CHAPTER 6 >> [Will Idolish7 debut?]

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I still can't forget what happen to me in the past.I hate it,but it was to make sure Tenn-nii didn't get hurt same as the other too.I rather be die because I don't deserve to live.i just a burden to people around me.Kizuna-san's death is my fault.

It's my fault from the start.I wish i can go back to the past and killing myself at the hospital.So this things never be happen.

Not gonna happen..


Yamato were sitting while focusing in reading book not knowing Riku was half awake.

" that you?"said Riku with his crack voice.Yamato quickly get Riku.

"Riku, it's me,are you okay?need something?"said Yamato.

"Oh..Yamato-san...what happen?"

"You don't remember??.."

"I..guess..did i scold anyone?..or doing something that can make you guys broke?.."

"No,you were out of control and lost consciousness.."said Yamato.

" know everything about me right?.."said Riku.

Yamato give a half nodded and tucking Riku.

"Well, there's nothing to be worry Riku,your secret is save with me.You should tell me first since i was a leader and your elder brother"said Yamato.Riku chuckle a little and smiling at Yamato.

"Yamato-san..are you sure you can accept a dirty person like me?..who don't deserve get living like this?"said Riku as he clutch his hand.

"Riku.. don't say that,you should be greatful that you found your own talent.About your brother,i will help you okay?"said Yamato.

"Are you sure?.."

"Don't worry,if you don't feel well or need can relay on me okay?"said Yamato.

"Okay.. Thank you.. Yamato-san.."


"Gaku,can you join me to the hospital tomorrow?my mother sick and staying at the hospital right now...but i just scare to go alone.."said Ryuunosuke.

"I have part time tomorrow,you can ask Tenn"said Gaku.

"I don't know if Tenn will agree"said Ryuunosuke.

"I don't mind,we don't have any schedule tomorrow"said Tenn.

"Are you I'm not bothering your time off Tenn? You are type person who will use the off day properly.."said Ryuunosuke.

"I don't have any plan for tomorrow,and my uncle not at home tomorrow,he have to go somewhere"said Tenn.

"If you say that, thanks Tenn! I will treat you your favourite donut"said Ryuunosuke.

"Hahaha there's no need to do that Ryu"said Tenn.

"Buy for me too"said Gaku.

"Heh,a part time worker like you have time to hsve a donut?"said Tenn as he wanna to tease Gaku.

"Do you wanna to start a fight Tenn?"said Gaku.

Ryuunosuke always the one who automatically involved when Tenn and Gaku start to fight each other.

Next day,

"Riku, Nagahara-san bring your breakfast,he has message for you here."said Yamato as he handed the container with the note on it.

Riku take it from Yamato and pick the note first.

"Then,i need to sign some paper to discharge you.So eat your breakfast."said Yamato.

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