CHAPTER 19 >> [Pretend That we Never meet]

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"Why you never tell me about our past?"Tenn ask.

Riku look at Tenn in confuse.

"What do you mean?our past?"

"Riku just tell me if you hide something from me? I won't mad at you"said Tenn with soft first.

"I don't know what you mean..did we ever meet before?.."Riku ask.

"Riku,your brother already die at early years,Riku you should open your eyes and don't call me like how you call your late brother."

" tell me be-"

"That's is before Riku,at that time you are not feeling well so I'm not gonna ask you about this..since you feel better right now, it's the right time to tell you everything."said Tenn with cold face.

"But I'm being honest,my brother just di-"

"Did you remember you lost your memory before? So you didn't realize that your brother die already"said Tenn

"Who tell you something like that, it's not tru-"

"It's doesn't matter,you can't avoid it,you have to accept the fact!"

"I already move on but why you are saying he's die from the start?"

"Riku stop pretending that you didn't know.I know your intentions and other thing,but please move on and don't ever call me like that anymore.."said Tenn with harsh toward Riku.

"First of all,my brother just die.. Yamato-san and the other telling me everything happen when i lost my memory..with honest...who tell you the lies??? I never have any intentions or anything..i was really happy that you be my friend as rival and brother..why would i b-"

"Then,why you kill my parent?"Tenn making Riku shock.

"What?..wh-what do you mean?"said Riku as he freeze and didn't get what does Tenn mean.

"See,you hesitate,you actually knew me from the start and you remember me..but you pretend to be that kind..i mean fake kind toward everyone so you can get those attention from them.You are not sick but you just crazy because after losing your brother when you were child.You should open your eyes Riku.I'm the one who more suffer than you.. because you took my parent away and saying that your life was a hell.I knew it you just telling them lies.Stop pretending!!"said Tenn as he scold Riku with the worst.

Riku's heart start to beating fast and he about to cry.He hasn't fully recovered from fever.His asthma getting worst everytime he sees Tenn's mad face toward him.

"..i-.."Riku remember all his pain and how he suffered for years but Tenn suddenly blaming him."it' fault.."said Riku.Tenn stop and look at Riku.

"What ever you try to say, I don't believe you.. Everything already showed by your face that you already knew me from the day we meet..if you want me to forgive you,give my memories and parent back.AND don't ever dare to call me Tenn-nii anymore.. just pretend we don't know each other from the start..."said Tenn with cold and leaving the room.

Riku were having attack but Tenn doesn't care about it.Riku were saw some flashing past memory how Junne leave him suffer with attack.Riku take a deep breathe and trying to find his inhaler.Tenn already left him alone in that room and go to outside to calming himself but in the same time he got something hurt inside his hurt but he just ignore it and go.


"Don't worry,he will be fine tomorrow,since you guys will be around the cold weather,make sure to wrap him with the scarf and warm clothes.He was lucky to have member like you guys who inform is about his condition quickly..if not,he might be in coma.."said doctor that near the place they stay for last day before arrive at the Mishima.

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