CHAPTER 23 [Please be my little brother again!]

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"..I have 14 days left...will i can get close to Riku with this chance?"Tenn asking himself.It's already new day and Tsumugi let Tenn pick Riku at the hospital today because of she want Tenn to make it with Riku.He was nervouse because he will face with Riku who didn't remember anything about him but he can't be give up so easily.

Tenn went to the kitchen as saw Takamasa and Aya already there with the bag.

"oh good morning Tenn-niisan,i made breakfast! you can have it before you go out."said Aya.

Tenn didn't say anything but just take a seat.

"Good morning Tenn,how a beautiful morning."said Takamasa.

" beautiful morning to get know something you hide from me"said Tenn on the point.

Takamasa were shock and ask Tenn.

"what do you mean by that Tenn? you know i won't hide anything from you since you are my precious son."said Takamasa.

"then can you show me the funeral of my parent and Nanase Riku'ss  brother?"Tenn ask.

"I can't bring you today because i have a flight with Aya."said Takamasa.

"then tell me the address..i don't want to be bad kid toward my parent..i never meet them i mean i never saw their face beacause i don't remember their face as i was curious and maybe i can remember something from it?"said Tenn.

Takamasa look so depress after knowing that Tenn start to open that topic again.

"Tenn,i told you don't bring up this topic again,i already told you who kill your parent from the start right?"said Takamasa.

"i know,but i just want to see them,is that bad idea?"said Tenn.

"You are not ready for this Tenn,please let it be and we will talk about this again after i send Aya."said Takamasa as he about to leaving.Suddenly there's a document were layed on the table by Tenn.

"this looks like you knew about it or still want to blame who?"Tenn were looking at Takamasa with anger.


"how do you feeling right now after putting my dear younger brother Riku in such hardest time?Why would you that to him?both of us has share the same blood and i always care for him because she my only blood i have?Mom and dad tell you to take me only after hearing the news about Riku's death? how shame are you?you are just using me for my talent.That's why you give everything to me.I always be what you want to me to be,i always do my best to get as you expectation..but why the only thing you can't do for me is telling me the truth.If you tell me about the truth,i will follow your word and i won't be harsh toward my own related.He already suffer more but you give him more suffer"said Tenn.

"Tenn..please let me explain everything..."

"there's no need you to explain me more because i already heard everything and i even get the evidence too.Witness and anything that can prove the truth.You know Riku been suffer like this.."said Tenn with anger.Aya just silent himself.Tenn stand up and go to his room.Takamasa trying to explain everything but Tenn didn't give him a chance to talk.

Tenn goes to his room with Takamasa following him from behind.Tenn take the box and throw at Takamasa.

"which the part that Riku and are just friend?which one you still want to say Riku kill my parent?"Tenn ask with angry.This time Takamasa didn't dare to say anything and just being silent because he know he made it worse.He shouldn't do that.

Tenn already pack his things inside the bag.Takamasa saw the bag.

"I will be back here after our collab concert done! you don't have to worry about me in this house anymore.You can focus to Aya.Just think about your explaination that you will tell me after i finish my project.You have no right to interfere my job."said Tenn and about leaving with his bag.

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