CHAPTER 21 >> [Crismon Diamond]

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Doctor are confirming about Riku's health result.It's showing that Riku are not stable yet so he have to stay for 2 or 3 day more until he stable.Tsumugi are telling Riku about his job and give some instructions to him even he had hard time to believe it.

Meanwhile, Yamato and Banri at Doctor's office to listen about Riku's result.

"About Nanase Riku,he had some emotional problems and high depression.When i ask him 3 simple question like 'what is your name?','did you know someone else?' and 'what the last things you remember?'..and his answer is 'i don't even know anything about it'... that's was what he answer the test.."said doctor while sighing and keep continue."then i tried something to test his traumatic and depression... it's was really really sensitive."

"Sensitive? Are you saying that, there's something that Riku can got effected by something that would make him in trauma."Yamato ask.

"It's easy to find out about that,when he started to talking alone that's mean he was talking with someone that we couldn't see it.I already read his history fail from Tokyo and it's seems like he already has that vision to see something..When he start talking to them,he would be normal if that's things are good but if he notice that things are not real, he's attack can be easily attack him.He still has traumatic things in his past so he was very sensitive if you guys force him to remember.. that's not good for him since his life sre not stable.All you guys need to do is give him some rest and always be with him when he had some panic attack and asthma attack.. That's things are the most dangerous if you guys not carefully aware with it.I will do some additional test,so if he has a little improve his health,he can be discharge but make sure to give him a lot of rest.Plus the weather is not good for him too"said doctor.

"We will make sure everything will be under control.."said Banri.

"Once he discharge, don't let him do anything that might using much energy since he is frail.."said Doctor.Yamato and Banri take a note about that and thank to the doctor.

"Riku-san,if you hard time to memorize,you don't have to force yourself.Doctor telling us that you should get more rest since you just awake after week.."said Tsumugi.

"..okay,..but i still in confuse..about my life.Even you show the video about me and the other,i feel like that wasn't me."said Riku.

Tsumugi a little bit down but she wouldn't give up on Tsumugi still keep her hope that Riku would be back as he are.

".. whether you.. saying that,all us will always be there for you.."said Tsumugi.She can read Riku's reaction right now as Riku didn't take it seriously.

"I'm just want to do the job because i want to end up it quickly"said Riku.Tsumugi didn't get it and look at Riku's eyes.

"What do you mean end up quickly?"

"End up everything,after done filming this kind of job,i will resign due to my condition.The person that we watch Nanase Riku is not me.I'm sure that must be other person.Why would i be like that when my health is not good.As i know,why would a person join to be an idol with weak body?I can tell myself that all of you are going hard time because of me,look at this why would this band always take hiatus so long?"said Riku with cold making Tsumugi speechless in the same time Iori heard everything and immediately answer Riku's curiousity once he burst the door.

"Nanase-san, it's really rude to say that to manager.All of us doing that because we are team.Like you say,all of us a like family.If one of us got problem,we will think about it together"said Iori.

"Like i say? That's is the previous Nanase Riku and I'm not that kind of person.I know he became burden to you guys but you didn't want to tell him that because you guys are using him right?"said Riku.

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