run to the shop and get some."

I raise an eyebrow at her.

She rolls her eyes. "I am not unaware of my cooking skills. But your dad said even I can't mess this up and so obviously if I have, I will go and find some cupcakes so I can pretend I made them."

I sit down at the kitchen island, and she grins, grabs me a small plate, a little fork and places a cupcake down on it.

"Would you like a drink?" she asks.

I would. I might need something to wash it down with.

"I'll get you a soda." She says excitedly. "How are you baby?"

I smile at the back of her head. "I am ok. I like it when you're off work."

She smiles back to me too. "Me too." She hands me a drink and nods to the cake. "Now try it please."

The little cake actually looks good.

"Where is dad? And Em and August?"

"Dad's helping Em and August sort something with the electrician at the house." Mum says. "August isn't sure about some advice he was given so he is checking it with dad."

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